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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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[FONT=&quot]Please recommend me the best plastic surgery clinics in Korea in terms of prices and quality. I have heard of BK Dongyang, OZ, and [/FONT][FONT=&quot]IAAN, and so far the BK website seems the most reliable, while the costs of IAAN are the highest and OZ prices run the lowest. I really do not trust this unless I get recommendations from more people.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I personally do not know anyone that goes to Korea for plastic surgery, I just thought Korean surgeons would know the Asian woman faces the best, and can offer service at a lower price than it is here in California. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]I [/FONT][FONT=&quot]am a college student in America, and I am trying to go to there in the summer in time for me to recover and get back to school in September.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Thank you,[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Anxiousgirl [/FONT]:thinking:
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  • 2 months later...

I´m also curious about peoples experience about these clinics. Please, share with us :smile:
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  • 3 months later...
I also heard many reviews that BK dong yang is good and reliable too!
I was looking for nose surgeon in korea and for nose specialty...
i jumbled in this one forum and found vip plastic surgery center is great for nose surgeries. they have 2 websites one was just translated in korean to eng, and one is i guess they made it for international patients. http://www.vipps-clinic.com/
i've emailed them and replied me with quick response. pretty nice^^
I'm just not sure when i will get to go there T_T gotta save up my savings sigh

wow i realized this forum article was made last year huh x(
anyone have plastic surgery places they know and can share???
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i've just joined the purse forum yesterday by googling around..
so it's really nice to meet you all :biggrin:
this forum is really fun to navigate around~ so many great info:yahoo:
well, the thing is.. i'm interested in rhinoplasty in korea><.

when i was searching for it, i've got up with few well-known names like
oz, bk dong yang, banogi, grand and etc. oz and bk have english consultation thing but other krn webs seem not to have one.. or they just don't email me back ; -; i googled around (as always lol) and i found english website for vip plastic surgery center. i guess they are not that well-known as other ones but it seems they are really good with rhinoplasty surgery. i just e-mailed just as i do for bk and oz consultation and i'm still in contact with the manager in vip. i think i've decided to go there when i am ready for the surgery because their before and after pictures in their website seems trustful too. i really like their first pic's before and after nose.. very sucessful imo cuz my nose is similar to the before pic lol http://vipps.co.kr/vip_eng/sub04.html#

So..does anyone know about VIP plastic surgery center and have done any surgeries there?

Thanks in advance ^^!!
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I just joined too because I wanted to know more also!

I can't find much on VIP so I cant be of much help with that. BUT, I've been researching on the topic a lot these passed few months cause I'm really determined to get a nose and eyelid job done. Out of all the research I've done, Dr. Park of Oz and Jung of Shimmian seem to be one of the better ones out there with less complaints. BK seems to be getting a lot of bad reviews so that's enough for me to lose complete interest.

I would like to know if anyone else has any other recommendations on where to go. PLEASE!!

I plan on traveling alone in January. If anyone is interested in buddying up, let me know! I'm Korean-American so my Korean is enough to get around
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I've researched that Park from Oz and Jung from Shimmian are both really good. I'm attracted to Banobagi but still indecisive. I wanted to get a rhino and eyes done but don't know where to go !
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thank thankies loverly =) :heart:!! yea BK seems to get complaints just by looking the forum here.. so i lost interest in that place too. Shimmian is a place i don't know yet~~ i just know that near apgujung station, there are many many plastic surgery center @_@ anyways i should search more about it too :biggrin:! thanks again^^!
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  • 1 month later...

i am having consults with BK and Banobaji. i am flying to korea from toronto canada and its a long way to travel to have surgery. i will be having double eyelid, rhinoplasty, and paranasal augmentation
i am wondering if anyone can share their experience with me if they so happen to have consult at these two places or have had surgery from there

