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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I will be there from 5th to 20th June if you want to hook up.
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I'm going in June with double eyelid purpose. We should gather up to bargain price.:graucho:
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I've already booked tickets to Korea on the first of July! Gonna do my eyes and nose =D
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Hi thanks for sharing! I wanted to get my nose and eyes done at either Regen or banobagi... still not sure which clinic to go to! Which one did you get your nose done at? Do you have b/a pictures?
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Hi Seoulyshy, I am planning to go in June or July. Because I am afraid that I may not have time in Oct or Nov, and I do have concern on recovery in Winter time. Regarding which clinic to choose, I haven't decided yet. Most people recommend BK, and the most ad. I saw are from them. They are off today, maybe I do an online consultation first with them tomorrow.
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I got everything done at Banobagi. No pics yet, as I'm only 6 day post op and it's impossible to tell the results at this point. Maybe in the future when I'm all healed up.
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V-line is the name given to jaw reduction + chin reduction. If you don't reduce your chin along with your jaw, then it's just jaw reduction. Jaw reduction surgery is only mandibular angle reduction and/or sagittal splitting osteotomy, meaning you remove the "angle" or squared edge of your jaw from side view and shave the sides of your jaw bone to make them more narrow from front view, respectively. I'm not sure if V-line surgery is relatively new, but it sounds like it was invented because in the past, certain people who only had jaw reduction were left with a wide "dog chins." Unless you have a small chin to begin with, when you reduce the width of your face and not the chin, your chin may end up looking big. Hence, the need for V-line surgery.

There are a couple of ways to do V-line surgery. Some doctors shave down the sides of your chin along with your jaw. Others detach your chin, make a "T-cut" to narrow the chin and pin it back. The doctor's skill and your face shape probably determines which method is used. Dr. Oh at Banobagi used the former method on me, for which I'm glad because it appears less invasive. Dr. Park at ID recommended the second method for me. Anyway, if you go on Regen, ID, Banobagi, and Grand's website, they all explain V-line surgery vs regular jaw reduction and the different methods used. I think you should really do your research before going to Korea. This is a big operation and you should at least know the basics before going to the consultations so you can ask appropriate questions after the doctor's recommendations. You only get a limited amount of time with the doctors and you want to avoid spending it on asking questions that are explained on their website.

The place I'm staying at is great. It's a studio I rented on airbnb. I chose it because it was very close to Yong Dong and half the price. There's a kitchen and washer/dryer here which is very convenient. I'm not sure if Yong Dong provides that.

I brought cash and paid for my surgeries in cash to avoid fees. My bank charges 3% so I saved a few hundred bucks.

As for tips, I would say do you research about the procedures you want and read the forums. If you are serious about getting V-line surgery, go to Cozycot, read that entire Cheekbone Reduction thread so you can make the most informed decision. Once again, this is a big surgery and you really need to know what you're getting yourself into.

Print out maps of the area you'll be staying in, as well as subway maps. Pack comfortable clothes for lounging around post op. Button up shirts will be helpful since you don't want to pull tight shirts over your head post up. Pack some protein powders and dried soup because if you do V-line surgery you'll be on a liquid diet for a week. You can buy liquid food here too, but I saved money by bringing my own.

Take Arnica, Sinnech, Bromelain and Vitamin C supplements if you haven't already. I'm not sure how much you've prepared yourself but I hope you have not been drinking or smoking.

Bring surgical masks. On my first and second day post op, I was too ill/tired to leave the house. But by the third day I was exploring the city. I looked like hell with a swollen face and bandaged nose but I wore a hat and surgical mask. It's not a big deal in Korea. People sometimes stare but they don't know who I am. I'm like an anonymous ninja. Some recommendations of things to do in Korea are:

-Shopping! There is a ridiculous amount of shopping. So maybe pack light, if you intend on buying clothes. There are various districts for shopping including Insa-dong, Myeongdong, Garusil-gil, and Itaewon that's worth checking out.
-Seoul Zoo
-Cheonghecheon stream

Just to name a few.

If you have not, you might want to hire Zoe. I tried to book her but she was full. I ended up not having a comeptent translator at Regen and I also got lost a lot. I would've saved myself some trouble if I'd hired Zoe, although I think I managed fine.
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Wow you are so detailed babe. Thanks for sharing! where u bought your Arnica, Sinnech, Bromelain? From SG?
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Hi snowflower, Jun / Jul u their summer sale if I'm not wrong. Big time shopping after lookin pretty!
On a contrary, I heard cooling weather speed up healing.
I want to do eyes and vline. I know BK Dr Hong is good in facial contouring but never heard of his double eyelid skills so not sure if I shld get him to do my eyes. I met Dr Kim in SG last mth. The conversation went well but am somehow suspicious whether he will do a good vline job since I've only seen his good eye job. Confused man. FYI , they have a simulation on their site so u can see how u look like after surgery. Cool man.
Second option is VIPP but doesn't like the way they asked me to do other surgeries which I didn't asked abt and omitted my qns regarding eye a job. Faintz.
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Sorry typo earlier.
Hi snowflower, Jun / Jul is their summer sale period if I'm not wrong. Big time shopping after lookin pretty!
On a contrary, I heard cooling weather speed up healing.
I want to do eyes and vline. I know BK Dr Hong is good in facial contouring but never heard of his double eyelid skills so not sure if I shld get him to do my eyes. I met Dr Kim in SG last mth. The conversation went well but am somehow suspicious whether he will do a good vline job since I've only seen his good eye job. Confused man. FYI , they have a simulation on their site so u can see how u look like after surgery. Cool man.
Second option is VIPP but don't like the way they asked me to do other surgeries which I didn't asked abt and omitted my qns regarding eye job. Faintz.
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Hello people, I'm in Korea w 2 friends whom I met on CozyCot forum. It's around 5am and I'm typing this cos we all can't fall asleep LOL.

We all did facial contouring surgery i.e. zygoma and mandible. 2 of us did T-cut at the chin, rhinoplasty and eye bag removal. We're on our 3rd days but still bandaged up pretty badly so results aren't out yet and we can't confirmed if Jewelry did a good job. We should have them removed when we visit their clinic later at 4pm as per scheduled!

Actually we weren't set on doing our surgery at Jewelry cos there wasn't much reviews and we wanted drastic changes. But the head manager, Kim Bo Kyung managed to persuade us w her superb marketing tactics haha. We only visited Small Face before that but weren't impressed by their surgical methods and their consultants offered us prices that much exceeded our budget. Our first stop was to try to locate Romain but after 2~3 h of searching and asking for directions, we gave up on finding.

We'll update our results later!! As of right now, I can't wait to remove our bandages cos it's so restricting and I can't wait to brush my teeth and go out shopping!! We keep walking up and down the same path for some exercise and it's been so boring. Hope everything works out well for us~

Love x
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Happy healing! Keep us posted =)
How are you all feeling? (besides non-sleepy haha)
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