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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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What is the price for rhino that VIP quoted? I've been quoted 8500$-10%, but other users have been saying 2,8k...
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Yes VIP clinic. It's located in Apgu, near the station exit 3 or 4. When my dad called a few weeks ago to make appointments for me, he asked for the price and they said for a bridge augmentation using rib cartilage its 2.8 mil won. If you're getting more stuff done, then yes it should be slightly higher. I'm not sure what you want to get done. I know an osteotomy is a bit more expensive since the surgeon is cutting bone. I have no idea how the pricing works in Seoul clinics. I was quoted a really cheap price at Grand for a nose job and eyelids that made me skeptical. But I know others that got the same thing done and paid more.
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Hi ak212,

How are coping with your post-op now? Would you mind sharing with us your experience with Regen for your eye surgery? May I know what did you have and was it done with Dr Kim? Hope to hear from you soon~ Tks.

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Hello there a k212,

so are you at Regen today?
I was there too, for my 2nd check up :smile:

I stayed at seolleung, yes is on the green line and 1 stop away from you :biggrin:
Dongdaemun is open around 1100-0430.
I was there for the past 3 days.
Love the shopping and i agreed that the ladies are pushy.
You just gonna bargain real hard :graucho:

So you bought more pumpkin juice from Regen?
How much is that?
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Hi Jessica,

I am at day 7 post op and still quite puffed up.
Don't think i am ready to share the world my pics at my ugliest.:P
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Hi miso soup.
Thanks for your reply, is okay , understand :smile:
How do you thin Regen service? do you 100% satisfy?
is the doctor professional? sorry for asking so much.
Is this : http://eng.regen.co.kr/ the regen you get your ps?
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Hello Seikei,

I'm coping well post op! First 2 days I was a bit tired but starting from the 3rd day I feel like myself. I got my nose and eyes done with Dr. Kim Woo Jung. For my nose, he gave me a silicon implant and tiplasty. As for my eyes, he did a double suture and epi. He is very soft spoken and won't try to push you to do other procedures. If you want to get your eyes done, he will tell you what he thinks is best for your face so your face will be balanced. But if you want something dramatic, then he will tell you what he can do. For example, I think he thought I wanted big round eyes, which was not the case for me. I just wanted something natural that would enhance my eyes. So then he made his recommendations. He's very kind and polite and quite honest. For me, he said a big fold for my eyelids would look strange. So he recommended a medium size crease with an epi. So far my eyelids have swelled down a lot. But underneath my eyes and cheek area is still swollen. I think I bruised a tad bit because it looks a bit yellow :P

I'm going into Regen on the 31st to get my cast taken off. I've had no pain what so ever post op. My eyelids were stinging just a bit because of the sutures but that was about it. My nose is stuffed up here and there but its not a big concern either. Other than having to wear this ugly cast and a swollen face, I am a-ok! Let me know if you have anymore questions :smile:
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I wasn't at Regen today :P I went there on Monday to get the cotton that was stuffed up my nose out and going there on Saturday to get my cast removed. That is so awesome you went to Dongdaemoon! Those ladies are super pushy!! I'm actually right between Yeoksam and Seolleung station! I'm around the corner from Renaissance Hotel. I bought more pumpkin juice at the supermarket. I wanted to buy a few but they only sell it by the case. I got 30 for 19,500 won. I am more than happy to share if you'd like! I don't know if the pumpkin juice is working but I'm willing to try anything to reduce the swelling. Let me know if you're bored and want to meet up to shop!
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Hey everyone,

I am travelling to Korea in 2 weeks from Australia hoping to get double eyelid surgery (possibly breast implants too).

I have been tossing between OZ and BK. Has anyone had direct experience with either of this clinics recently and how did you go??

Any other recommendations besides OZ and BK???

SUPER STRESSED and nervous now :sad:

Someone please HELP!
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Hi Currently I'm in Seoul for revision eyelid surgery
I'm came here by myself..
Waiting to remove the stiches and I look damn scary now with one bruises eye!
Mind to hang out together in Seoul?
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Hey Bwei,

Haha I'm sure you don't look scary at all! Where are you staying in Seoul?
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Stay at sky motel, yeoksam which the clinic recommended to me~
I hate the current motel I stays~ Bad smell in my room=(
Will check out on jan02 and transfer to another place..how bout u? Which clinic u went?
I went to banobagi ~
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Hi Jessica,

I'm from Malaysia. I'm planning to go for facial bone contouring surgery too at end on January until Beginning of February. Let's exchange email and keep in touch!
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I got my work done (rhino and eyelids) at Regen on the 24th :smile: My cast for my nose is coming off on Saturday. I'm super excited because I know it will still be pretty swollen but I no longer have to walk around with my mask! Regen recommended Highlands and I stayed 1 night and got out. I believe Highland was a love motel. Then I checked into New Hilltop around the corner but then again after 1 night I got out because I was having a major allergy attack. I think it was because of the carpet and the heat was coming form the ceiling so there was too much dust. Then finally I'm at Art Nouveau and its great here!

Which place are you moving out to?
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