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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I will be there since 29 of october :biggrin:, I have to went to recheck my nose first with the previous clinic I ve done^^ they need to check the progression
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Sure. I'm going to see her either tomorrow or Wednesday and she said she'll give me her email address then. I met up with her last night and she's really looking forward to start doing this part time job on her own.
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I'm finding post op pretty easy coz I think the worse it over and done with. I wanted to let everyone know my personal experience during my surgery. I know everyone is different and will react differently to the anestheatic. I know that kkim slept through hers and woke up once. I kinda thought that once they sedate you that you'll just fall asleep, have a nice dream and them wake up and it's all done. You might sleep, you might be awake some of the time but mine was certainly was not like that, and I've got be honest as I can't just say that my experience was a breeze coz it wasn't. I'm just letting people know so you can all be prepared for the journey - if I had known this then I might have dealt with it better. I'm not saying it was the worse experience ever, but it wasn't pleasant. However, I do feel a lot stronger after that, as in I feel it's kind of toughened me up :smile: You will be fine, everyone always is at the end, after surgery, but just please don't expect it to be a certain way, coz you just don't know.

At oz they gave me an icepack, pain killers and anti biotics for 5 days for free. I saw the Dr Park after the surgery and he said it all went fine (he always seems so relaxed!) and I saw him the following day when the nurse cleaned my nostrils. I'll see him now this Wed when they take the stitches out as well as the mould on my nose, which I'm really looking to coz it means I can wash my face (serious exfoliation lol!) Every doctor is different, some will take everything off after 5,7 or maybe 10 days. Dr Park just prefers 5 days. You're right though, you can't really wash your hair after surgery but I just got mine down from a hair salon round the corner from my hotel which was quite cheap. I'll go there again tomorrow I think.

Today the swelling has gone further down my face, and there's still bruising around my eyes. I look like a cabbage patch kid and you can't see my cheek bone but just puffy cheeks lol. I don't mind it at all coz it's just part of the package.

I'm still jetlag so I've been going to bed about 1am and waking up about 12pm lol, so by the time I get up it's like lunchtime and I need to take the anti biotics 3 after meals three times a day so I might have to have a snack in between lunch and dinner to take them.

But yes, lots of walking and meeting up with other forumers has been great. I've been meeting up with a friend everyday. The day seems to go pretty quick too.

Be excited for your surgery, as long as you are 100% sure you want to do it, then you should feel excited, and of course nervous - everyone is pre op. You're arriving tomorrow right?
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I'm in Seoul at the mo and so far since I've been here I heard that banobagi is good. It's quite a big clinic but a lot of Koreans go there. I had it on my list to go to but Dr Lee decided to have his day off the day I had booked my consultation so I didn't end up going there. You should check out ID and JW too (I walked into JW and it looks nice, but came too late for my consultation)

Oh and by the way, if anyone is thinking about BK.. Last night when I went to a local nail salon with my Korean friend, we were talking about plastic surgery (obviously, since I'm sitting there with a cast over my nose!) and my friend was translating what the nail girls were saying, and they were pretty against BK. I assumed BK may not be so popular here as they were all shaking their heads and saying not to go there. I'm just saying..

I would recommend anyone who is coming to Seoul to spend at least 2 days of going into different clinics. There are 400 clinics in this area! 400!!!!! It's so strange coz when I was researching and reading these purse forums I only heard of a handful (VIP, item, jw, bk, wonjin etc) and I thought these were the best. It's not true. There are so many clinics here but we're not aware of all the names. It'll be good if westerners/foreigners coming to Seoul were to be more aware that there are hundreds of brilliant surgeons here - not just a handful like I used to think. Also, I've been told that the surgeons reputation is crucial here. They don't want to screw up. Therefore there are lots of really good surgeons but it's recommended that you try and see many clincs over a few days before you decide which one to go to. You've got to feel 100% comfortable with the surgeon. That's how I chose my surgeon but it would have been nice to have seen more, as I didn't realise how much one is spoilt for choice!
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Glad you slept well Kim! Don't worry about the upturned nose. I AM right and it IS normal lol!

Let's meet up to go shopping soon.
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I will do! I'm meeting Nicole in the next day or so and she said she will give it to be then. She is not in it for the money by the way (she's super sweet and very caring) and it'll be part time for her.

She's had lots of experience in her current clinic (which she's quitting at the end of the month) in regards to listening to English speaking patients and what their concerns are. She meets up with her patients out of clinic hours (like me! Even though I didn't do my surgery there) coz she knows how boring it can me post op. She's given me loads of advise as I met up with her over a korean bbq last thurs, the day before my surgery. At first I thought she was gonna promote her clinic (coz like, why is she meeting up with me??) but after I told her that I've already booked and paid for my surgery at oz she just started adivising me and asking me how I was feeling. She's just the nicest girl and I'm gonna stay friends with her when I leave for sure (hopefully she'll come to London to stay with me and I can treat her out too).
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Yes I did ask Dr Park and the lumps and bumps after osteo and he said he hadn't heard about that, and it would be a slim chance. I had to take his word on it as I couldn't force him to give me a better answer lol, and I genuinely believe he was being honest. We will just have to see when I take the cast off and in the next few weeks/months.

I still do understand your concern and I did double think about whether I wanted to do osteo, but I knew that I really wanted to, coz I had a really wide nose bridge + a hump, so for a surgeon to get rid of either one, you would need to perform an osteo.

Of course I am hoping there won't be any lumps and bumps, but already I am happy with my results because my nose tip is higher than before (do you remember it was really droopy and flat before) so to see it higher is already a blessing for me :smile:
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Yes hon, and yours too! I hope it all goes well, and stay in touch and update up on your progress!!!! :smile:
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Hey, can I ask when your going next year, cause I'm planning to go in feb too (beginning though)
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Don't worry, babe. It is normal to feel tired and drowsy for the first few days. I felt the same too after ops. Eat to regain strength, drink more to flush out the anesthesia in the body and go out for a walk to have some fresh air. Hang in there yea. My nose looks very natural now but I prefer a higher bridge and hence, planning to redo it together with other procedures. Hopefully, all goes well and it will be a success (fingers crossed). Feel so scared of going through it again. All for the sake of beauty. No pain, no gain lol.. :P
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I'll be in Seoul from 28th onwards and having my surgery the next day at VIP. Let's have a TPF gathering in Seoul!
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Wow, thanks for being so detailed... :smile:

I'm arriving on Sept 19 in the wee hours at 6am... And gonna start my consultations for the entire day. Will be super shag by then. My first night is at Manhattan hotel, subsequent nights will all be at sunshine hotel, coz sunshine is fully booked on the day I arrive, so had no choice but to book another place.

Hey, did nicole mention if Grand, ID and JW is good for their rhinoplasty? I've booked for consultations with them and like u said, these are only the few that I have heard about. Tried getting apptm for banobagi, but wed is full, and thurs doc lee is on leave, so I can't get the surgery till fri. I'm leaving on Sept 27, so I guess it'll be too rush for recovery and stitches removal. Can Nicole recommend which clinics are good for both eyes and nose? Really don't wanna risk having any revisions in the future.
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My appointment with JW is at 10am, since that's the only time I can see Dr. Suh... I should be done with my hair washing/deswelling treatment and check up by 11, but just in case, don't leave your place until I text you.. I'll let you know when I'm leaving JW, and I'll take the subway to Sinsa station.. Since it's only one stop it should only take me about 10 minutes from JW to Sinsa Station Exit 6...

I'll see you tomorrow~!
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