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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Me! I'm going around May 14th! I'll be there until the end of the month. There's another girl going around the 17th we are on the asian nose job 2 thread!
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anyone going in april ? my friends and i will be there from 2nd onwards
i hope to gather more! i will be there with zoe and will be settling with regen or banobagi. This makes everything money friendly, so join us if you can :smile:

btw i will be going over from singapore, and if you're from the states or elsewhere, you can meet us there! :smile:
you can pm me your mobile number and start arranging through whatsapp
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I'm sorry for the late reply. I rescheduled my trip for the summer. Did you book tickets and everything? I'm sure you'll be fine if you go through with VIP since I hear their service is pretty amazing!
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May better, it wouldn't be too cold and you will be able to walk around a lot.
moreover feb is the peak season for them.
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When are you going?!?!
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cool! may be we could all meet up over there? :smile:Do you know which hotel you're going to stay at?
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Sounds great! I'm not sure about which hotel yet. I kinda want to stay by the other girls that are going but I don't want to spend alot! Which one are you staying at?
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i am from nj intends to go in april for mini facelift, bernard
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hi, what is a v line. i am going for a mini face lifdt. any suggestions on where to go in korea
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