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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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hey tooney, the nurse said make up two weeks after stitch removal, but the wound still looks pink to me so i think i will wait until the scar is less noticeable.

You are right about the corners magically appearing overnight but they also disappear overnight haha. i am starting to see very small pinkish lumps near the corners and i hope they won't settle into undesirable scars later.

the eyes look especially swollen right after getting out of bed in the mornings and i find using the cold compress helps to deswell. because i feel really conscious of my eyes at work, i wear glasses to cover them, which really ca my eyes. i know its bad but after one of my colleagues said your eyes really puffy, i have decided to keep the glasses on :P
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Hi babe, I will be staying at sunshine guesthouse. It will be great if u can come around the same time as me. My surgery is on 30 Nov.
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We can go together in march for my 2nd fat graft!
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Ur nose really like Barbie nose they were promoted....really nice,u don't look like40 ,but around 20-25

How I envy you heheee....btw if fat Graf for face how many hour for doing that procedure?they took our fat and direct can inject to our face??
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Hi Babii, I believe you are referring to the "tip-toc" style of nose shape promoted by ID. It is advertised as a more "natural" look. ID's "barbie" style, however, includes a straight bridge. Dr. Sung seems to do both. Not certain though as I am only getting the tip-toc style.

Call the clinic to ask. They are very responsive. I have tons of my questions answered by calling the Chinese line.
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Thank you babyrose, that’s a super helpful insight.
Just wish these celebs would let us know who the surgeon’s are!!
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I'm Malaysian but living in the states and you?.. are you going to perform your surgery at ID hospital too? I'll be in Seoul Mid of December and what about you?
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Hi fallenangel.. it's another weekend, eh? how time flies hehe... yea it's true.. when I wake up in the morning, usually my eyes are swollen.. but later on after taking a shower, they're less swollen.. but honestly, they took a longer time to deswell a couple of weeks ago (right now I'm 5 weeks post op)..

For the pinkish lumps, I got those too.. I sent my pics & consulted dr Kwon bout it then he suggested a remedy that I could get from my local dermathologist or plastic surgeons.

Well, it's weekend, so let's enjoy it :biggrin: Go out and have fun... a merry heart is the best medicine ;)
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I hope I don't turn out like her, cos I have a big face too. I'm so worried about sagging.

By the way are you korean or singaporean? You are really pretty now. You should be a model :smile:

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Thanks Sodas! I just emailed them. We'll see what they say..
Btw, when is your consultation? Mine is on October 15th!
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But who wouldnt wan to be in her shoes when she looks like a college student now!!!

Envy envy envy ....
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