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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I thought its important that you avoid this situation especially for first timers. I found this on the same thread on page 37
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Dearest Kimmy

Nooooo stop eating spicy food and seafood as well, both foods will give you high chance of infection and really slow your recovery but Ok I know you know the consequences but still it's a big gamble you mad woman!

Another tip, try find 7up lemonade if not sprite, I don't know why only lemonade but the bubbles will break down phlegm and mucus, another option to help you breathe better. Mums know best!

When are you home? What is the latest craze in Korea, it was snail slime cream and placenta face masks when I was there!!!

Waiting for your next update.

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I am sad to read about the girl who's face became paralysed, do you know anymore or if it is true and is it permanent as some people's faces can be temporarily paralysed after facial contouring.
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Pay with KRW or suffer the rubbish exchange rates when paying for your surgery, same with credit cards if you use them you pay extra overseas commission and clinics will charge you government tax if you are having cosmetic surgery but not medical surgery.
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i have visit the hospitals before i went there all qouted me usd
i brought cash there euro
all the hospitals wanted to converted against the high rate
instead of the bank who gave you a low rate

the use this website

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I am looking at breat augmentation surgery and would really appreciate some recommendation of the best plastic surgery clinic I could review for the procedure. Does BK and VIP does breast augmentation well? Really appreciate some recommendations and feedback here. TQ!
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Ahh I know right? After tiplasty, my nose is runny anyway. I don't see what harm a little runnier nose can do...

I'm so bummed I didn't get to eat ddukbboki! I was totally going to do it, but I didn't have enough time.. :'( I'm leaving Korea now.. but I wish you the best of recovery! Too bad I didn't get to meet you.. I don't even know who you are~
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Oh! I used this for my europe trip! :biggrin:
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Please remember there is a big difference between the buy and sell rate. If paying in foreign currency they will charge you the buy rate which is pants!
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Sorry mum.. I've already eaten spicy food AND seafood... actually I ate spicy seafood... I guess that's a double whammy innit (I leaned this from LondonChick)

Since you asked for an update... here it is:

So far, my nose is still very swollen. Dr. Suh said to wait 2 months to see the final result.

I will say, at this point, it's BETTER than it was before my surgery, but not enough for it to merit the 2.5 million krw price tag and a week (still continuing... my stuffy nose) of suffering.. Actually my sense of smell is not all here so tasting food is different as well! Unlike London Chick who can already very clearly see a vast improvement, I can't. Mainly because my surgery was so minor so the results cannot be seen unless the swelling has been fully resolved.
In a few weeks, I will be able to have a better idea of my experiences...

But I will say, Yumi is the BEST! Even though she totally didn't have to, because I am here traveling by myself for surgery, Yumi hung out with me and showed me around Seoul! All the things I wanted to see in Korea are ticked off my checklist! Sooo happy! I think JW was the best choice for me because I met Yumi. Other clinics would not have been so wonderful... And because I've been hanging out with plastic surgery consultants (not just Yumi), I've learned quite a lot about plastic surgery in Korea!

One of the most shocking and important things I've learned is the difference between a plastic surgery hospital, clinic, and clinic of plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery hospital: has certified PS surgeons with 30 or more beds.
Plastic surgery clinic: has certified PS surgeons with 29 or less beds
clinic of plastic surgery: does NOT have ps certified surgeons, and regular doctors are performing PS procedures without the proper credentials.
Although it is possible to have a good result from a clinic of PS, it is important to know that certified PS surgeons undergo extra 3-4 years of specialized PS training and are required to take a test. Usually the places that are super cheap are of this sort..

Directors vs. Other drs.
I know that nearly all of us on the PF are primarily interested in the main directors... but it turns out that many locals choose to have their work done with a lower tier doctor. Why you ask? Well, these doctors are obviously less high in demand so they have more time to do the work more carefully and conduct a thorough consultation with the patient. They also tend to be cheaper than the directors.

There were lots more I've learned but I forgot them all... Sorry...

Keep you guys posted on my recovery :smile:
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Hi there. I just booked my flight to fly on 24 oct. when are you girls arriving?
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Hey babe. Dun worry much abt your numbness. I watched a Taiwanese show (kang xi lai le) abt this celebrity who did vline and experienced numbness. She could even talk clearly cos some parts of the nerves were damaged. But nerve will recover on its own and the numbness was gone after 3 mths. Good luck babe!
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yes i know but they really gave me the high rate
so i get more for mine money
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