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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Banobagi produces very natural and conservative results :smile: look for doctor park seon jae, doctor lee or doctor joong. Migo looks good too
But dear, do take heed that you should not visit too many clinics, really, cause you're gonna get so confused you don't know who's advice to take. and then you're gonna waste your time there.
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thanks for your advice.dear,do you think is good to bring the photo that i want or juz verbally describe to the doctor?
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I've book my ticket to Seoul on15/7, need help now to book guest house, can anyone tell me which area is the best to stay.. Ideally nearer to MyeonDong.. Btw, the area that full of plastic surgery clinica, what is the street call?

Anyone here would like to share accomodation?
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Hi there,
I'm planning to do my eyes, have short listed item, bk and jewelry (since you highly recommend), the previous 2 I can get their consultation locally as the doc visit here monthly, but I cannot locate jewelry actual address, can u give me their email or full address? Which doctor is good for eye surgery?
Do I really need to engage Zoe?
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It was 4500USD + 10% tax. I did mine from Dr. Hong. He was famous for
nose and facial contouring. :smile:
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definitely apgujeong or sinsa. myeongdong is the area for shopping but it's pretty far from the clinics. And after your surgery i'm not sure if you want to travel so far. If you're not on a tight budget I'd say spend more on an accommodation nearby so you have the comfort of going home after the surgery without having to travel a long way and endure endless stares ( i'm more self conscious so...)
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Is Zoe a translator ? Don't you need to pay for her service ?
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I definitely agree. I stayed at a guest house provided by BK and it was located in Sinsa. It took me about 20 min from sinsa to myeongdong by subway. There is a subway station right in front of BK. Myeongdong was definitely a fun place for shopping and food !! Don't miss it out ;)
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Dear all, i will be going back to seoul for 2nd post review plus gonna get eyes revision.
Will be in Seoul from 21st May - 27th May.
Anyone wanna buddy up? (spilt accommodation, meet up for meals...etc)
Do PM me.
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I wanna know did you face any difficulties when you're going back, airport customs etc? Because you'll have a whole new face and looking different?

Please send me an email: [email protected]
If anyone has an experience on this!
Thanks so much xoxo
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Ok guys/girls. Reached the exact 1 month mark today, and a summary of my op and experience.

Nose Before
Flat nose with wide nasal bone and alar base.

Done at
Regen by Dr. Kim Jung Woo (Chief Surgeon)

Procedures done
Narrowing of nasal bridge bone, alar base reduced, silicon implant on bridge and septal cartilage for tip.

6 mil KWN (From 8 mil bargain down to 6 mil)

Period of stay in Korea
10 days

Clinic and service level?
Very attentive, prompt and professional. Regen is more like a hospital than a clinic for their facilities is big. I think they have moved to a bigger premies by now. I had my op done during their last few weeks at their Apujeong clinic.

Only downside to it is... they don't provide complimentary hair wash like BK or VIP. You have to find ways to wash your hair. By yourself or at a salon.

Very. I asked for natural yet still wanting a nose like Han Ye Seul. I got 80% to it. :roflmfao: Can't wait for it to settle to it's final shape after 6 months. Most satisfied that there are no scars at the side of the alars. It's all done under the nostrils, and inner side of the alars and scaring now can be hardly seen.

Below pic I gave the doc as reference:

Why I chose my doc
I go for clinics and doctors with excellent track record, and I don't mind paying more for a well known doctor like Dr. Kim.

Why I am ok with silicon implant and septal cartilage
Silicon implant is a soft material throughout. Gortex is soft at first, but will harden like a bone after a period of time. Silcon looks better on girls, while gortex suit guys more if they want a strong look.

As for risk of infection, silicon is actually safe for the majority. People usually experience infection about 7 days, perhaps due to body allergy to silicon. Since I was staying there for 10 days, I was prepared to go back for re-op if *touch wood* if anything happen. But all is good. :cool:

Septal cartilage is preferred because... I prefer having nose material for nose. lol. Also, the less pain the better. Take note that doctor will use your ear cartilage if there are not enough septal cartilage material inside your nose.

Really depends on individual and if they are confident enough to go out even with a swollen face. For me, after 5 days, I went out with a mask, and put BB cream to cover the light yellowish swelling. After they remove the cast and outside nose stitches after 7 days, I can go out without wearing a mask. You know what they say about swelling going down? It was literaly true. The swell from the upper half of the face, went to the lower half of the face after a few days, making your face looks chubby. :graucho:

After 12 days, I can go out with confidence. (Of cos with makeup to cover up any remaining swelling color)

I knew all these info through extensive research on web, forums and even bought a book. (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/smart-womans-guide-to-plastic-surgery-jean-m-loftus/1100550679) Tip for all is visit several docs, discuss with them and chose whom you feel most comfortable/confident with. Also ask those who has done PS before on their experiences and feedback. I've got some of my questions answered by Jacqueline Koh even. She's a sweetie. (http://www.jacquelinekoh.com/)

The overall experience was frightening at first cos it was my first time having an op, and I'm afraid of the sight of blood and needles. But if you have gone through facial extraction and body waxing, then you can pretty much handle the pain for it's bearable.

All the very best. :heart:
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congrats for your successful surgery ! do you have any email add of regen where i can contact them?
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