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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi there,

How much did u pay for those 2 procedures of ur nose?
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Hey Eightbelow, how's you? I met up with kkim last night and she said you left the other day. Yes, I know you had osteotomy too! Yaahh, the bruising and swollen thing will be there for a while. I know that when you get osteo there tends to be more swelling and bruising than if you had just tiplasty for instance. I'm expecting it to be like this for a while but I don't mind coz I know its normal and there's no pain so as far as I'm concerned the surgery's done and over with and I'm so relieved and feeling positive! I'm writing to you on my laptop in the hotel room now with the ice eye pad thing OZ gave to me over my nose at the moment lol. Multi-tasking! :smile:

The bruising has gone to red now as opposed to black/blue so I think it's getting better. As other people has said, the swelling tends to move down the face which is what I've got now too - it's now in my cheeks. So yeah I look nice and ballooned up lol. Really don't mind though, just part of the package which everyone has to go through. I've been taking pics everyday coz I'll look back one day and laugh.

Hope you're recovering well!
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Have you sent pictures of yourself to clinics? Prices will differ depending on what you are having done. Also, bear in mind when you actually have the consultation they surgeon may say something different than what he recommended to you in their email to you. That happened to me with BK.
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Heya - I know what you mean about the medication making you feel tired. Try buying some red ginseng which you can get in the supermarket. My Korean friend said it'll help give you energy. I'm 2 days post op and I'm going to take a little today before I go for a walk. If you're not in a state to get some then I can get you some from the supermarket round the corner from me. If you have kakao my ID is jew1982. Recover well!
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Hey!!! Sooo sorry for nor emailing you back - since I had the surgery on Friday I haven't been on purse forum coz I was too busy icing my nose - 20mins on and 10 mins off, repeat etc so it seems like 24/7 lol.

No I didn't get to my jw appointment on time. I did go but BK kept me waiting and by the time I got to JW, Yumi said they had waited for me but Dr Suh was doing a surgery right now - understandable as I got there like 40 mins late but thought I'd try anyway. I rushed to my 3pm appointment with Dr Park at OZ and I'm SO glad I saw him. I was with him for about 45mins and I felt super comfortable. And coz he speaks English very well there was zero communication problems.

You asked about the price I paid. Though the price wasn't the biggest factor for me I was happy with Dr Park's quote which was about $4300. So that was for osteotomy to shave the laterall sides of my nasal bone, humpectory to shave and smooth down the hump on my bridge, and tiplasty using septal cartilage. He also gave me a little discount coz I paid cash. I thought it was reasonable as I was having a few things done, and at BK they quoted me more than that even though Dr Hong recommended only humpectory and tiplasty without the osteotomy. I thought, what was the point in just shaving down the hump and not the sides by osteo, coz from the front I'd still have a very wide nasal bone - which may look worse if he just shaved down the hump, the width could look even more wide and flat. Dr Park said it didn;t make sense to just shave down the hump and not narrow the nasal bone. I completely agreed with him.

I want to stress to you and anyone who is thinking of having surgery to note that surgery IS an emotional rollercoaster. When you're reading these forums it's easy to read and research and decide that yeah I'm gonna have surgery. Even though this is something I've wanted from a very young age I didn't realise that surgery could be traumatising... I won't go into detail of my sedation and experience during surgery but lets just say that I didn't just go to sleep and wake up and it was all done. Once they sedate you with the anesthesia, different people react to it in different ways. My experience wasn't great and let's just say I was awake from the second half of the surgery onwards (meaning I heard EVERYTHING, including the rasping/grinding of my nasal bone, pleasant I know lol) but I just didn't feel anything. The first half I was in a trance, or as kkim neatly described it, it was like taking the strongest LSD drug.

My point is, the experience will effect people in different ways, so please please be aware of this, and prepare to not expect the surgical experience to go in a particular way. You may have been super brave the weeks before surgery, but when you go under and start feeling the effects of the anesthesia, you may freak out. Hey, you may not. I did a little and I wasn't expecting to.

That's just the surgical experience. Post operation, you will feel super tired and dizzy and you will be taking medication of antibiotics and perhaps painkillers. So you're body is going to go through a lot internally. Externally, things swell up in different areas and you may bruise (different colours on different days lol) Just be prepared and stay strong!

