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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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The only time I can get it done is during winter and I'll be in Korea for the whole winter break.
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Hi, I'll be there on Dec 10-30.. let me know if any of you guys want to meet up..
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I am from Canada. And yes ID is definitely one of my most likely options. I am planning to go after Dec.15 once school ends. We should meet:biggrin: Have you booked your flight yet?
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HEY Im also doing the same procedures in December. I would love to meet you and the others :happydance::
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I've booked my flight, and i've scheduled my appointment with ID hospital on 12th Dec. What about you?
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Hey, thanks for the informative response! Gosh, that sounds really scary, but I think that's the surgery I'd need to fix the unbalanced look of a protruding mouth+jaw on my small face. I'm getting it for purely aesthetic reasons, and because I've been teased with having a big head my whole life, when it's actually just my lower face that looks big. I don't have an overbite or underbite though, so would that unqualify me for the procedure? Also, do you know if the six-month orthodontic treatment can be continued outside of Korea? Money isn't much of a big deal for me, but I'd prefer not to go back and forth from Seattle to Korea every month for continued treatment.

I'm sure you aren't that much older than me. ^^ And I'm glad your girlfriend's nose ended up looking great. If I have plans of doing rhino in the future, I'll definitely keep BK's Dr. Kim Byong in mind. $3,000 to 4,000 for rhino is a pretty good price compared to some of the other overpriced clinics I've researched, AND you're in good hands with a reputable doctor. I'm sure you're procedure will turn out great. When are you going?

And so far, I've got my eyes set on ID and/or Small Face for my v-line, 2-jar, fat graft, and loveband surgery. :smile:
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OK, so after doing some research on this forum and Daum, here's what I've come up with.

I'm really impressed with ID's professionalism toward locals AND international patients, and have read rave reviews about Dr. Park's facial contouring work. I've yet to find another clinic that actually provides virtual surgery simulation online. :smile:

I've also got my eyes set on Small Face because of their Before and After Gallery, which is formatted like a forum, where real patients post a multititude of pictures before and after surgery. It seemed like all B&A pictures were dramatic! What really got me, though, was the written reviews that accompanied the pictures. I feel like there are impressive B&A pictures from every clinic, so I don't really think they're good indicators of consistency. But I think there's something more "authentic/legitimate" about a B&A picture WITH a written review... it's like giving a name and voice to a face, ya know? Anyway, I had my Korean friend translate all 150+ reviews (I think there are more on the Korean website), and by the time we were done reading through all of it, he wanted to get v-line surgery too LOL. Pictures are worth a thousand words, so I attached a FEW of the B&A's I was impressed with.

So, I'm definitely doing 2-jaw surgery to fix my mouth + jaw protrusion at ID hospital. Dr. Park revolutionized 2-jaw surgery with his no-tie method, so I can't really imagine turning to his "apprentices" when the best is already in reach lol. I am torn between ID and Small Face for v-line though, because I want to do the 2-jaw and v-line surgery at the same time in the same clinic... but I'm just more drawn toward the consistently dramatic results I've seen from Small Face. I guess I'll know for sure when I actually consult with both clinics lol. Has anyone checked out or heard about Small Face for facial contouring? How is their post-op care? Please let me know. :smile:

I'm not quite sure where I'll get my under eye fat graft and loveband surgery, but I'm in search for a reputable doctor that has had plenty of experience in both. Does anyone know a clinic or hospital that actually specializes in these procedures? Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated! ^^
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OH so sorry about that, sometime get used to to write chanel


and here's website if anyone looking for
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Hi there :smile: Thanks for the tip! I'll get in touch with her too. From the sound of it, i am assuming she knows which clinics are good as well? Definitely have a local contact there would make life much easier and comforting!
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Sounds like a plan! Will pm you.

I'm leaving during the first week of dec (haven't bought tickets yet, will confirm exact dates when I do~!) and ideally be back home around around the 22nd.. so we'll be able to meet!

Meeememememe :P
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How's recovery? Is the swelling almost gone?
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Hey Marir,

1. It is unnecessary to have an over or underbite to "qualify" for the procedure. One can benefit from it if there is any jaw protrusion. There are two main types of orthognathic surgeries: the anterior segmental osteotomy (ASO), which requires only teeth extraction and severance of one's upper jaw, and the two-jaw surgery, which is in essence ASO plus the breaking of lower jaw. An x-ray will aid a doctor in determining which type you need.

2. Foreign patients usually receive orthodontic treatment in their own countries. As far as I know, Korean clinics will give you a treatment plan that orthodontists anywhere would understand. From there, patients are free to choose their own orthodontists, when to start orthodontic treatment (usually 1.5 month after the surgery), and the type of braces. Most working adults understandably choose Invisalign.

3. A milder alternative to the surgery is a combination of Rhinoplasty + Paranasal + Orthodontic Treatment + Chin implant. Whiles rhinoplasty, paranasal, and chin implant elevate central parts of one's face, thereby creating an illusion of less mouth protrusion, orthodontic treatment actually reduces protrusion. Upside: No severance of bones. Downside: By masking rather than addressing the problem, the improvement in look is often unremarkable.

4. I looked into this because I am getting a mouth protrusion consultation with Dr. Park himself this Friday. Will let you know if I learn anything new.:smile:
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Hi London chick. I've been looking for a great dermatology clinic that I can visit during my stay in Korea. I really want to get rid of the pesky red acne scars that have plagued me my whole life. Do you mind telling me where you went, if they're well-known locally, and if they have a website? :smile: Thanks!
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