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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Glo,

You seem to know a lot. I, too am from Australia (Melbourne to be precise) and I hope you don't mind sharing some of the information you have gleaned? I am very wary about what you have mentioned - under qualified surgeons. I had surgery done in Melbourne and it's easier here to suss out the plastic surgeons. And I want to do the same with the Korean surgeons, but it's going to be harder with the language barrier and the fact that I don't know how their medical system work.
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Hi, I have been silently reading this forum for some time. After doing my research, I finally plucked up courage to go for surgery in Korea. My doctor was Dr Kim from BK Dong Yang. I'm only some weeks into my surgery so I can't tell how my nose will turn out. But it looks good now and I'm sure when the residual swelling subside, it'll look even better.

First of all, I want to share that BK is very well organised and all inquiries were very duly answered. They have English translators who accompanied throughout the consultation and post operative care so language barrier was never a problem. But it is true that BK is very busy and impersonal. Post operative were done mainly by trained nurses, who were really good and capable. I now understand why many commented that BK is like mass production. It does give me that impression too. My consultation with Dr Kim lasted only some short minutes. But I think Dr Kim knows what he is doing. I felt safe doing the surgery. Each time. I back for post operative care, when I requested that he also sees me, he was always there, albeit only very shortly and he seems to be in a rush, in and out from one room to the other, and once I even had to wait a long time for him to come.

BK hospital is very well run, the system works, and I am sure the hospital makes millions each week.
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i might want to go the the last week of march until april 1! planning on having double eyelid surgery. what are you planning on getting done?!
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Im planning to do nose surgery. where are you travelling from? ya perhaps we can buddy together. :smile:
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Hi, everyone. I'm thinking to have nose surgery in Seoul. I will be in Seoul for 3 years, so I think it is better to do it here. I'm not Asian, and my plastic surgery is not for beauty. it is for tip of my nose which has deficit from birth. I went 5-6 clinics. Now, I'm between 2 choices: shimmian and real plastic surgery. I read about Dr. Jung here. Is he good for non-Asian nose also? Have u ever heard about real cosmetic Dr. Kim Soo Shin?
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Are you sure he is actually qualified to do the nose?Just because I have an accounting degree does not mean I'm a accountant... Read into it what you like.
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Ok I'm going to tell you and everyone how I know the clinic advertise in the forum... Because I saw it with my own eyes! I went to a certain well known clinic and saw the girl at the front with the purse forum page open... She closed very quickly but i saw it!!!

Ok so.. in Australia you do a science degree or a medical degree but it doesn't mean u are qualified to be a doctor! Same with korea, just because you have a medical degree does not mean you are a plastic surgeon. Just because you studied under someone to do eyes does not mean you are qualified to do the nose... Get it? Lack of policy, law, procedures mean anyone with a medical degree can open a clinic up and be a plastic surgeon... Look at how mant there are in gangnam gu itself! If everyone is so experienced why are there hundred of surgery places? Because it's easy to open and it's not regulated.
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whom do u mean? Dr.Kim Soo Shin? I know he is surgeon but i dont know if he qualified to do the nose. how can i know it, except asking him directly? :smile:
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Do you think he will tell you the truth? Come on... If I killed someone would I tell it to a policeman if I wanted to get away??
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hi, may I know which clinic is doing advertise here?
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whom do u mean? do u know anyone qualified doctor for nose? can u advise me someone? or how can I know?
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