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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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whats an S nose?
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it really depends on WHO did her nose
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I am from Singapore, I will probably arrive in the.morning on 17 dec... Can't meet up with you. What are you planning to do?
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Hi apples,

Thank you for asking.. My healing is going fine. Its been about 3 weeks post surgery and there is a very little bruising left (just a tiny bit on the bridge of my nose, but once I cover it with concealer you can't see it).

The swelling is still there, to which I expect it to stay for the next few weeks. It feels like there is pressure on my nose (bridge and tip) but not on the sides nostrils/alars - that feels normal. But I still can't put my little pinkie up my nose lol. Not that I really want to (I'm thinking my nostrils might strength lol) but when there is a boogie up there it was nice before when I could just stick my pinkie up. Sorry to sound gross!

Last night I saw one of my close friends and at first she didn't realise I had anything done until I turned to my side and she knew I had something done. I had a hump on my bridge before and droopy tip so it looks quite different on my side profile as opposed to me frontal profile.

I'm still taking bromelain which I'm not sure if its helping all that much and also warm compressions using the eye pack the clinic gave me, but again, not sure if that helps, though it feels nice when I have it on my nose.

Apart from that, the nose seems to look better than when i had the cast off, in that it looks less swollen and more into shape. I know I gotta wait a good couple of months though to see the full results. The swelling doesn't bother me at all but I just gotta be careful not to accidentally hit my nose coz that will seriously hurt! I was taking my top off yesterday and hit my nose (very gently!) but it really hurt for like an hour after!
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Hiya. Yes she will definitely take care of you after your surgery. We hung out together as much as we could just as mates (and I wasn't "using/paying" her!) It made my experience in Seoul much more rewarding because when it came to going out to restaurants etc she was there to help translate what was on the menu! We also took to the subway and I was following her around like a puppy coz I found the subway a little confusing. And her translation in English from surgeon is very good coz I had lazer skincare to remove freckles three days before I left (I hadn't planned it but Nicole had hers done and her skin is flawless, so I trusted her) and when we went to my consultation at the lazer clinic she translated really well for me, so that made me confident to have the treatment (two weeks later my skin looks so much better!)
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You will feel dizzy and weak after you wake up, but you know what, for me I felt so relieved that it was over and done with. I felt really exhausted and the nurse had to help me walk to the treatment room. The next few hours and days perhaps you might still feel weak, coz you're also going to be on antibiotics too so you're body is going through a lot.

After my surgery I took the following suppliments:

Vitamin C
Milk thistle
Fish oil capsules

I ordered these mostly through Amazon before I left.

I also bought surgical masks online too (really cheap) and I would suggest anyone who is having rhinoplasty to wear them after your surgery as there's a lot of cars and roads in Seoul and you wanna protect your nose as much as possible. I met up with another forumer, kkim, and she was being a good patient and wearing hers all the time (whereas I got a bit lazy and didn't use it as much!)
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Hey, thanks for your update and glad to hear you are doing much better. I'm three weeks post op and I know we feel like super vain right now and checking out our faces in the mirror every 5 mins lol. We just gotta be patient and let the swelling subside. You sound like you haven't got any bruising left like me, which is good, coz I had two massive blue/purple/green/red swelling under my eyes for a good 2 weeks post op and it really looked like I had been beaten up!
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Just wanted to suggest to you that you should try and leave about 2 hours in between each of those consultations. The clinic may confirm your consultation time via email but when you are actually there you could actually be waiting for much longer than you anticipated. I'm just saying because I had 3 consultations booked (BK, JW and OZ) and BK had me waiting for 40 minutes before I saw Dr Hong. This therefore made me really late for my consultation with JW and by the time I got there the surgeon was busy doing a surgery. Luckily I got to my appointment with Dr Park at OZ on time and I'm so glad I did coz I chose him over BK immediately. If I had missed my consultation with OZ I would've had only the one consultation with BK and I'm glad I didn't choose them. Therefore, it may be easy on paper before you are in Seoul to plan your appointments, but when you are actually there they can keep you waiting for ages. I know one girl who went to Grand and they kept her waiting all morning until she had her consultation. I would recommend everyone to of course fit in as many clinics as possible for your consultations but to be realistic too. Perhaps you can spread those clinics over two days as opposed to one day.
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thank you for this important experience!
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Try to sneeze through ur mouth whenever possible. I have been trying to do this for the past 2 weeks. Not much feeling in the nose actually.
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Yeah,not much bruises for me since the 1st day post op although i had 3 surgeries altogether at the same time. Guess the surgeon is gentle enough on my face :smile:. Only the eyelids were into the dark purple, look exactly like i have just got a punch from thaiboxer.. I have nothing better to do but to keep monitor my swelling. Really inconvenient with a swelling nose tho. But i knowi have no choice but to wait for it to go down slowly. 2-6months to see the final shape. How is ur nose?
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My nose is fine. I can breath about 90%, the other 10% I think might be down to boogie up there and I can't get it out, lol! Do you have this problem too?

All in all, it looks MUCH better than how my nose was before, but still looks very natural. I'm happy I did the surgery :smile:
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Where did u have ur surgery done babe? U did rhino eyes and chin?
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U can do all these in ur own country cause from what I've found out, Korea charge way higher than my local dermatology clinics.
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