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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I am afraid I've been the worst of patients... I actually ate spicy food... even though Dr. Suh specifically told me not to... But I can't help it! My mouth craves it no matter the consequences!!! D:

I would wait for you... but until March?! I would be a skeleton cemented at Sinsa Station Exit 6... I'm sure that the city will have me scraped off for sanitary and aesthetic purposes. And you wouldn't want that for your daughter right?

As for my shopping... Well, I saved so much on PS, I figured I could splurge a LITTLE... okay. a lot... Please don't reprimand me.. You've been out partying without your dearest daughter :'(

Update me with a picture? perhaps over email? :biggrin::biggrin: I'll send you a picture once my nose doesn't look so disappointing... It's VERY swollen because I was such a bad patient. Still am. Planning on eating ddukbboki from a place famous for being EXTRA spicy :biggrin:
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Hey Yuna , I'll be there on Oct as well . We can meet up
do some shopping after the surgery . Lol:graucho:
What surgery are you getting and which clinic ?
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Hey Chixie , I'll be there . Lol . Let's hang out together :lol:
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Hey ! Wanted some advice...

kind of getting really confused with the amount of information that is out there and all the clinics that there are...

basically want to know

WHERE would be the best to get surgery for BULBOUS tip?!?!?!?!

I have a bulbous tip, wide drige, hump - and I want my tip smaller but i dont want it to look pinched AT ALL - I've seen some clinics where the nose looks pinched after and I really do not want this :sad:
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Kkim, eat spicy food will make the wound takes longer time to heal,right? I cant resist the kimchichigae too and i must say non-spicy food is not appitizing especially right after surgery when ur mouth feel so plain and taste. Really yearning for some spicy stuffs... Grrr...
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Hey, girls! Don't forget me lol..

Welna, i'll pm u my contact no. shortly :smile:
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It's 10 days post op now. Everyone said my face is back to normal and they can't tell I've done any surgery. But I know myself best my face is still really swollen, but the major swelling is gone just the remaining one that's quite stubborn.

I done my surgery at wonjin. Zygoma, mini v and tiplasty. I can't say I look diff cause I'm still swelling. Yes, indeed now that I think back to my decision and everything that I've gone through I'm really really brave. I will not put myself in the same situation ever anymore in my life. It's not funny anything could happen.

We bumped into a girl from china at highland hotel she told us many months bck she met a girl who stayed at the same hotel, and had her facial contouring done at ID, half her face is now paralysed, forever. And ID only return her Surgery fees, no more further compensation. I'm not pointing fingers at ID or any other hospital, It just suddenly come to my senses that all these cosmetic surgery that we are braving through, it's no 100% guaranteed. We are all depend on our luck, same procedure performed by the same doctor could turn out differently.

After hearing what the girl said I'm really worried. But now it's already done I can't do anything but to focus on recovering. Hopefully my numbness will go off soonest.

Oh and wonjin post op service is kinda sucks cause they will kinda come into ur room at ur weakest moment to tell u what u can and cannot do after u discharge the hospital and expect u to remember it. Not making sense. And without knowing much I've been eating spicy food a lot because u can't really find food that's suitable for facial contouring patient besides porridge. Ive been swallowing rice with some Korean soup as alternative to porridge.

And as I read the forum today I realised I can't eat spicy food.. =.=' ok I shall stop completely on spicy thing now hopefully it will help with my numbness.

Tomorrow it's 11 days post op, I will be going back to hospital to have my stitches inside my mouth removed, as well as stitched inside my nose.

Will update soon.
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Try OZ and ID. My top two choices. Am not sure if it's suitable for you but that's what I will choose.
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Acadabra u r already on the my "Gangnam Style "list !:lolots: lol

Please do ! :lol:

Who else will be dancing ? :giggles:
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Hi Angel,

I'm getting scared after reading yr post. Thinking twice if I shd do mandible and zygoma..
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helloooo everyone!
okay so i had a thought...

because i want to get my eyes and nose done...
is it best to get it done at the one clinic at the same time?...

or different clinic for eyes and different clinic for nose?...
cause it seems like it would be difficult to walk around/travel to the second clinic all bandaged up!! seems 'easier' to get it all done at once?..
whattt should i doooo??
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