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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi, wow cool! you must had decide which clinic to go right?
I am still considering, I want to do nose revision. I'll pm you :P
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Im from Torono, Canada. I am a mix of Korean and English. I wanted to get my nose done because it is a bit bulbous on the tip and i might opt in for a higher bridge. I also want to fix my pretruding mouth...which i didnt realize I had until the doctors mentioned it :wtf: lol Guess once you start disceting your face you come up with more things to fix !

I can speak very minimal Korean- definately not enough to get through consultations fluently- but most clinics now have translators or they speak english.

I am thinking of going to Dream, OZ, and Wonjin. I have a skype consultation with Dream (dr Kim) tomorrow evening :smile: What are your options so far? And what work are you looking to get done?

Would be great to coordinate with someone so we can help eachother out through this !
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yeh really scary in surgery pictures... yicks!
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I never heard back from them...
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oh i'm going in dec.. i'm getting my nose redone... finger crossed. just going for consultation first... then we'll see.. super super nervous.. i'll let you know how sunshine is.
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hi all, does anyone know which korean surgeon might be the best bet for breast work? for a chinese, i am a rather big girl boobs-wise, which sadly has caused premature sagging. so i am interested in a breast lift. as i understand, breast lift is not as common among asians, which is why i previously wanted to have it done in thailand, where a lot of excessively-endowed foreigners go to get breast lifts done. but after doing some research, i'm thinking korea would be a safer bet. but i worry korean surgeon's simply may not have as much experience with breast lifts simply because their typical clientele rarely needs it? last thing i am is lazy, but not being able to read korean pretty much makes my research work extremely unfruitful. if anyone can offer any recommendations (for surgeons/ breast work specialist) i would REALLY REALLY appreciate it! thanks much!
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hi all, does anyone know which korean surgeon might be the best bet for breast work? for a chinese, i am a rather big girl boobs-wise, which sadly has caused premature sagging. so i am interested in a breast lift. as i understand, breast lift is not as common among asians, which is why i previously wanted to have it done in thailand, where a lot of excessively-endowed foreigners go to get breast lifts done. but after doing some research, i'm thinking korea would be a safer bet. but i worry korean surgeons may not have as much experience with breast lifts simply because their typical clientele rarely needs it? last thing i am is lazy, but not being able to read korean pretty much makes my research work extremely unfruitful. if anyone can offer any recommendations (for surgeons/ breast work specialist) i would REALLY REALLY appreciate it! thanks much!
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When i find out this forum its too late for me... i did my eyelid surgery at BK Dong Yang on September 2011. All my friend done their eyelid or nose job at local but i do not trust local surgeon, i always believe Korea Surgeon is the best so i decide go to BK look for Dr Kim because he is famous.

I had my consultation 1 day before surgery, i told him i want a higher fold and i show him a picture i want outfold. He just smile at me (pic), he ask me to do magic epi and levator muscle to make my eye look bigger. I didn't go for it because my best friend wedding is coming soon so i worry i can't recover on time.

During surgery day, Doctor Kim look so buzy... he ask me again whether i want to do epi and muscle together? i say no, he look so unhappy then he just draw a line at my eyelid. (i have a eyelid but is thin eyelid) i ask can he show me how high is the fold and he just tell me don't worry.

After drawing a line, a nurse bring me to surgery room, i saw a difference surgeon over there, i ask the nurse where is Dr. Kim? She say don't worry Dr. Kim is coming... A nurse tight my hand and inject anesthetics on it and i don't know what happen till i wake up, a nurse just give me a ice-pack to put on my eye.

1) i wonder who performed my surgery? I ask the nurse they say is Dr. Kim.
2) if it is Dr. Kim why i never see him? They say because i sleep already.
3) why Dr. Kim never wake me up for checking my eye balancing during the surgery? (all my friend have to open their eye during surgery, why i m diff?)
4) after i find out my eye is super ugly compare to my last time, i am coming all the way to Korea spend alot money/time to get this in return?
a) i want outfold but they can't make it = they tell me not everyone can make it, if really not everyone can make it why don't they tell me earlier? why tell me after surgery???
b) my eyelid end have split = they tell me its because swollen but i checked with 3 plastic surgery co at Korea (i stay there for more than 2 weeks) they tell me it is not swollen.
c) my both eyelid is unbalance = they say usually eye is also not equal same, so it is normal. (before my eye is balance, i don't know how to go back to my country with this type of eyelid)
d) the worst thing is my right eye become smaller than last time, i don't know what to say and i hope this is just a bad dream... my right eyelid is dropping to cover my eye... i pay more than all my friend pay and i find the famous doctor in Korea but end up with this...

I ask Dr. Kim about all above mentioned, he just ask me to come to Korea after 6 month and re-do it if i don't like, i feel very sad... he just want my money. I don't mind to pay but this is my face and it is effect my life :cry::cry::cry: i do not dare go to work...
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@november.rain: Sorry to hear about this. I know it is not easy. Just hang in there yea. In the meantime, try wearing tinted glasses to work and do more research on other surgeons for revision. There are too many negative feedbacks on BK.
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Hi Acadabra, thanks for your comfort, i actually do some research while i find out this forum... i m looking forward a proper/better/sincere surgeons who really care for patients. I will visit Korea after Chinese new year 2012, to avoid cold weather i may go between Mar-April hope i can find accompany.. Can anyone here recommend me any Top/Famous good eyelid surgeon then i can go though, Pleases n thank you ~

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