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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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^ Please update on which clinic you decide on after your consultations. I want to go for consultations at JW, Banobagi and ID too. I'm also getting my eyes and nose done. Good luck with everything!
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Nicole texted me her email address this afternoon and its:

[email protected]

I don't know if she knows much about other clinics as she only has experience in her own clinic (which btw she won't try to promote it and get you to go to her one.. Plus, she's leaving the place end of this month anyway) so it's better you tell her which clinics you want to see and let her book the appointments for you.

She won't recommend certain clinics because really and truly, all the clinics seems to be very good in Seoul (and their reputation is crucial) but the most important thing is the correct translation into English during your consultation, and Nicole can do this.

I met and spoke to Yumi when I went to JW (even though I didn't see Dr Suh coz I got there too late) and no offence to Yumi, she's a really sweet girl and everything, but her English isn't that good (though it seems to be in the email corresponding) so I was a little suprised when I saw her at JW coz I thought her English would be better (sorry but I'm being honest!)

The translation from the English staff at BK during my consultation with Dr Hong was pretty bad, and I was so frustrated, that I think that's one of the reasons why I went with Dr Park from OZ, in that he spoke very good English. I'm not saying go to OZ, what I'm saying is, the communication is SO important. If there's a miscommunication you'll be left wandering if he really understands what you want/don't want, and most of all, do you understand what he's recommending. You want to feel 100% confident and comfortable with your surgeon.

So if you do decide to use Nicole, at least you are rest assured she'll give you the right translation. Just email her and enquire, you don't have to use her, but at least there's the option :smile:

Look forward to seeing you soon. Kakao me when you're here :smile:
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sadly my fat graft has also absorbed lol!

gingercandy assured me that it's normal for first time though, I'll need a second injection to make it last.

and sure, gimme your email and I'll mail you my photos.
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Hey, here is Nicole's email address:

[email protected]

Knowing her, I'm sure she can help you one way or another even if you decide not to use her. She's been a valuable friend to me since I got here.

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Aww haha then good luck on your surgery too :smile:)

I'm actually considering doing consultation at OZ now because communication is important, please update on your progress!
Just wondering, I heard that Dr Park tends to go for a more natural look, is that right?
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Hey Tooney, thanks to you advice i survived the stitch removal. No numbing cream applied. I dared not moved an inch, kept very still and breathed in and out to help relax, kept telling myself its the last procedure, hang in there, hang in there to distract myself. The nurse did a good job and she came back on sunday just for me. What a relief its all over now!! the nurse gave me some ointment that i should apply a week after, but she said its not the same ointment that used prior to the stitch removal. Not sure whether i should apply on the wound itself or around the eyes? On the wound i suppose. Dr Kwon wasnt there, so couldn't ask him about the scarring gel.

She also said I could wash my face "after tomorrow" (which i take it to mean 2 days later) and only use the ice pack if there is aching. My eyes are still really swollen and i feel like relaxing with the ice pack but not sure if this will do more damage than good. Also yesterday i noticed some tiny tiny white cysts on the wound but today they are not so visible. These white cysts are apparently medically called milia which is a very normal occurrence on eyelid wound. Hope they disappear!

After 12 hours flight, i am finally home, went with an almost suitcase but returned with a tightly packed one...shopping was fantastic! Missing seoul already.

You must be after the perfect eyes, i wondered if i should get lateral too but abandoned the idea because i think my pupil is not big enough, so widening the other corner would make my pupil even smaller. But rhinoplasty is on my list next year...:biggrin:
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Wah!!I want to see your pic! I am a complete irony as compare to you lol. My undereye fat is not absorbed and form lump >.< My email address is [email protected]. Oh sorry to keep repeat the question, who is the dr who done fat graft for you? Is it Dr hong from BK since you mention gingercandy? :biggrin:
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Hi Hi, yes both ID and Bk all consider big hospital so I see both ok, Maybe you should go both to have a face to face consultation before you make youe decision. Btw where are you from? got whats app?so that can talk tou you easier. I cant PM you, maybe you email me your contact number or facebook acct? [email protected]
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hi minniemintmint, saw your messgae:smile: Ya already went ID for consultation, I will do vline as well, so not sure actually cheekbone reduction itself cost how much. Only get a total amout from them, I guess for cheekbone itself ard 500 million. Where r u from? Maybe you PM your contact number or facebook acct, so that can chat with you easier:smile: Let meet up in seoul:smile:
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youre serious??? i want some of urs! .. minus the lump >_< yes dr hong did mine. who did ur? ill send u the pictures when i get em transfered from my phone :smile:
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Based on my consultation with Dr Park, his recommendation of what he should do to my nose was exactly what I wanted. I had sent him pictures of my nose from different angles two months before I left to Seoul and he said the same thing as when I saw him face to face. He is very calm and patient and yes I loved that I understood every word. It explains why there is no English consultant there because he speaks good English, and he corresponded with me in my emails directly and very quickly which I also liked as it showed he was reliable.

I think there are lots of fantastic surgeons in Seoul (as its a very competitive market) but I can only base my opinion on my own experience. If I had any doubts about Dr Park I would be very honest and let everyone know. But I don't. I've done months of research beforehand, esp on this forum so I know how some people really rely on this forum for help and research so I would always be 100% truthful. I told Dr Park that I trusted him after I agreed that I would have my surgery done with him and he said thank you. And I agree with you in that what he suggested to me was a very natural look, which is what I wanted.

I would recommend you sending your photos to him as well as several other clinics, research yourself exactly what you want done and what you don;t want, and wait to hear back from the clinics. For example, I knew that I definitely didn't want silicone or rib (or any other implant for that matter) so although I emailed about 7 clinics to ask for the surgeons opinions, the ones that did suggest silicone, rib etc, I didn't see them - this is how I narrowed down my choices of clinics.

I will of course update you on my progress :smile: My stitches and mould comes of this Wednesday - woo hoo! I really want to wash and exfoliate my face lol.
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