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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi, which clinic do you intend to go?
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Yea yea I don't mind. I'm sure when we reach there we will eetup more people through this forum as well. Hahaha
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Hi oceanbelle, I am thinking of 3 places - ID, smallface and cinderella (I like G.NA and I heard she went there. Lolz! But much depends on the consultations and how comfortable I am with the doctors.

Have you gone for your surgery or are you planning to go? Am thinking if I should email them my pics and see what their advice are.. Hmm...
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WOW Dan You really look beautifully stunning! :loveeyes:
There's really no sagging at all, and you look like a member of snsd.

Is there a big difference between your before and after?? Hope you can send me a pic of both if possible at [email protected]
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I Would prefer to exchange in SG 'cos no language barrier. Go to a recommended changer n chances u will be given a better rate esp if u xchange a big amount (some changers would ask you to come back the next day as they need to prepare the big amount).

Checklist... That depends on your surgeries and which season u choose to go.

- check HongKongphooey and Emisa's posts about facial contouring. HKP wrote a comprehensive to-do list i.e. food, health supplements, toiletries for post-op surgeries, etc. Both also wrote their journey to recovery and experience after their surgeries.
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Hey girl :smile:

I am healing well although i think there is still some swelling but guess it is norm , I can't wait till it to hit fifth month by then I should see most of the v line in place . Even shouislove told me she see big diff or final jaw line near the one year mark. I'm still counting down at least till date I'm still happy with what i see.

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Hi,I will have at tedium too,did u go back to hotel after surgery?what bandage?eyes surgery need bandage too??all over the head?
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Hey everyone I was wondering if u make your nose higher the part between the eyes does it change your eye shape in any way? I know its a stupid question but I always wondered about it :biggrin:
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hi ginger, at the moment did your face becomes noticeably smaller or did it get bigger cos of the swelling?
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Hi fallenangel... hang in there dear .. the 1st night is always unbearable. But they should hv given you some painkillers & antibiotics for a few days.

Dr. Kwon doesn't seem to have the habit to see his patient right after the surgery. But he's more than willing to see you after the surgery if you requested. I did that. :smile:

Btw, this may sound funny, but usually a fridge in a hotel has a freezer regardless the size. Have you checked the upper part of it?
I too was almost got "deceived".. in the beginning I thought my fridge @Highland Hotel didn't have a freezer. But luckily I checked again and "discovered" a tiny compartment which functioning as a freezer hehe.. The small fridge was located on the floor... So I had to bend over if I wanted to get something out of it. That's why I missed the tiny freezer as it was hidden from my angle of view.

Anyhow, if for whatever reason your fridge doesnt have a freezer, then what yoou can do is just buy a pack of ice cubes from the minimarket next door. then you can re-pack them into smaller plastic pack, wrap it with some tissue and you can use it to compress your swollen area.
The ice cube can't last long enough, but it's better rather than wait till you get to the clinic.
Or, maybe you can ask the hotel staff if they can freeze up your ice packs. :smile:

As per my experience, dr kwon has managed to deliver the shape & crease that I wanted as I over and over reviewed with him my ideal crease during the consultations and on the day of the surgery. You should get your outfold crease if you and him agreed on that :smile: Btw, Dr Kwon is known to have a conservative approach.. he's seeking what looks natural on a person. So bear in mind that what he suggests might not be as dramatic as other clinics might suggest.

As for my eyes, the progress is little by little... I think I'm a slow healer.. the upper lid and radix (nose bridge) area are still swollen a bit... but overall I'm quite satisfied with my eyes :smile:

Happy healing to you :smile: try to move around and do a light work out in your hotel room if you can't get out..
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Thanks ! Of course there is a huge difference between before and after. lol I used to have really chubby face with no such a thing as dynamic facial feature. :biggrin: I sent the pictures to you so check your email.
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Awesome !! can I see b/a pics please ? [email protected] thanks !!!!
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Did I miss something while I was away? Auntie, PM me pls. Kim,. how are you? How was your surgery?
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Tooney, just got back from the follow up treatment. Dr kwon came in to see me after the bandage was removed. He asked me to open and close my eyes, he then said ok. I asked if my crease was outfold and he said slightly, I guess u are right he decides what's best for you. U know what? We spent only like 5 minutes talking prior to the surgery, i said to him crease as high as possible and natural. he looked at my eyes and said I have memorised your face and know what kind of eyes to give you, trust me! I hope and pray that his judgment was right! I'm seeing him again on Saturday and having the stitches removed on Sunday then dash to the airport for my 12 hour flight!!!

I almost turned my fridge upside down, still no mini freezer. Its weird. When do i do the hot compress? Again no microwave for that but I Will put in Hot water to make it warm. I'm just too tired to do anything, not even shopping. Not a great sign? There's searing pain now and then in the brow area. oh well I hope I feel better tmrw to go out. Thanks again for your input.
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