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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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You look like a Korean actress! And your skin is so perfect!
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hi babyheart i can't pm you, but can u email me at x your before and after surgery pictures at Grand? And sorry to trouble you but can you also list the price for me! Thanks!
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I agree, your skin is so flawless and your nose looks great! Congrats and happy healing! :biggrin:
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hi can you email mi ur b4 and after photos to compare? u did with bk dongyang? hw much u paid for nose, zygoma and v line respecti.. ? my email add is [email protected] thanks
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Aww, thanks so much *shrug* :girlwhack:
Stay tuned for 3 months picture :smile:
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To : Worries . Did u do Fat Graft w Dr Chung of Eve? How was e result? Did u have any lumps or uneven swellings after e fat graft? Pls advise me or email me at [email protected]. ( l for London). I really want to do fat graft but worried about e risks of lumps n uneven swellings. Is Eve a big or small hospital?
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Ya Susan , Eve Plastic Surgery is a local Korean market plastic surgery clinic of course it's small not hospital that targets foreigner. Personally I don't like to be rip off by Big hospital. I only willing to pay more on gd & skilled surgeon. Anyway big hospital does'nt mean they have really gd Dr. Anyway if u wanna take a look at Dr Chung Eve Plastic Surgery clinic u can search my Thread (Successful Epi Reversal in Cheonan) there is pic of his clinic there.

Oh ya I do nasolabial fold fat graft it tooks me 2 weeks to deswell on lump swelling .. Don't worry too much on the lump swelling it will go away if ur surgeon did it at a right technique.
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@Marir, It's great that you listed so many clinics! Daunting as it is, it's still great to have options to narrow down from.

I'm actually really leaning toward Dr. Bom Joon Ha from Tian Clinic. I can't find anything about him on the forums, which is understandable since I think he works mainly with local patients. My friend spoke to him for me while she was in Korea when I asked her to help me look around for some good facial contouring surgeons.

According to Dr. Ha, he's a facial contouring specialist. I spoke to him myself via email and he has great English! He's also very responsive with his emails. From the clinics I've consulted with, only Oz's Dr. Park and Tian's Dr. Ha responded personally (for those who don't already know, usually a separate consultant answers the emails). Well, for all we know it could be a consultant in disguise, but we can get an idea if it's really them based on how they answer questions, right? lol

Their website: http://www.tianps.co.kr/, however, isn't very English-friendly. :cry: Anyone who doesn't mind taking a look at the website and sharing how they feel about this clinic?
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Yah, I saw your pictures too! Very pretty! Thanks for sending them! :ty:
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Thanks for sharing your experience! Did you feel like Dr. Oh performed the surgery the way you requested him to? Can he speak English too? Because I know I want to be able to communicate well with my doctor, haha.
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I would like to know if the guesthouse which BK provides for free for a few days is owned by BK clinic or not and the name of the guesthouse? Im considering of getting surgery done maybe near that area at other clinics.
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hi dan4me

u look great
do u hv frontal view pictures to compare and look at? ;)
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