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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi elana.lalaland

Im very keen to get my eyes done at teium hence cud u email me ur before & after pix? My email add is schlok22@gmail.com

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To : Worries. I did not receive yr email. Can u send me b/a pics of yrself for e fat grafting? I m reconsidering as I read there is a possibility of permanent lumps n uneven swellings. M also considering fillers instead. But I really want fat graft actually as its more permanent. Did yr doctor mention anything about possible lumps or permanent swellings? Pls send me b/a pics n tell me more about yr fat graft experience : susanlntan@yahoo.com (l for London, n for Norway). Thanx!
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To Worries : I stated at BK guesthouse for free for 5 days as I did both upper m lower Blepharoplasty w them. After that , I stayed at Coatel hotel, booked by BK for me at KRW100,000 ($115 SGD) per mite. E room is big, clean n centrally located at Gangnam. U can read my postings about my stay in Seoul (around 1-4 April in purse postings).
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He does only revision? So primary should be cheaper? @_@
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Cool! What time are you meeting Dr Kim tomorrow? My friend and I didn't exactly made an appointment but we're planning to go at 11am.

Yup I don't mind! You have already booked the tickets! I have not yet! @_@ When are you going over?
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Hello : )

1). Did anyone done a lip reduction?
I mean ummm , reshape it by a little reduction procedure and reshape it into a thiner and curvy lip?

How much does it cost in general average?
How about the lowest price?
please mention me the clinics and the price list : )

note : i'll staying at gangnam, yeoksam-dong.
close to Pagoda building. So im looking for a nearest plus affordable clinic : )

Thanks : )
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Hi Susan I had resend u my email.. Pls check .. Anyway in case u can't receive my email I can state Dr Chung Eve Plastic surgery price for Fat Graft here

1)Fat Graft (3 Area) 1.5mil won
2)Full Fat Graft (5 Area) 2mil won
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Hi Pepper,

No I never stay at Eve Plastic Surgery clinic.. I went straight bk to seoul. It's only like 1hr journey so it's fine with me hence the bus is direct to Seoul non stop ride so it's okie..
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Hi Stupidkuku... Yes his primary nose job is lower price.. But that also depends on what graft & cartilage u using...
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Oh I'm heading to Cheonan again with my mum for facelift maybe in Aug.. Anyone here if keen to visit Eve plastic surgery going pls avoid 17-19 Aug as Dr Chung is heading to china for seminar.
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Hello, i've went to meet Dr kim in the morning. hmm. I would say he wasn't detailed enough to concern on how you exactly want it to be done. He just looked at that sheet of paper which I filled up "rhinoplasty" then look at my nose, start writing things on that sheet, then tell me its done. so not assuring.
anyway I'm traveling to bangkok and sydney in july to aug so I'm thinking of either doing it earlier this month or after my trip so that it doesn't interfere w my recovery period.
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I agreed with burgernomic. I was very disppointed with my appointment with Dr. Kim. I went down to see him this morning at Scott Residences. I was taken aback by Dr. Kim's and his team's EQ and attitudes. Despite the fact that I was the only patient around, Dr. Kim is not interested in understanding my enquires. He just took down notes on the sheet of paper and send me off. He said he will reply me via email. I am glad that I meet up with him in person before making a trip to Korea. The display in the lack of patient's care truly worried me - especially when problem and complication arises you only have "stone statues" to turn to. BK is being over-rated by many forumers.
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