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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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please be patient after your recovery u can eat all the seafood u want
actually mine nose heald within a week and i had more done then you
bridge and tipplasty, the hot food and seafood really effect your healing process

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hey !

i am doing very well, face shape is more define as the day gone by, i think i cant complain. the only thing i cant agreed more is that if i were to avoid the inflamation and keep my silicon bridge it would be better. When my doctor remove it at that time i dont think it a waste but now that the swelling is going away i kind of realised why he had designed the high bridge for me in the first place. anyway i might go back in jan next yr for my fats top up and silicon bridge. I am still happy to go back to see my doctor for what ever procedure i might undergo i must said he did a really good job on me.
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Hey Sistar :smile:
How are you babe! I know what yoou mean when you said the fats is gone , it happen to me the 1st time i did fat graft too but for me this time is much better , some have absorbed but i can say at least 50 percent still remain. I may go back in jan to get another shot ,join me if you can ..... hhhhh love to hang out with u again. As for my nose it still in good condition except i want my bridge back , Dr Hong was right to choose a high bridge for me but i mess it up... Oh well i learn my lesson now.

So my wish to santa papa this year is a new bridge :smile: hope he can do magic!

Girl stay in touch and come to SG soon ;@
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Oh, u leaving today? Its a pity we didnt have a chance to meet up. Past few days was the first few days post op so i could not really go "dating"..haha:graucho: too tired and painful!

Wish u all the best too and hope u will like ur new look with a new shape of ur nose! Maybe we will have a chance to meet again in the future. Take care!!!:smile:
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[email protected] Thanks ! :smile:
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You can try vietnamese beef noodle soup. It's rice noodle (soft enough), thin slices of beef, onions, beansprout, in hot beef broth. Not spicy unless u put the chilies in.
There's a few viet restaurants around. 1 called "Pho Mein" located across Willy's apple store (5 min walk down from Highland hotel towards BK).
Or if you walk further of BK, you'll find "Pho Bay".
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how did you find this clinic? since i never heard of it before. and could you pm me some clear b/a pics? if its not too much trouble. thanks :smile:
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Hi hongkongphooey,
Do you take all these tablets before the surgery and continue after?
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Sorry one more qns. I remember seeing your detailed list of things to prepare before traveling to Korea for surgery some time back but I can't seem to locate that post now mind Sharon pls?

I will be going on 24 Oct for double eyelid and eyebag removal surgery. Will also go for laser treatment to remove some spots. And perhaps Botox since I am not ready for vline yet.
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So I've spent my entire weekend dedicating myself to this forum. Yes I read through every posts in ALL 600+ pages. Dated back from when this thread started in 2009? I can't remember from the top of head. I followed the progressions from every user who said they would go to korea to get their PS. (Shane, kain, kkim, London chick hongkongpooey, dan4me, angel82... Just to name a few. There aare ALOT more.) I read through all the disagreement and drama with using a translator and of course the bonding and family forming with some forummers! Including all their humors which was a great way to lighten off some seriousness in this thread! Lol. During my research, I've found quite a lot of people i can relate to, some more than most in regards to my interests of PS (primary rhinoplasty) here is what I gather. To clarify this is all from what I read, but I have yet gotten my surgery.... Yet.

I found out, a lot of clinics cannot be trusted, the scams of potential clinic promotiing their clinic through this thread and others, so BEWARE, always read between the lines cause a lot of forummers dont want to throw out names. Although sources might be reliable but after reading a few posts... I had a lot of concerns. To an extent, I question why these names keep reoccurring. different clinic specializes in different procedures, you MUST do a lot of research and make sure you talk to the dr(s) who deals with these types of areas. The Before and aftercare when you're done with your surgery (@hkp wrote a whole list that I thought was quite useful) make sure you have a few clinics in mind but not too much that you might get overwhelmed and confused. And MOST of all.. Something important to me. If you think or feel that u are alone in this, YOU ARE NOT. A lot of the users on here will reach out and give you advices. With that said, again it's up to u to determine their sincerity and truthfulness. I've NEVER participated in a forum where everyone are so helpful, or even go out of their way to explain to u in greater details of every PS. Giving mad shout outs to @dan4me who probably sent out hundreds of before and after picture of everyone who asked. It just shows a the beauty inside and out of some people if the talke the time out to acknowledge your concerns. If u had read all 600pages.. I know u can pick out a handful of these helpful people without hesitation.

I GREATLY appreciate those who took their time to write into this forum. Because for sure it helped me decide where I want to consult in korea and what I need to prepare mysel for. Also when you're busy reading all these good reviews. DO NOT NEGLECT all the ones thr have posted about their unhappy results. Pay a little more attention cause these reviews are so crucial and will help you eliminate whatever clinics u were iffy about.

Again, when I do go to korea sometime next year, even though its a far from now, I will for sure give back to this forum. As it had give me reassurance to my doubts and confirmation on the clinics I've looked into.
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Kim, try regulating your dietary preference esp seafood (ITS A BIG NO NO!) Wait for another month...

I hear your clarification on the diff between "A" n "B". I just started reading this thread from pg1 and some members did mention the significance between them.

So I guess my consultant did share a fair bit of insight into the skeletal operation of the industry ya..? She's pretty good actually.
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Ah thank you so much!! But too late cause I've moved to hongdae... Maybe I'll try to find Vietnamese noodle there.. (:

Just had all the stitches in my nose removed today. The stitches in my mouth remains and they asked me to come bck tomorrow and check again if I'm fit to remove them, else I'd need to remove them in my country.. Which is a big no no for me..!!!
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