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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey hongkongphooey

I am interested in v line with correction on my weak jaw, so dose the v line procedure involve the chin correction? Did ID charge two procedure or under one op $. May I know how much they quote u, also can u let me know how much is the eye op? Do u have problem recovering with so many procedures or u would suggest that I do eye first than v line like Shane advice?
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thats right. BK incision after facial contouring is made inside of the mouth as oppose to behind the ear. i'm not really sure the point of inicision has direct affect on the degree of change possible since when my friend did her V vline at BK. the surgeon remove a significant amount of bone from her lower jaws. certain patient i have seen who had facial contouring were release into the recovery room without the use of draining tube. my guess is depending on the amount area to be treated. i have seen patient who had zygoma reduction at Bk without the need for the tube. since zygoma reduction required only a small incision inside the mouth, the tube may not be nessesasary. but i have always seen the tube being used for every case of Vline. i think the point of incision has more to do with tolerence than anything else. my friend told me it was painless when the tube were removed from the mouth. so i'm thinking it has more to do with that. but i could be wrong.

yes, i did recieved it. expect a reply from me soon.
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you would scare yourself lol its depends on which clinic you go i believe. some clinic dont have good after care, although that dosent means they r not good in surgery and i guess they r targeting on locals who take time to cure. for those question you can ask shane he will answer you in a clearer way
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If you are having any surgery that will restrict mouth movement then I would recommend you bring the following with you:

1) Protein & Carbohydrate Powder, buy two flavours ie; chocolate and strawberry otherwise it becomes a bit boring. Buy these from health stores I bought a large 2kg tub, they are the sort body builders drink as an alternative to food. You just need to mix with water and drink it like a milkshake. Make sure you bring a plastic drinks bottle with a large top so you can shake the mixture, similar to bicycle drinks bottles. If you don't buy anything else buy this, it was my lifesaver, without it I would have lost more than 10lbs in two weeks. This will keep your hunger pangs at bay, two mug fulls and you will feel like you've had a good dinner.

2) Powdered soup, the sort you make in a mug with hot water. Be careful to not buy any with bits in, like croutons as these will get stuck under your stitches and are not easy to rinse out and could cause infection.

3) Juices, especially pineapple juice, again with no bits in it. Pineapple has an enzyme that aids recovery more than orange juice. If you can't get a hold of pineapple go for Mango juice, it does not have the enzyme but it does hold more vitamin c per mouth full than orange juice and vitamin c also aids recovery.

4) Pumpkin juice. This is free if you have surgery with ID Hospital, otherwise you will need to buy it from pharmacies, not many food marts stock it.

Do NOT drink milk at least two weeks before surgery, milk produces phlegm and mucus and will restrict your breathing even further, take it from me, you will struggle to breathe for the first few days.

Do NOT eat any seafood for 2 weeks before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery. Seafood can cause infection.

Do NOT drink any alcohol or smoke at least one week before surgery and 4 weeks after surgery, this will slow down your recovery time considerably and you don't want to be flying home with stitches still in your mouth because you haven't healed sufficiently for them to be removed on day 14.

Do NOT have oatmeal until your stitches are removed you will get bits trapped in your mouth wounds and will be very difficult to rinse out.

Noodles are fine so long as you swallow straight down. I had noodles from day 7 onwards but I had to eat them very carefully and slowly. Same with bananas, ensure they are really ripe and soft then squidge them between your tongue and palette to swallow.

Surprisingly for the first few days you don't feel hunger at all but you will be very thirsty as your body is wanting to rid the general anaesthetic in your system.

I hope this advice will help you.
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Hey, I think you've made the perfect choice. I went with ID and I can tell you they really look after you post op. If you read my earlier blogs I detailed the operation and after care so you will know what to expect. Good Luck!
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I had 5 procedures in one sitting with ID, I too wanted a one stop shop - V Line, Sliding Genioplasty, Lateral Epi, Revision Rhino and Silicone Paranasal Augmentation. Dr Park is the bone doctor, he did the V Line and Sliding G. Dr Gim did everything else. I believe there is another doctor there called Dr Kim who also operate on eyes but I would be happy for Dr Gim to operate on my eyes again. When you go for your consultation, Joanne will appoint the best surgeons for you so don't worry, it can all be done under one general anaesthetic.
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I had yellow waterproof plasters over my stitches behind my ears but as a precaution the clinic also provided further large clear waterproof plasters so you can stick these over the top of the yellow plasters when washing your hair. I washed my hair in a sink too using a plastic mug for accuracy and didn't get the wound / stitches wet at all. I washed my hair on day 5 I think and before that I just tied my hair back into a pony and wore a hat.
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I have been listening to both sides and here is my take on it. Shane, I did sooo much homework that I could clearly see it was a simulation and assumed everyone else would come to the same conclusion, obviously not. Gumshoo, I can see where you are coming from but if you had done as much homework as the rest of us then you too would have recognised this instantly.

