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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I think you better to consult more dr., as you know asian dr may not familar with western face, so pls do more prepare be4 you go =]
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Hi, I am from Singapore and planning to go on 1 Mar. I am thinking of Banobagi, Regen and Dream. Have you decided on the date of travelling?
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Have you done yours? How is it look? I am now confiused which clinic to go. Top lists are Banobagi, Shimmian and Item? As there's a girl did rhyno at ITEM and turned out so naturally beautiful :smile:
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I'm planning to go early March too. Probably 5th March onwards. How long do u plan to be there? Are u doing nose too?
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Yes, I am going for revision rhino. My previous one done by Dr Preecha in BKK but turned our to be a disaster ;( I will be there for 8 days. Zoe will be helping me with interpretation. Where do you intend to stay? Which clinic are you going to visit?
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I have not decide on the accomodation yet. Have u? I plan to go to few clinics for consultation (e.g. ID, Item, Regen, Banobagi), only then decide on the clinic to have the surgery. I have ID in mind though. Have u contact Zoe?
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Hi Noods

I am in New Zealand. I am planing to go to Korea next year November. Long time to wait ha? need to save money and annual leave:graucho:
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Hi Helena

I'm from Singapore and thinking of going 1st March to Regen and Banobagi too. Are you still looking for a buddy? Please write to me at alittlepampering@yahoodotcomdotsg :smile:))
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Hi SassyChic09,

I am planning to do a revision on my non-incision double eyelid to incision double eyelid in Korea, too. But, the departure date to Seoul is planned the end of August (because the ticket is cheaper than Summer). I would like to stay there for recovery for 2 weeks.

Besides, I am interested in V-line face surgery. I saw some good pictures from Real Cosmetic Clinic and Id hosiptal.

Of course, I would like to make some consulation with a couple of clinics and then make a quick decision. I very concern about both cost and result.

Hope I can be your company!
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