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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Yeah, EJ is the gal that first gotten in touch with me when i first arrieved at BK. she indeed was skinny, quite tall and spoke a very fluent english. Anna guided me through the consultation and provide translation between the doctor and i. She also stayed in the guest house, so ocassionally i would run into her and we would speak for a couple of minute. She would ask how i was doing? Am i comfortable? Do i feel any pain? Am i taking my medication? Etc... You can feel that her concern were very geninune. Even after i left korea, anna kept in touch with me on a regular basis. I don't feel like i was communicating with a coordinator, more like a close friend. There were another girl that escorted me to my guest house. I forgot her name but she was also very helpful.

What procedure have you done in BK?
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Hi shane77,

how is your plan to korea? have you find any clinic for your nose revision yet? I'm heading to korea on 20 May - 3 Jun, what about you? btw where are you from? are you a guy?
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hi shane77,

have you contact BK? what they suggest for nose revision? using own cartilage? rib cartilage? i actually just got a reply from them just now dont know why they kept quoting me in chinese RMB, maybe is because i emailed them in chinese? and the price they quote is just way too much similiar to VIPs price. Banobagi sound much better, I'm trying email ITEM after reading xvx666 thread see how it's goes.

keeps contact :smile:
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That was what I thought too but I realised as long as you have the money, you can pay the media to advertise for you.
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Hi FerraMax, try emailing itemclinic@gmail.com. that email is more responsive. I heard people emailed to the email from the website itself and either it took awhile to respond or sometimes no respond.
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hi jenny

its great to hear that you had your eyelid done at BK and were satisfied with the result. i will be doing facial countering my self, well partial countering since i already had that done many years ago in thailand. i will just have my zygoma reduction along with 2 jaw surgery at ID. when did you had your eye done? i remember when i was there last month, there were a few mother and daughter patient there. perharps we might have cross path unknowingly.
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yup, i am a guy, but i am perfectly straight incase you're wondering :smile: my scedule would depend on my confirmation to go to china. if for whatever reason my china trip at the end of March is cancel then i will most likely be going to korea on the same month as you. but if not, then i will go in august. so it really depend. you a girl or a guy>?
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hi FerraMax

yes, after my eyelid revision, i had a consultation session with Dr Ho to see what can be done about my nose. he suggest tip plasty with septal cartilage, removing the scar tissue that has accumulated the the tip of my nose, narrowing the alar, replacing the L shape silicone with something from the back of my butt (i forgot the name) and lengthening the tip of my nose and making the bridge higher. BK quote me 6K USD which i find it just a bit costly, but fair consider there have to do a lot. not sure what price VIP or Banaobagi quoted you.
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Hey shane, when will you be in seoul to do your surgery? maybe we can meet there!
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Ferramax, are you visiting banobagi as well? when will you be in seoul ?
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exactly! and that was hilson's first post :smile: no pun intended

I guess BK is rather over priced and they don't produce fantastic works like ID or Regen
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hi caitlinlim,

currently i have not set a date yet. i've been to korea once alone for surgery. while i do enjoy the experience there, i wouldn't mind having company this time around on my second trip there. when are you planning to go there?
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I'm booked for April, when do you intend to go? Do you really have 25k to fix your jaw? Do you mind if I see a picture of you? You may not need that procedure ..
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Hey FerraMax

I'll be there from May 25 - June 7th!
What are you getting done again?
Maybe we can meet up?
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