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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi JuicyMe,

Did you book tickets yet? Actually I planned to go this month, and I did post you early. Please email me if you are still considering to have someone go with you.
Add me through facebook, ID: Jade Hee.

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Initially I have thought of nose, but now I'm also thinking of doing bone contouring. I've heard that going after Feb (say March) is better becos that is when the holis are over and the Koreans and most foreigners are back to work. Therefore, cheaper hotel and airfare.

I am also not a fan of the cold! :P So March is looking more ideal for me.

Have you thought of the clinics to go?
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Guys beware of marketers and adverting on the forum!!! There are so many other clinics in korea why do you think the conversation always goes back to the few clinics we always mention?!?

Beware of photos from webpages of clinics. I saw a live simulation of how my face should look and it was so easy to manipulate! Made me look perfect in 5 seconds!

Don't believe in 'celebrity' photos. They got their surgeries done for free! Free advertising. Most of the well known celebrities do it at small private clinics and pay full price through private surgeons who are well known in the plastic surgeons circle.

Realize that prices will differ if you are from overseas. Government subsidizes locals who have surgeries through social security. Hence for eg some places charging 9000 for overseas patients and 3000 for locals. But you must realize they also play the system so you are basically overpaying for everything at these big surgery places.

This brings me to the last and the most important point! Because the Korean government are trying to increase overseas patients coming in hence money coming into the Korean economy the plastic surgery regulators are extremely soft. Remember the newly put in place extra 10% tax?! Which means more money for the Korean government! If you guys really dig enough you'll realise alot and I mean alot of the surgeons mentioned here from some of well known clinics are not qualified! I seriously mean they are not qualified to do reconstructive plastic surgeries... think about it... do some research. I'm not going to mention names. But like I always say this is your face. Don't screw it up!
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I have been reading and studying a lot since early summer to become an educated consumer. Everything glo8 wrote is consistent with what I have learned, except about social security part. (I just don't know how their social security works.) Anyway as glo8 wrote, be careful. Pay attention to the post of people who didn't get the desired results. It seems to me that people on this board like to hear only the positive stories and ignore the negative. I understand it is part of human nature. Still we are talking about your face here.
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Can anyone please share your experience on eyelid revision with Dr. Cho In Chang? Is he really that good?? Thank you.
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One thing I liked about him is that he does not recommend a frivolous surgery. I often read Koreans describing him as a scary old doctor because he often chases potential patients out if he thinks they are asking for something unnecessary. Also I noticed that he is well respected among Korean plastic surgeons. I don't know how he treats patients from overseas, though.
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HI miso soup...great to hear from you..
I did called up Regen, but the phone answerer sound ..hmm..a bit..half-knowledge .haha..
maybe I should call up again today. see if others person pick up call.
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Great, hey suki, I could not pm you...only can post visitors message, can you pm me your email? we can discuss :smile:
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How come? I want to recut my eyelids, I wanna do tapered instead of parallel.
How do u find dr jung's skill. Can show me b&a?
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hi suki2012,

i'm Malaysian as well, but live in California. I'm planning to go on the mid-Jan to 1 of Feb. I'm looking forward at VIP or Shimmian. However, I know VIP charges a lot for foreigners. I need to redo my nose since they are good in rhinoplasty. Did you get quote on the price yet?
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Couldn't pm you as well..should because i just joined this forum days ago.. any suggestion ?
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I'm not a fan of cold as well... just hope it can be done earlier.. hotel shouldn't be a problem if have accommodation buddy..

Emailed Zoe asking about which clinics to go between ID, Banobagi and Regen, she suggested that Banobagi and Regen are great clinics for facial contouring surgery. What about you?

Anyway, I'm considering what glo8 posted.. sigh. clinics selection is really a big difficult decision to be made for us foreigners.. we need more advices..
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Hi glo8,

Your post is helpful. Can u advise any reputable clinic or hospital for facial bone contouring surgery? What do u think of ID Hospital, Regen or Banobagi?
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