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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey hey

I'll be there 14th June onward! Let me know if you're gonna be there? Will be nice to have a buddy.
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Hi Shane77,

Thank you very much for your advice. It is so overwhelming when you start researching. If you don't mind me asking, what is a phi caliper? Is it something that you can download freely? BK's doc is going to Jakarta for consultation, and I was planning to go talk to him since I will be there at the same time. Do you think that is worth it? Or shd I wait and talk to the docs in Korea.

Thanks again Shane, I wd be interested to see yr b/a pics if you don't mind.

I don't want a major change (but isn't that what most ppl say at 1st? :biggrin: ) but of course even this change makes me really nervous. After all, nose is what ppl see 1st no? I mean, I wd like my nose to look natural, just better... hehehehe..

Anyone else that have done a rhino, if you can, share yr experience pls, and if you are willing the b/a pics. Don't worry, it's only for my own research, I wdn't put it up anywhere.

:smile: Nervous.. nervous...
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So here I am in Seoul. Had my consultations today. Firstly BK Dong, what a joke. Dr Hong talks at you not to you. I wanted consultation for revision rhino, v line with genioplasty, lateral epi and paranasal augmentation. Many answers he replied 'you can look that up on the internet' or dont ask me those questions you dont need to know I will decide. You cant ask more than a few questions he started to get really pissed off. He makes hardly any eye contact. You cant choose what you want, he said no to lateral epi, no to genio and said I will only do your nose. Me and Zoe were shocked and the female consultant looked really uncomfortable and totally understood why we didn't even bother to stay for a price. Total waste of time, had to wait over an hour for the worst 10 minute consultation ever. So off to lunch then to ID Hospital. From the moment I stepped through the door I was treated with importance, what a contrast. First I had a CT scan so the surgeons can see my bone structure. I met with Dr Park Sang Hoon for v line with genio. He took his time explained everything clearly in English and answered all my questions I felt very at ease with him. Zoe tells me he had the highest Mensa score in all of South Korea so he is one of the most clever men in the country, no wonder he pioneered 2jaw surgery, this gave me even more confidence. Then I met Dr Kim Junesung. He too spoke very good English, always smiling and very easy to talk to. I asked for a Megan Fox nose, gave him a picture and he said yes he can create this for me. He also said yes to para nasal augmentation and lateral epi. The price was good with some haggling so I agreed to go ahead. But there was a problem. I want the ops tomorrow but the Dr's did not have a free slot until next Tuesday which is no good for me, it does not gave me enough down time before flying back to the UK. So Joanna my consultant went to double check after Zoe had a word with her, she managed to get the surgeon to work late especially for me so I am booked for surgery 4pm local time tomorrow. Wish me luck! x
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Good Luck!!! Share some more when you can please..
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Hi. I had all my scans X-ray and blood and heart checks today at ID and the results were instant so I don't know why you were told one week, you should query this.
Don't have 2 jaw unless you really need it, it's a major op with serious bleeding. I'm a good candidate for this but I'm not having it done, can't afford to be unwell for up to 6 months so I am having v line with genio, para nasal augmentation, revision rhino and lateral epi.
I asked about saggy skin as this is very important for me, Dr Park Sang Hoon guaranteed me this won't happen as I am Asian and we have thicker skin, western folks are more prone as their skin is thinner. I met a girl who has had v line she agreed no sagging but maybe a few mm drop right under the chin.
2.5 weeks is plenty, I have 2 weeks after surgery with stitches removed a day before my flight home. My ops are tomorrow, worst part is fasting!
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Hey, me too, surgery tomorrow. Only just read your message, would have hooked up with you sooner if I logged on yesterday. Where are you staying? What procedures are you having if you dont mind me asking and which clinic?

Maybe we can hook up in a couple of days once the anaesthetic has left my body.
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I walked past VIP today the building is a lot smaller than you think from their pictures on their site. They are very very expensive!
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Hi. I was told to walk everyday for 2-3 hours after v line apparently this reduces a lot of the swelling, did you do this? I am in Seoul now, surgery at ID tomorrow so if you still around in a couple of days we can meet up if you feel up to it.
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All the best for your surgery!! Its great that they agreed to work OT! shows they value ur business. :smile: I've decided not to get two jaw after looking at my xray here in australia. Hope your op goes smoothly do update us abt ur recovery. :smile:
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Be great to meet up in a couple of days after my surgery with Dr Park tomorrow. Which hotel are you at?
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I don't have that app as I have my iPad only and it's not in the app store. Email me nykc@hotmail.com but as you know no wi if at ID recovery rooms and my iPad is not 3G so will be offline till Sunday.
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Ok, when will you be having your surgery in id? And your name? I will just drop by id when i m there. I am very familiar with some of the nurses at id. So will ask them to guide me to your room.
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Hi Shane, do you mind sharing with me your b/a pics? I am considering to do rhinoplasty & am impressed with Bano's b/a pics in their web. They also recommended me to do All in One surgery for a more defined jaw which I am considering. Since you share so much about Dr Park of ID, thought I'll like to see your results. Is Dr Park good in rhinoplasty too? Thanks.

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