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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hello, hello, everyone.

Long-time lurker. Really long time. Nice to "meet" you all now :smile:. Recently bonded with my sis when we both confessed we are reading PurseForum plastic surgery threads. So funny! Haha! Noticed recently this thread got so very fun! Everyone is meeting up and all :yahoo:! LOL! But I am still so hesitant for surgery.

Have a big question for all you seeming experts!
About the area above your upper lip (between lips and nose). Mine protrudes too much. But it's not because of my teeth. It's just very FAT. Can you get liposuction here?
I tried to ask Google but no appropriate answer. Not many people have this problem, I think.

Thank you for any insight and hwaiting~, jia you~, ganbatte~!
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as im thinking it should be protrudes, why because i also was wondering
it at myself, i finally realised it in seoul after taking with the doctors
i fhought i did not had it becasue all my teeth are straight and also my gum

but when i anylized it with doctor lee from idea i realist what mine problem was
if you want you can sent me a photo from the side front (blocked your eyes)
then i can see it clearly
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Hello, angel906,
Thank you for the reply. I was just speaking with my sister actually, now that we both confessed to each other that we are researching plastic surgery online :lol:. Her opinion is that it is not my lip that protrudes too much but instead that my chin is too far back :lol:! What do you think?

I tried to find a picture to show what bothers me but it does not show up that well in pictures. Imagine it protruding a million times worse than this:

See how "fat" the area above my lip (under the nose) goes compared to my chin? I think the picture makes it look much better than real it does in person :nogood:. In person, if you touched me there (LOL), you would feel it is very fat. Do you think they can do liposuction?

And hwaiting~, jia you~, ganbatte~ to you! Are you enjoying yourself there? I hope so ^^!

EDIT: I just looked at the picture and I assure you it is much worse in person!
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Hey guys,
Just a quick update… I am in the countryside visiting my family, so I don’t exactly have internet out here so if you email me regarding JW, my responses may be delayed.
Secondly, please do not choose JW solely based on my posts. I only recommend JW in that it may be a good idea to consult with them. If nothing else, you are allotted half an hour to speak with the surgeon, so you can ask a DOCTOR all about your concerns.
Also, it is important to note that I haven’t had my surgery yet, so who knows what the results will actually turn out to be? Although I’m not too worried… :P
Those of you asking me questions about specific procedures are advised to consult a doctor, not me. I’ve only consulted for rhinoplasty, and will only be undergoing tiplasty, so I have no idea what you need or what can improve your appearance.
Anyhow, best of luck to those of you deciding to undergo surgery, and as always, please feel free to email me! I just wanted to post a disclaimer.. And let y’all know that I actually don’t know crap about plastic surgery. I’m not Shane with 40+ procedures here…
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Are you feeling better? I will visit you when I am able to! I have surgery as soon as I get back so... afterwards when I feel better... :smile: Good luck with everything! Surgery is tomorrow right? AHHHH!!!
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sorry i at least have to see your whole chin and jaw
but if you think its too much you
can think like this, idea mentioned this they said
draw a straight line from your forehead till your chin
your chin has to be 2 mm behind the line of your forehead
if this is not so, your jaw, mouth is proutuning
then actually to have the real result you have to do correct your bones
trie to think why many people have big lips but no protounding
thats the reason why
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try to email idea clinic
but fat grafting i think cannot help
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Like daughter like mother! What I mean is when I had my surgery I got loads of people asking me what type of surgery they should have like I became a qualified doctor overnight, that's why I always stressed to others to only post facts not second guess or hear say rumours. Loving the fact you tell it how it is! You go girl!
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It's strange how multiple people have been banned/deactivated at the same time. I don't know how the moderator know but it's great they're doing their part to minimize self-promotion/referral on here. One has to be careful of any forumer strongly recommending someone over and over rather than providing information and letting you decide. Also those that go out of their way to set you up with the clinic. That's iffy and fishy. And, never tell the clinic specifically someone referred you there that way noone will get paid for getting your there. This will minimize promotion as the person is not getting paid or free procedures for getting you there.

Thanks for keeping it real kkim120 and hongkongphooey.
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Hang in there sis.. you might be a slow healer. Keep those ice packs handy & move a lot everyday.
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Sent it.
Oooh, you are going in December ? good for you !!
Where are you going for consultation ?
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have you tried LATISSE? i've been using it for a month and i see mayor difference with thickness and length. I got it a plastic surgery clinic in canada, i think it's a bunch of mineral diluted, it was originally for people glycoma? The doctors noticed the patients eyes getting better and the eye lashes growing. I wouldn't rec eye lash implants, i heard it goes to long and falls
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If I were you, I wouldn't pay any deposits beforehand. It will lessen your leverage to bargain. Try to get an invitation letter from your friend in Korea instead.
In my experience, I didn't submit an invitation letter from Korea when applying for the visa
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Thump up! Dropping name not necessary get you a good price , your bargain skill will. And I also don't believed you get extra care from the doctor by dropping name too.
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Hey guys,

I'm completely behind. There have been so many posts since the last time I came on here D:

Has anyone here heard of any surgeons that do really natural tipplasty? I just want my bulbous tip reduced + an alar reduction...I was considering an implant but the unnaturalness is quite daunting T^T I'm not looking for a perfectly straight nose, just a slightly smaller tip...because it's really ugly. I've noticed a lot of surgeons make the tip really pinched(?) when they reduce bulbous tips.

Has anyone here had surgery for a bulbous tip? or an alar base reduction? :smile:
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