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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Ladies, I've been reading this thread awhile now and finally joined because i want to go Seoul this month or December to get double eyelid surgery and epi. Is anyone going around the same time and want to buddy up? The clinics i'm interested in so far is Banobagi, Teuim, Regen, VIP and Grand. BTW i don't know any korean :S
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I am going on Dec 6th for double eyelids. I will visit Regen, ITEM, Cinderella and YNY Beauty. We can buddy up.
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Oh too bad :sad:(( hope she will reply this time!!!

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are you singaporean? i am going the same time as you
hope we can keep in touch and hopefully travel together
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Thank you so much I will definitely send her an email as I still havent received a response back from the other general email. :smile:
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awww so nice of her to do that, I might keep trying her email and see how I go maybe its cos im emailing from Australia its not going through to korea or something. Anyway, what hotel would you recommend for staying near the clinics? did you catch public transport or do they just drive you to and from the hotel?
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Hi Girls

I would apprecaite your opinions what clinic do you think does better Breast Augmentation as I am seriously considering this for 2012.



http://en.parkwonjin.co.kr/ select breast augmentation and then scroll to bottom...

thanks chickkies!
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Hi, I am Singaporean. I am determined to go next early Feb! What are you planning to do? Let's communicate via email! I am reachable at xxx Hopefully we can go together at the same time. I will like to decide the dates by next Monday.

Hear from you soon~ :cutesy:
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Yes, she is. Zoe has been accompanying me for all my follow ups at Regen. I am also very happy with the results.

As for hotels, Noblesse and Cosmos are near banobagi. They are also among the cheapest (55k-70k won).

There is a Sky Motel which is between the 2 of them. But i will only recommend it for guys, for obvious reasons.

Hotels closer to the plastic surgery street include Highland and Sunshine. Sunshine is the most expensive.

If you stay at these hotels, you can take the subway or taxi. Subway costs 1000 won while taxi is around 2.5k-3.5k won.
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Hi, Resona,

Is your eyelid surgery the second time round? What did the doc do for your eyes?
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hi all, im a newbie and want to thank everyone for your very generous sharing of info! i'm someone who hasnt taken very good care of herself nor been very confident with own appearance. i'm hoping to make amends to better living and to pursue a number of ps procedures. after having done some homework online, i have some questions and wonder if anyone could offer advice:

1. what are your opinions of ps differences (pluses and minuses) between korea and thailand?

2. i ask about thailand in particular because i see their ps prices are very transparent and generally a good bit less than korea's. for those of you with personal quotes from particular clinics or even just general idea of average or range of korean procedure prices, can you please share so i have a better idea of how much to budget?

3. do korean doctors generally give all-inclusive quotes (i.e., price includes all fees related to procedure such as operating room cost, anesthesia, etc.) or are they just talking about the doctor's fee, and there are other additional costs to account for?

thanks very much in advance for your guidance and good luck to everyone!
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