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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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I was in korea for surgery back in February, I stayed in a hotel with another girl I met here for the first week and then a guest house for the last 5 days. I didn't have so much cash but I did have my macbook, ipod, camera, etc. when I was consulting I usually carried everything (I had pictures on the computer I wanted to show the doctors). If we went out for dinner/shopping, I just left everything in my room. I did the same at the guest house though I was in a shared room and had no problems.

I just emailed to stay in touch and also video chatted. :smile: my hotel and guest house both had internet.
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Korea is generally safe. Appujong area is a rich district, and I find the place v clean, neat and not crowded.

You can lock your laptop and some cash in your luggage. Don't bring all cash out. Also you can put a sign not to do room service and they won't come in.

Can use Skype to communicate with family. It's free.
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Can I please see your before and after pics?! Congrats, if you could please email to me at l_t_chan@yahoo.ca. I'm planning to get my chin done as well =)
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hey thanks for the reply. for how long will you be there? i'm starting to get cold feet now although i'm probably just settling for eyelid surgery :S
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You know you can't wet your face at all for at least a week after surgery.
And there is no way to wash your hair without wetting your face. I think that was my
biggest con. They gave me this coupon for free shampoo at this high-end salon though.
I thought it was one of the tricks to get people to buy things at the hair salon, but
they actually just shampooed my hair and did one of those treatment thing. twas pretty nice although it was a bit distancy from the hospital. (it would be better to just take a taxi,) The salon was called Bethesda or something. I saw this K-pop star when I was there !! :lol: I don't know if it's just a promotion thing or permanent thing but the girl works at BK told me that they give it out to all patients.
If you are planning to go somewhere else though and have nose or facial contouring, have shampoo at a hair salon. it is so much better than going through all the troubles to just wash your hair.
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I'll be there for little over 2 weeks. If you're seriously worried about it I think it'd be a job idea just to go around for consults and such then wait until you're totally set on the idea of surgery. There are too many cases of regret and with surgery you can't undo it, unfortunately. Have you picked out the clinics you'll be visiting? I'm happy to provide support when you need it :smile:
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I am at nobless good stay hotel :smile:
You can squeeze 3 persons here and it's 90,000. / night.. Very comfortable clean and warm.... I had already done my surgery with jewelry clinic
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Omg Caitlin! You got your surgery done w jewelry already?! That's so fast man! May I know what surgeries did u undergo? I'd like to know their surgical methods as well :smile:
How much did u pay? Please reply me as I'd really like to know :smile: how was their service and your experience w them so far? Do the doctors and nurses know how to speak fluent English? Thank you so much Caitlin! x
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okay i have to say it's a korean / japanese clinic, the doctors speak little english, i went with zoe and thank god for her. i would say the doctors are really good, the receptionist, doctors nurses..look at them all so pretty like korean actresses !!! they are walking examples.
i talked to their consultant, kim bo kyung as she is the head consultant, she can really give you good prices. but please bring zoe because she doesnt understand english at all. i already did my facial contouring, i will be considering them for eyes next year!! really really pretty eyes...
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Sorry for then late reply. Yes, I am currently in Korea right now. I met with 3 clinic regarding my 2 jaw surgery...BK, ID, and banobagi. After talking with the surgeon and receiving quote from all three clinic, I decided to go with ID for my 2 jaw surgery. BK is the most expensive at 20 million won, but provide free accommodation for the entire period of my stayed in Korea. The reason why I didn't choose BK is there don't have specialist dealing with 2 jaw. Banobagi is the least expensive at 18 million won. But I really didn't like the way their consulant handle the price issue. banobagi is just too commercialize in my opinion. Like a cookie cutter clinic where there churn out 10-20 patients a day. I like dr oh. Had it been not for the consultant, I probably would have chosen bano to do my 2 jaws. Btw, BK charges only 15 million for 2 jaws, but there charge an additional 5 million won for the genoplasty which is the reason why the price shoot up to 20 million. ID and Bano offer geneo as part of the 2 jaws package. Bano seem to be the most opportunistic. There will charge you for just about every thing. There charge me 1 million won to have my chin implant remove while doing the 2 jaw. In my opinion, there should remove the implant free of charge since there would be making the incision around the same area. So that really turn me off. ID fit right in the middle in term of price at 18.5 million won. Which include 4 nights stayed at their facility. ID is less commercialize since there cater mostly to local. There are not as busy busy as BK or Bano. When I met with dr park the first time, I was lecture for my poor decision to have a chinnimplant when I knew have a bite issue. The conversation in the first few minute were kind of intense and some might say rudemon the part of dr park. But other may precise as being rude, I consider it as being confident, and that aspect of the consolation is really what sold me on ID. After a few minute, the conversation Are more friendly with dr park explaining in great detail his plan of attack for my case. He knew exactly what he will be doing to help me achieved a very pleasing profile. Joanne at ID were very friendly and help resolve a lot of questionsnwhich I miss during my consolation with dr park. And I wasn't push back and forth between different cosultants as what BK and Bano did. I met with Joanne every time I visit ID and there weren't a day that I see Joanne where she isn't smiling. So I feel very comfortable wi m decision to have my 2 jaws with ID. I know I am in good hand. My surgery date is set in the 10 of this month. Even though thisnis going to be a major surgery, I am not one bit nervous. Intact I am more excited about changing the alignment if my jaw and improvement my look. I know I am in good hand and will be well taken care of. If there is any companion about ID I'd the lack of WIFI connection in their building. But other than that,I am pretty satisfied with the consultation. Everything is paid for already in cash and model of my teeth has already been created. So it's justing counting down to the day. I will keep you updated with the result at hand.

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