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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Oh no.:sad: can I know what did the show said? Did they show pictures? Were premature ageing in girls who did plastic surgeries mainly from girls who did facial contouring? I am very worried and at the same time I want a smaller face
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Seriously??? Guess it kinda makes sense. Gosh..
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i think the doctors who are honest to you will tell you
that, and i think its also right if you think about
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Hey guys,

Just a quick update. My primary rhinoplasty surgery is today and I'm heading out in the next hour or so. You can read my previous posts by clicking on my username to find out which clinic I am going to and which procedures I'm only in for (only 2).

I'm freaking out and only because of my parents - again, I'm from a stereotypical, traditional asian family and your parents still run the house no matter how old you are.

I hate to come back and insult my mother by changing the nose "she gave me".
At the same time, I feel I would be so much happier and will gain so much more once I have my nose done. My current nose has been the stigma of growing up~

It's inner conflict that I am dealing with right now....

I've been reciting the buddhist mantra "藥師如來" and I'm not sure if it's going to heal or prepare me for what's coming next..
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where are you doing your nose
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Now you know why I got so mad when he told people to not use Zoe the translator because he claimed she took a 15 percent commission when in fact it was him taking the commission from 2 well known clinics, it's not the clinics paying him, it's you and 15 percent is a lot of money you can't afford!. Zoe was so shocked by the accusation that she posted a reply through me. If you remember he was prepared to ruin her career and kept telling people to not use a translator and everything he said I would say the opposite. It was hard for people to gage who the honest one was when we went to war, so if you backed my corner good intuition! I genuinely just wanted to help people because I know the ps journey is damn scary.

All I want in return is good karma so please send some my way!
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Karma is a *****. What should we send? lol. Just kidding!

FREE karma for all especially you! SENDING....
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yeah there are people who are making money
but still i think, did you have to mention sh.. name
if you went to that hospital ???
did he sugested it ??
im also trying to help people here and has gain a lot from this website
now im at seoul i also like to help people, because i
know its difficult to come to a foreign country
but i did put a lot of efford in to read all this 399 forum
so must you guys do to get a good opinion
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Like I said before, as long as you contact the clinics directly, you don't get scam by those people who make money off of you. I feel really bad for everyone who feels shocked and kind of lost where to go and who to believe. Words of wisdom - do not trust or follow anyone but just choose ps clinics that you think they would suit you the best because after all, the doctors and hospitals have ups and downs that they can produce good and bad results sadly. Really, there are a lot of people on this forum advertising their clinics and saying bad things about the other clinics. Don't trust anybody saying anything unless they have real experiences with their own pictures. AND LIGHTEN UP PEOPLE !! :smile: I hope all you guys who are planning on ps have good results and share with all of us soooon !!!
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JW rejects immediate scheduling of appointment? Thats kinda good to hear least you are assured u are NOT rushed throughout your surgery.

I was stacked in between 2 other patients so can you imagine if the Dr did not exhaust himself when he came to my O.T...?
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Was it me...?! I made the decision primarily on his "advise" and walked back towards the hospital....

I would be FLIPPIN' MAD if he took 15% cut from me (but I didnt eleborate his name cos my consultant is not Anna). Anyway, other than my STILL swelling nose, I don't see the Dr did a freak job on me.
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There are some packs you can freeze using a refrigerator by putting the packs into the fridge. When I was at BK, they gave some to me. Or check out the pharmacy if they sell any. then you don't have to worry about getting wet from the melting ice cubes :smile:
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Sent :smile:
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