For me, I have no regrets - even during that slightly traumatising surgical experience - I realise that that is just how my body reacted to it. I will certainly NOT be thinking of having surgery again that's for sure lol, but I felt I needed to warn and let everyone know and be prepared yourself if you are going to have surgery :smile: The post op now is what I call the easy part. I actually don't mind seeing my face swelling and bruising up coz I know for sure that it'll go down and I just gotta keep icing it, walk as much as I can, catch up with other people and watch lots of tv in the hotel :smile:
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Hey gal thank you fr the emails!!! Your nose look very natural!! Did u do anything to the bridge of your nose and the the tip? your nose seem smaller also did u do any reduction. I think you look gd in before pic also especially when u smile u have very nice chin =) Other than nose did u do anything? Which clinic u go for treatment? :graucho:
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Hey Elisabeth, I'm in Seoul now and flew in from London and didn't need a visa. I don't think you need one, depending where you are flying from but as long as you don't stay for longer than 3 months you should be ok. But just google it to make sure as I don't know where you are flying from.

Regarding the translator... don't know Korean either. I booked at 3 consultations but only went to two - BK and OZ as BK kept me waiting for ages and I got to JW too late. One of the things I didn't realise about Seoul and the plastic surgery area is that it is MASSIVE. Not just the buildings but also the roads and traffic etc. I also underestimated the distance between the clinics - I thought they were fairly close but for the ones I chose (out of approx 400 ps clinics!) I had to get a cab, and with all the traffic etc, it was just rush rush rush!

The other problem I'm finding is the communication. I've travelled quite a bit and usually I find it easy to get around on my own and communicating. But here, hardly anyone speaks or understands English. Having an English translator would have been great, coz for example the "English staff" at BK did a not-so-great job in translating Dr Hong's Korean into English - and I mean, that's the most important part of the consultation - what the surgeon is saying?! I was like, how come he's talking for a good 10 seconds, and this translator gives me only a few words afterwards for the translation?

I know there was one girl called Zoe who people in this forum were using as she is an English translator. I didn't use her, as I did all the emailing back and forth to clinics myself, which you can do too. But had I known how lost one could feel in Seoul, having someone here as an English translator as well a friend before, during and after surgery (as my surgical experience wasn't all that great).

I've met up with a few peeps here who've done their surgery as well as another girl called Nicole who is an English translator for a ps clinic n Seoul. I had to cancel my appointment at the clinic she works at coz the surgeon decided to have his day off on the day I was having all my consultations, but Nicole, who I had been emailing back and forth when I had first contacted the clinic a few months ago said we could meet up as friends, since we had been communicating for quite a while and so I thought yeah why not, it'll be good to hang out with someone who speaks English. The reason I haven't mentioned the clinic’s name is coz she just told me yesterday afternoon when we were having lunch that she was going to leave this clinic (its putting too much stress on her) and move to work at a smaller clinic, but only part time. The other part time job she's been thinking about working as an English translator, as well as a friend and company for foreigners who are undergoing surgery and need someone to help them when they arrive to Seoul, so whether its booking clinic times, hotels, picking up and the main thing of course the translation. Man, if I had known this I would have asked her to help me before I had booked all my appointments, as I she would have spread them out a bit more and at least I’d have a proper translation of what the surgeon says.

I’ve met up with Nicole twice in the last 3 days and seeing her tonight to get our nails done ☺ She is such a sweet girl and very caring, and I said that I would help her in passing her email address to this site since I’ve been on this site the last few months. Funny though, I never thought about getting an English translator and didn’t even bother thinking about it. But now that I’m here, I can see how it would make a big difference, and that there needs to be more people like Zoe and Nicole!

Since I am seeing her tonight I’ll tell her that I’ve mentioned her name to you and of course anyone else who is interested in contacting her. I don’t know how much she will charge as she is just starting to do this, but I know she’s very professional. Not only is her English really good but she’s very caring to your needs and she knows about the whole surgery experience as she’s currently taking care of several other English speaking patients and she knows how there is a shortage of English speaking translators and helpers in this plastic surgery field. I haven’t mentioned the clinic she is currently working for out of respect because she is going to leave this month, but I’m sure she will tell you personally when you are in touch with her.

She’s definitely not in it for the money, simply for the care and help. Look at me, there was no reason for her to want to meet up with me since I didn’t even go to the clinic for my consultation, so she’s only meeting up with me coz she wants to hang out and she knows how boring it is post op. She’s originally from China but has lived in Germany, her English is very good and so is her Korean. As I friend I told her I would help her (she's done so much for me anyway, without asking for anything from day dot). If you’re interested I can give you her email address later, as I can tell her today when we meet up that I can pass her email to forumers who are interested in contacting her personally.
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I like yr spirit - positive n spritely! Im keeping my fingers crossed for my result as my nose is still swollen.

I look forward to seeing yr result :smile:
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Wow that sounds really scary waking up during the surgery. I would freak out if i were you. Anyways, did you ask about our concern regarding the bumps after the osteotomy? And you met up with kim! I wonder how she's doing?
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Thanks. I'll definitely check them out :smile:

The fact they dont speak English kind of irks me... But I may be using a translator anyway so hopefully be okay :P

Where did you stay during your time in S.korea??
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