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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I had my tiplasty surgery today at JW Clinic.
For the most part, I feel normal, just a bit uncomfortable with a nose stuffed full of gauze...

When I arrived at the clinic for my surgery, Yumi took me upstairs and had me change into the surgery clothes. The 5th floor has both operation rooms and recovery rooms, it's all very clean and the decor is lovely and tasteful. Classical music was playing in the background as I was guided to the operation table. They shaved my nose hairs and stuck a needle into my right arm for the anesthesia. Yumi was with me the whole time, talking to me about random things so that I'd remain calm. I was starting to get panicky and nervous when the anesthesiologist was unable to find my veins (I've been told that my veins are very small from other doctors as well...), but thankfully she only stuck the needle in my arm once and i was good to go.

There isn't much to say about what went down during the surgery... but i did wake up. But I was too groggy to actually feel anything. I managed to mutter, "please make it pretty" in Korean before I was knocked out again. I was later told that they had to wake me up because I wasn't breathing. There was too much phlegm blocking my airway. This is my fault. I was/am a little sick, but I didn't want to have to reschedule the surgery, so I didn't tell anyone.

When I woke up, Yumi half carried me to a recovery room. Even though she had sprained her ankle, she helped me go to the bathroom and back to my room. I can see why most clinics shoo you out of the recovery room within an hour after surgery. By that time, I felt good enough to walk out and take the subway home... But I was allowed to use the room all day because I had come alone, and the doctors/nurses felt bad that such a young child came to do surgery all by herself. I eventually left around 7, and by then i was getting cabin fever with nothing but my ipod to occasionally communicate with people.

Presently, I'm feeling quite hearty. Despite the bloody/stuffed nose.. I'm doing quite well.. Hopefully I'll heal quickly~ My stitches come out next Saturday. I have swelling and a little bruising around my eyes. I'm going to guess this is because I neglected to use the ice pack on my face so that I could watch TV.... Now I'm paying for it...

Tomorrow, I will be going to get my cotton gauze changed and hair washed :smile:

That is all~! 'til next time!

Those of you wondering, for JUST tiplasty, I paid 2.65 million krw.
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Thanks for the reply eightbelow. Will consider changing it here then!
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You are so quick at updating your surgery! Soo excited to hear about your result. Keep praying
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No worries, it all good. We'll meet some other time. Right now all I wish for my cousin Kim is a speedy and healthy recovery:smile:.

I have to catch up on months of being away...I'm kinda lost to what happened.
Ok Kim rest up...hoping the unveiling of your journey is everything you had wish for.;)
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Omg! Yeah the stitch removal hurt like crazy. I moved accidently n then I started shaking...hahahaha Zoe had to hold me down. :P. I had my nose done at Teium I absolutely love it. It's not my dream nose (song hye kyo's nose)...I couldn't achieve that nose because of my super thick skin. Even after tip defatting I don't have a super Sharp define tip but its smaller. BTW, Dr Kim prefers gortex so I have gortex.
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Don't depend on the fridge inside room . Its really disappointing.
call up room service instead
and have a bucket of ice send into your room.
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Wow! Sounds like you had a good experience so far ^_^ glad you are okay..not breathing must be scary but all was fine so thats good :smile:

Was wondering if you had the link fot JWclinic and email? I may contact them as Ive heard stuff about them so want to see if theyre good too :smile:
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I've had so many good experiences while I've been in Korea! Mostly because I look scared and bewildered all the time, everyone's pathos kicks in and helps me out a lot!

And I'll PM you the details so that their emails won't get picked up by spam mail sites :smile:

What are you planning on getting done?
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Hi,do u mind share ur b/a picture,cause I wanna go to teium too,but don't know if really good for nose surgery,my first intend doing eyes,but I feel very trouble if doing 2 surgery in another place,so if they can do good job too, I might consider do the nose at teuim,thanks
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Okay :smile: Looking forward to it ~!
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Hi fallenangel...don't be scared too much.. just prepare for it.. it will be over before you know it :smile:
There's no need for numbing cream. I don't know if they have it.. they didn't offer it to me... and I didn't ask either coz I just wanted the stitches to be taken asap hehe...
You'll feel very much easier to open/close your eyes after the stitches are gone :biggrin:
Don't worry eventhough Dr Kwon is not around. The nurse will clean up your eyes and put ointment on them. There might be a little bleeding from the stitches wound but it's normal. After a few minutes it would stop by itself. Usually the blood coagulation rate is 1 minute. So this is not to worry about. But I just let you know so you would know what to expect.

Yea I heard about the de-swelling tools.. but I don't think you need it coz you didn't do major facial contouring.

Pineapple works well with me.. at that time I couldn't find it at the minimarts so I bought a slice of pineapple on a skewer everytime I saw some on the street.. KRW1000/ea .. quite expensive I'd say.. but well for the sake of de-swelling hahaha.. also I bought the biggest size pineapple juice (mixed with other fruit) at Jamba Juice Myeong Dong hahaha... in the mean time, I gobbled up a lot of aloe vera juice.

Btw, dont drink pineapple juice on empty stomach.

You should throw away your bread & sandwich and enjoy the myriad delicious food around you hehehe... eat bulgogi, bbq pork, gamjatang, vietnamese pho, steak, etc etc... :biggrin:
It's perfectly okay :smile: but you should refrain from consuming alcohol, salty food and seafood..
Some people say it's okay to eat chicken , egg & peanuts.. but I didn't eat those as I believe it can make the wound itch & fester.
Eat lots of veggies... spinach is good for wound recovery.

Well, I think you can now go out and shopping hehehe... don't forget your sunglasses & hat ;)
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Same for my case now. Will be there on 19 to visit teuim but not sure of their nose job.is gore-tex good? I prefer silicon tho. Can share with me ur nose b&a pic?
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Haha i shall keep that in mind. I am going with my young auntie and me and her never been to korea by ourselves. Im not the adventorous type haha usually my mum is and she is better at directing places :P so should be fun ^_^

Thanks for the email. I shall email tonight :smile:

Planning on rhinoplasty and possible fat graft. Maybe eyelid revision too but not sure :smile:

Hows your recovering so far? Which hotel you staying at?
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Goretex is meant to be more natural in compariaon to silicone. Its better overall as its natural and infection rate is lower than silicone. However only bad thing is its hard to augment after if revision is needed.
Silicone is used if you want a more defined nose.
I personally would like goretex but not many clinics do it now as silicone is also easier to operate with l. Most clinics prefer soft silicone or goretex mixed silicone implants.
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