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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey guys!

So I'm in Seoul and as promised here is my update:

Yesterday I went to 3 consults out of the 5 scheduled; JW, Grand, and Regen. I made an appointment with Wonjin and With but I decided not to go. My reason for not going is that I was iffy to begin with. Of the 3 I went to, I decided to go with Regen. All the places I went to had great service. I think this was probably because I was with my mom and like I mentioned earlier, she is your typical Korean woman, pushy and a bit overwhelming.

JW: This was my first consult. I was a few mins late and they were nice about it. I checked in and right away they took pictures of my nose. Afterwards I waited for a few mins and I had a consult for my nose. He was very nice and went through my pictures. He explained in detail what he wanted to do. His english wasn't that great so my mom did most of the talking. Basically he wanted to use a silicon for my bridge, tiplasty, and because my nostril is wider, he wanted to cut the sides. He did mention that cutting the sides would scar but make up would definitely cover it and within 6 months it wouldn't be noticible. Then I went to see my eye consult. The guy wasn't as nice as the nose guy but he was real straight forward. One thing I wasn't too crazy about him was he asked me what kind of incision I wanted and he made it seem like there was no difference between a partial or full incision. I wasn't sure how true that was and honestly, I wanted his opinion. JW said that I should do my eyes first, then come back the next day for my nose. The price they quoted me for nose and eyes (partial incision and epi) was 5 mil won, a bit less than $5k.

Grand: They weren't as nice but I think that's because I was 20 mins late to the appointment! Instead of consulting with the doctor, I consulted with some lady. I don't know what her position is but she gave me her input on how I should do my nose and eyes. Then I met with the surgeon. He would be doing both my eyes and nose. The only thing that was different from Grand and JW was that Grand said do not cut the side of the nostrils because my nostrils holes are too small. He said that he would do a bridge augmentation and tiplasty first and then 6 months later if I still think my nose is too wide, they he would consider cutting the sides. I felt a bit rushed and he said he had to go run to a surgery so I nixed Grand off my list. Oh and they quoted me a very good price. For basically the same procedures as JW minus the cutting of the nostrils, it came out to 3.2 mil won if I paid in cash.

Regen: Warm greeting and similar to Grand, we spoke with some lady first that went over the basics. She coordinated a consult with the head of the clinic. He was nice and professional, albeit a bit soft spoken. He also said that he does not recommend cutting the sides of my nose because my nostrils are too damn small. His plan of action is to pull out the tip of my nose so it gathers forward. He was also upfront about my eyes. He said if I decide to get either partial or full incision, my face would change dramatically. I wasn't looking for a dramatic change in my eyes so I decided with just stitching and a small epi. The price they quoted me was 4.2 mil won.

Because both Grand and Regen said not to do the nostril cutting, I decided to nix JW. JW also told me that my eyes won't look that different with a partial incision while Regen told me that my eyes would look different. I'm still conflicted by this and I'm going to ask my surgeon before the surgery tomorrow before I get it done. Regen said if I don't want a big change go with just stitching. But its def going to unravel within 3-5 years tops. I don't know, I'm still confused and unsettled about it. Since I nixed JW off my list, I ended up with Regen. The service was really good and probably the best out of all the clinics I went to.
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Regen is extremely busy. I think all the clinics are packed. They all told me that it is peak season right now :P When I went to Regen, I had a hard time finding a place to sit while I wait!
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Hi, All the best for ur surgery tml !! :smile:
Do update us of ur surgery experience again if possiboe
Thanks in advance.

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I'm planning to go to Seoul late Feb or early March from Singapore, anybody keen to go together?
Wonder if you know who and where to go to for BREAST SURGERY? Couldn't see any thread
for breast surgery in Korea, any advice and feedback would be wonderful.
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You eye looks great!
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Merry Christmas everyone ! I'm so nervous now, as I'm flying to Seoul next week! Does anyone know where can I hire Korean -English /chinese interpreter ? I contacted Zoe, but she seem busy on that weeks. Anyone else ?
Help me pls ~ *
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hello! i was looking through pictures of B&A at ITEM and realised Dr Chung Woojin (he did my eyelid surgery) will be coming to singapore and malaysia on 3rd and 4th february respectively for free consultations.

you can make reservation through here http://itemcliniceng.com/ or drop an email at itemclinic@gmail.com

i have started a thread with B&A pictures of mine and my experience with ITEM. #
Hello Clokitty,

I am going korea on the 11th Jan will you still be in Korea?
Who did you find as translator. So far i have been communicating with the surgery clinics in Mandarin. but i also would like to find a translator as a backup...

I'm doing Rhino.
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Hi Caitlin,
I am new to this, anyways, i cant PM u, but i am planning to go in March2012, would yo be interested in emailing me?

mine is useless_whatever@yahoo.com.sg!

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Hi Kamkamjuju,

I am planning to go Korea in march/Apr too, and am unsure of which clinic to book, I cant pm u as i am new here, but my email address is useless_whatever@yahoo.com.sg.

Msg me if u are interested in meeting there?

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Could I ask you how much you spent on your surgery? Would it be cheaper to get my face face (eyelids, nose, buccal fat removal, chin) done at one go?
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I am planning to go korea about the same time too, have no clinic in mind atm, could u email me at (how do i tell you?) , am i not allowed to write my email add publicly? :S
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I am planning to go about the same time, we can buddy up if you are interested? I cant pm you..so have no idea how to contact you!
I intend to do my whole face, so will be searching for more clinics too! contact me if u r able to?
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