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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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My cousin did his nose job at Park Wonjin and he is pretty happy with it. His only advice: It would have been a lot better if you bring picture and show the doctor that's what you want to look like - this way it would give the doctor some ideas of how you want to look and if it's doable. He regretted for not bringing pictures and though he likes his nose, he wishes it would have been made with higher bridge.

Although Dr Park does not speak much English, he understands the language and there are a few consultants on site who could speak Mandarin and English well - so you don't have to worry about miscommunication there. His consultant speaks fluent English and she was very helpful. She was there before and after his surgery.

I would say pricing is pretty decent - spent US $3500 for nose job. Like many people living in South East Asia, they only know BK. He almost gone for BK but after reading and heard of many bad reviews of Dr Kim of BK he decided not to go to him. His focus is only to bring in more and more cash but not enough caring towards his patients. His pricing is sky-high also and now he is targeting people outside Korea where expertise in plastic surgery isn't well known. He isn't as good as people think - in fact there are quite a few numbers of plastic surgeons who are better than Dr Kim and for a lot less too - in Korea and going as far as Shenzhen and Taiwan.

I hope this little information is helpful!
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Thanks for sharing. I've been doing a lot of research but Oz is my first priority at the moment mainly because Dr Park has given me detailed explanations on the procedures that i want to undergo and has been very informative and prompt when responding to my emails as compared to other clinics that i have contacted. He has also produced a photo simulation (if u send him photos and ask him to do one) and i luv the post results although it might look different on reality. But i have sent photos to other clinics for a virtual simulation and i don't really like it. So that's why Oz is on top of my list. He's also given me some reasonable quotes. I read from someone's blog that Dr Park even picked her up from the hotel prior to surgery and she was well looked after post surgery.
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Hello^^ do you know where is a good ps for fat grafting for eyes and chin?
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snowbaby, where ru doing ur mandible jaw reduction?
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belism, where ru doing ur fat injection?? pls let me know as im considering it!! thanks!!
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Hmm i was considering doing double eyelid and rhinoplasty at Oz clinic as it looks more natural and mandible jaw reduction at banobagi....but would like someone who has had experiences at both clinucs first before i make a final decision. How about u? What do u plan to get done?
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I ve not really confirm where/which doctor to do fat injection.
Prob teuimps or banobagi.
Am currently looking for recommendations as well
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I've consulted Teuimps before for eyebag removal. They quoted me 1.5 mil KWN for eyebag removal and fat injection along small hollows of my upper checkbones. That's pretty decent price for they charge same price for the locals and foreigners.
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I went to a consultation with wonjin.
Overall, nice manners and good environment but I had trouble communicating
since the office was busy and no english person to talk to me.
I had a consultation for two jaw, they said it's going to be a piece of cake and that's where I got freaked cus in my opinion,
cutting a bone cannot be a piece of cake. Actually, it is a piece of my bone we are talking about. LOL
I had consultation at 1 pm, when I came out it was 5 pm and I was dying for hunger.
So when you go for a consultation, make sure you bring yourself a sandwich or something. or cake. :smile:
My next place is ITEM. stay tune~
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For eyes, can check out Truimps as they are specialists in eyes. Chin not sure :P Teiumps may be able to do chin too.
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hey guys~ i'm so excited to browse this forums!!!
i wish to do for my imbalance eyelid and epicanthoplasty, do u guys have any idea how much each of this cost???
i heard bk, vip and banobagi very famous but not sure which is the best for eyes surgery. banobagi seem using the diff method (double embedding) to get the double eyelid, which is the advance method to avoid loosening double eyelid after the long term. i'm not sure other clinics using this method or the old 1.. is any1 able to update me?
many thanks~~ :smile:
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Hi Panda Bear

Love your before & after picture. Please tell me a little bit more about your tip rhinoplasty surgery. What material did the dr. use to enhance your nose? & did he just fix your tip and not the bridge. It looks so natural. Thanks.
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Haha I haven't decided what to do exactly but I'd avoid wonjin because they are known for using GPs on their patients. Use to be really good but it seemed that they switched approach(focusing on marketing now) hehe my 2 cents worth!
Hey but if you like dolly eyes! You can try jewelry clinic.. My friend say they are known for that !!! I'm tempted too
But we shall see how! Haha
Btw can we exchange emails
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Yes!! 2 jaw surgery is a big operation !! It's very dangerous and people die from it!! Please choose carefully and if you're not required to undergo that operation
Do not do it !
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