to be honest, i am kind of freaking out. i mean, you fly half way across the world and leave your face to someone's hand. im also excited b/c i have always wanted to do this. i apprechiate any of your replies
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hi there, i'm from toronto as well, and planning to go to seoul for a revision eyelid this year. when are u planning to go? i'm looking into sept maybe... i heard that bandoeye is the best clinic for eye surgery, u may want to check out this place.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello guys! I decided to get plastic surgery done to my eyes on a whim, I figured I graduated college, perfect time to get it done before I start my career. Plastic surgery is rare amongst my group of friends but the 2 that I know that got eyelid surgery done, one had the procedure done in the city by a white doctor who had extravagant advertisements and seeing their end result honestly scared me and one recommended VIP plastic surgery to me and she had much better results (much cheaper too than NYC!). I bought a ticket to Korea, figuring...go to Korea where they are known for their plastic surgery and they know how to operate on asian faces. I just wanted a natural crease on my eyelid that will be permanent and not undo itself. I had very thick hooded monolids. I went to a couple consultations in Korea such as BK and Oz as mentioned here, their consultations did not seem sincere to me, not to mention that my korean is very broken and english is my language of choice. I felt they were not understanding my vision. Choosing a place got me more nervous and anxious and the competition between these places are steep since they are all located next to each other. I chose VIP because I felt like during my consultation, I was understood (not to mention some speak english!) The service was top notch (maybe thats why they call it VIP?)from the moment I stepped in. The place is also very clean and very well maintained and they are bustling with clients (it was also summer vacation, when most people decide to do ps) which made me feel that they were well experienced, both doctors also have years put into the practice and teach it as well in medical schools. I was given a private room to calm down and wash my face. I hate needles and I cant stand hospitals. I am probably the worst and most scared when it comes to these kinds of things. I can't even get a blood test done without thinking about it the night before and not being able to sleep! Even though the room was inviting, fully equipped with a bed, computer and tv, I sat on the sofa just staring at the wall until the friendly nurse told me it was time to go to the surgery floor. The surgery took about 2 hours for me since I went for the incision method and I had a lot of fat in my lids which he had to remove. I can truely say that the only part that hurt was at the beginning when he gave me 4 shots to numb the area around my eye. The shots took about 1 minute but they hurt and I was soo scared so the nurse held me hand. During the procedure I felt like the doctor was very thorough and made me feel at ease. I had to ask the doctor if he even started to make the incisions because I did not feel a thing! It was amazing and even when he started to stitch it, I did not feel one thing. 2 hours went by fast, I didn't even know I was in there for 2 hours until I asked what time it was when he was done. I couldn't see much and my vision was very blurry, the nurse led me to my room and she laid me down upright with a frozen eye pad. I ended up falling asleep and woke up 2 hours later where they served me lunch. I figured after a couple of hours after the anesthesia from the shots wore off, I would be in pain, but it was kind of odd that I wasn't! I was given antibiotic eye ointment to apply to my lid and nausea pills but I didn't need to take the nausea pills. 3 days after I had an appointment to remove the stitches and have a checkup. I wore sunglasses day and night, indoors and out...even in restaurants for dinner. I didn't want to stay stuck indoors on my vacation so I went out and enjoyed Korea. My experience was everything I could have asked for and thats why I had to share it with you guys 2 months later, I am back in nyc and very pleased with my results. My eyes are bigger, I can apply eyeshadow without looking weird and i can actually go without heavily lining my eyes with black liner like I used to just to make my eyes look bigger. I also wanted to just inform you guys that many surgeons will try to sucker you into getting a noninvasive method and just stitching your eyes because its easy money for them, this method will undo itself if you have hooded lids which makes you go back to them for a revision (which gives them more money) I can tell that my eyelids will stay put and everyday I feel like its getting better and better, more and more natural (The doctor told me realistic expectations was full recovery in 6 months) Everyone tells me I look a lot prettier and I have changed the views of my friends who were non-believers in plastic surgery. The staff and doctors at VIP really care about doing a good job on what you want and will tell you if your expectations are unreachable. I'm really happy I did it, if anyone wants to ask me anything I will give you truthful answers. I work a lot so it may take a while to get back to you but I will!
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Hey guys!! talking about plastic surgery, I've been to different plastic surgery clinics in Korea!:graucho: And I recommend BK plastic surgery clinic!!
Actually, I stayed in Korea for 2 years, working as an English teacher. And I was interested of doing plastic surgery in Korea, coz it was a lot cheaper than I expectd. Well, I had consultations in 4 ~ 5 different plastic surgery clinics(forgot the names of the clinics), then I chose to go with BK, because I felt comfortable. BK has a lot of newpaper articles, television interviews, and plenty of research documents. So it made me very comfortable to go ahead and make a consultation. One of my Korean collegue told me that BK is most famous plastic surgery clinic in Korea. That's why I chose BK for my rhinoplasty.:yahoo: Almost forgot that BK had English speaking staff who actually guided me until the operation and after operation. Good thing that BK had admission room that I was able to stay and get rest after operation. (Though nurse who took care of me couldnt speak English very well) All I can say is that I'm highly satisfied with my nose now!:nuts:
After surgery, just looking at my nose, I was able to know why Dr. Kim is known as one of the best doctors in Korea. :happydance:
And now, M planning to go to Korea again to have cheek bone reduction surgery done by Dr. Kim. If you are planning to have plastic surgery in Korea, try to visit BK plastic surgery clinic, I tell you, you will not regret for choosing BK.:biggrin:
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thank god, i'm so glad that i saw this before leaving for Korea.
Some threads sound like ads from the clinics... it was so confusing and hard to choose one. I made a consultation in early october at BK clinic.
Every place has good/bad comments. it never hurts to choose the most popular one i think. there has to be a reason why it is popular.
I believe Korean doctors anyway :smile:
Thank you people! it was helpful reading your threads!
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  • 4 weeks later...
hi nycspotlight! do u mind posting before and after pics of ur eyes? i heard VIP does great nose jobs, but never heard anything about the eyelids. would love to see how urs turned out!
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hi joseph851243! i initially wanted to get my eyelids and nose done at BK until i read some terrible reviews. but then i came across your post and it a reassured me a bit more. do u mind posting before and after pics?

since u work in korea, is BK a clinic where locals get their plastic surgery as well? because it seems like most of the ppl who talk about/go to BK are foreigners, which could make it "the most famous clinic in korea"
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