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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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haha thanks so much ! Yeah, I had my surgery about 6 months ago and all the records are left on this forum. :smile:
I had rhino with tip plasty and hump removal, cheekbone reduction, and v-line surgery at BK. :smile:
I sent my pictures, so check your email and let me know ! :cool:
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Well, you can't apply any make-up or washing for first 1 week. so you might have to endure feeling eeeky for a while. There are hair shops in Korea with hair washing service, so save yourself from all the trouble trying to wash your hair by yourself. lol
After stitch out, then you can wash your face, take a shower, or whatever.
You can normally apply your make-up as before, but just be careful when you pad around your nose. Be very gentle per se. :smile:
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No problem ! haha I think swapping faces will cost more money than you going through all the procedures I did. LOL
I'm in my mid-late 20s. :smile:
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Hahaha..i know it does sound Gross but i just stated the truth. Srsly having problem breathing everymorning after getting off my bed. And yeah,like Kkim said, all i want for Xmas is to be able to pickmy nose again... Hahaha...okok enough for the grossy thing!

Okay,u just let me know whenever nicole get back to u for the clinic and doctor. Im not in the hurry. Just came back from Seoul so i dont think i will be there again this year as the year end is coming real soon.

All the best for ur nose healing ya and keep us update for the final result and I will try to do the same too.

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Hi everyone, I just wanted to share one of the best advice I've read regarding plastic surgery in Korea. This person in particular was talking about how to get quality/satisfactory treatment from ID Hospital, but I feel like her advice is helpful for foreigners consulting with ANY clinic overseas.

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Are you sure that he'd do it for free? I know that a lot of Korean locals do this, but they still pay for their surgery, even if it's discounted...

But overall I do agree. If you let the Dr.s know that you're an active member on a plastic surgery forum, I'm sure they'd take your case more seriously...

Anyhow, if you decide to use this as a bargaining chip, let us know how it all goes :smile:
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Hmm, I honestly don't think many doctors would do surgical procedures for free, so I'm guessing the author was just referencing two of Dr. Park's demo patients. I think in those cases it's free, kind of like clinical trials for new treatments. But like some awesome people on this forum, there are definitely patients who pay full price, yet share their experiences and pictures just to help others out. :smile: My respect goes out to those people because I'm a private person, and I don't think I could ever do it.

I think most clinics know that foreigners get their plastic surgery guidance from forums, blogs, reviews, word of mouth, etc., because I'm sure Korean locals research their clinics in a similar fashion. However, since we're foreigners getting plastic surgery in another country, we're a much smaller, close-knit community that depend on a handful of informational portals. Something as simple as a positive or negative review about a clinic on a forum can dramatically change the influx of foreigners going to that place, because we don't have access to the varied reviews of locals. So I think it's a good idea to let your doctor know that they have a lot riding on your surgery; that if the mess up, you'll have no problem telling others to stay away. I'm not exactly going to say, "Doc, if you F up my face, I'm going to tell the whole world you suck," because I wouldn't want to leave a bad impression. Instead, I'd probably say something along the lines of, "I'm active on the most popular forums for Korean plastic surgery for foreigners. It's really helpful because people give positive/negative reviews of clinics, and it helps foreigners weed out bad clinics. I actually have many friends and fellow forumers that are interested in coming to Korea for the surgeries you provide. So they're waiting for me to show them my B&A pictures, and tell them all about my experience with you and your clinic. I told them I have a lot of confidence in you. :smile:" I hope that works LOL. I'll definitely let everyone know how it goes.
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It is the sunshine hotel. Don't book it yourself though. Most clinics in this area have deals with the hotel. You get a much better rate if yo book through a clinic. You also don't need to commit to the clinic for this discount, which is nice.

Excuse typos, as I am not allowed to look down right after my surgery. Nose bleeding.. Argh.
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Duuude.. I don't think I could. that's too hardcore for me.. yeah... no.

But you keep at it girl! Once you get your rhino, you'll probably be reaching for that neti pot of yours all the time! My nose must be booger heaven b/c they're all stacked up there... Or maybe hell? Would boogers go to heaven?
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Hey septal wish you goodluck, I have done nose job myself and only got accompany on the first day the next few days i'm all on my own.

My advice is stock up all the food before your surgery because especially 1-2 days post op you will still have the thingy that they put inside your nose to prevent bleeding and its really kindaa hard to breath through nose. By day 4th you should be alright on your own! For my case, theres no swelling bruising untill the bandages and cover thingy got removed. When all of it removed, I have bruising/swell for like a week or two then its all good.
Just calm down and wish you good luck :smile:!

Dan4me : I hope you wont be annoyed, if you could please send your b&a pics?vivieeny at gmail.com do you just do chin implant and no V augmentation at all? Cheers!
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So I am back!

Ended up doing septal cartilage for support + ear cartilage for tip + small silicone implant. The consultant talked me out of eye (said I don't need it), two-jaw (said I only needed teeth strengthening, and two jaw only for ppl in the entertainment business -_-), and paranasal (doesn't fit me).

Went under general anesthesia at 11am. Passed out in like 5 minutes. Woke up at 3pm.

That's so long. Is that normal?

Post-op care was nice. Was in a recovery room with curtain and heat blanket until I feel okay.

Got hydroperoxide, cotton swab for the hydroperoxide, antibiotic ointment, and antibiotic pills (5 day supply) from a drugstore. And the hospital gave me a GINORMOUS BOX OF PUMPKIN JUICE. You think the juice packs will look orange? No, it looks like blood. Feel like a vampire now. (True Blood anyone??)

At this point nose is still bleeding. Throat is dry from hours of breathing from mouth. Nurses said I snorted after the anesthesia but before the procedure. -_- Pain hasn't started yet.

And finally, for the record, I am a guy!

So will stay in Korea until the 14th. Anyone interested in meeting up and trying one of the many local noodle shops? Those pics look soo enticing.
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Did u book urs through ID??
How much discount did you get? I was looking at sunshine hotel as its in the middle of all the surgery places but found it the most expensive so now may opt for hotel highland... But be nicer to go to sunshine!
I seen its about 100$ ??
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