I can find no other other website that gives a person nervously looking for plastic surgery in a foreign country with the same level of advice and friendliness as this forum does. This forum answers all questions poised, the majority of answers will come from Shane, he has had over 44 surgeries and can tell you what to expect, he has more experience than the rest of us put together. His answers are frank and to the point. He has helped many many nervous people put their minds at rest and to overcome their fears and realise their dreams for a perfect face / body.

Personally I can vouch that all the advice he has given me has been accurate and true and I can not thank him enough for all the time he has taken to help me, when I first had my operations he was there for me, this was priceless. I sincerely hope Shane will continue to be the driver of this thread and help many more people make their dreams into reality.
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great choice my dear. i would definetely recommend ID for your facial contouring need. ID has great after care. one of the best in my opinion. but you need to request joanne to let you stay at their recovery room after surgery. their post op care is really good. there are always 3 nurses on duty at all time rotating shift. and they will keep track of when you should be taking your medication and always encourage you to walk. i stayed for 5 days in their recovery room which is plenty for me. so anyone consider doing invasive procedure such as V line or zygoma, request for it. it help me save 5 days worth of accomodation fee.
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yup i agree, good after care doesn't always nessesary mean good clinic. same vise versa. you could probably get away with poor post op care if you can find a great surgeon. but its better to have a good balance on both. i personally think that BK post op care is just average compare to ID. but sr shin pretty much makes up for any lack that BK has. beside their post case is not that bad. just not as great as ID. but atleast you can request to stay in their guest house for free. me my friend only did eyelid surgery, but i was able to negoiate for up to 5 days stayed in their guest house.
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thanks nanxy for the back up. as i mention before that i am to blame for the accusation. the reason why i post a simulation photo as oppose to my actual after shot was because i haven't obtain the after photo until just recently. plus because there are still a fair amount of swelling in my face, i wasn't that comfortable sharing my after shot until i felt i had fully recovery from my swelling. but in light of gumshoo comment, i felt i owe the community an explaination and make thing right. that the reason why i posted my latest after shot. not because of his/her inappropriate comment. but knowing that my advice has help you, give me more reason to continue providing my knowedge and advice to those in this forum. thanks agin nanxy :smile:
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Hey gumshoo, you gotta read past posts before making these remarks. Shane77 did disclaim earlier that that he photoshopped the nose to show dr as a reference. The key to that photo was to highlight the jaws results not nose. Shadow of the chin was meant to display the before and after position.

We have been getting pre and post op updates from Shane77 almost daily. We couldn't have asked for more as the tips and insights shared are priceless. You gotta read past posts before making such remarks. Let's appreciate what is shared and not pin pointing on the irrelevant matters. Chill.
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Hey. I am pleased to hear ID is at the top of your list, they will look after you. I would also like to point out that I asked Dr Park, Dr Gim, Joanne and anyone one who was answering my questions that if something went wrong would revision be free and it is a resounding yes, of course this does not apply if you simply don't like the outcome. This is another reason why I went with ID. I can not speak for any other clinics, but do make sure you ask this question BEFORE surgery. I also asked if I got infected, no one's fault just bad luck what then? Zoe had said they are very good with infection revision, they do charge for their time but not the full fee.

The swelling on my face is going down slowly. Unexpectedly friend popped round today he said OMG what's happened to your cheeks, I simply told him I had my wisdom teeth out and he totally believed me as the swelling is similar. You wouldn't know I've had surgery if you had never met me before, I look like I have food stuck in the side of my cheeks so there is no definition to my cheek bones yet that's all. But I am a bit vain so even though it's my birthday today, I am staying home and can't drink alcohol as 4 weeks haven't passed yet so yippee more fruit juice!!

I am sure your surgery will go smoothly, remind me again, when are you going and what exactly are you having done?
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Aww, shucks thank you. It makes me feel good that I am helping others the best I can.
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