shane77 Posted June 10, 2012 Share Posted June 10, 2012 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hongkongphooey Posted June 10, 2012 Share Posted June 10, 2012 Hey everyone It's 2 days post op today for revision rhino, v line with genio, para nasal silicone implant, lateral epi. I'm really glad to see some of you are replying, the more the better makes me feel it's worth posting on here as it takes forever typing on an iPad with one finger! So I stayed in the recovery room for 2 nights at ID Hospital, they only offer one night but i requested 2 nights and Dr Park agreed. Because of this forum I met shane77 and Spartan Warrior who was a few rooms down from me recovering from 2 jaw, poor bloke, but it did make me whinghe less seeing his pain versus mine. I strongly recommend you do NOT have any type of jaw surgery and rhino at the same time, the breathing can get really hard, for instance after any food or drink except water you have to gargle your mouth with water 8x then mouthwash 1x. If your nose is blocked you can't gargle while holding your breath for very long, you cant sleep because of the massive mucus build up in your nose and it slides to the back of your throat and sits there as its so thick it wont budge, and as you've also had jaw surgery you are very limited to mouth movements, so its really hard to cough it up plus its painful so you leave it and struggle to breathe, i admit i had several panic attacks, even 2 days on and I still dribble from not being able to drink properly or cough. You are also not allowed to blow your nose or try snort the mucus in hard so anyone about to undergo rhino and jaw please re think as I am living this right now and on my own in a foreign country. I have just read 7up helps, read the last entry on this link, will let you know if it works If It wasn't for Zoe I would never have been brave enough to come, she is a saving grace if you are coming here alone. Yesterday they took all the tubes out of me, this is extremely painful, especially the blood drains behind your ears no numbing cream just pulled them out and stitched up the holes. Omg that will stay with me forever should be made illegal. However once that's done you go back to your room for a nice facial. My face is like a little balloon now I don't think my family will recognise me, when I look in the mirror it's really weird. You wear this elastic bandage around your head to aid recovery and reduce swelling but it gets more painful by the day as you start swelling so the bandage gets tighter thank goodness the 2nd day onwards is one hour on 20 mins off. The pressure hurts my lower teeth they are sensitive after v line and sliding geniopasty. The ice packs give great relief. I had silicone I shape and ear cartridge for tip but can't see yet as splint and tape is covering my face. Oh forgot to mention my nostrils are partly packed with swab this help with maintaining shape it comes out on day 4 and the splint and tape on day 7. Zoe tells me the statistics are 1 in every 200 silicone rhinos become infected, there is no reason for it and it's down to luck. I read to not eat any type of seafood weeks before and after surgery this can cause infection as they scavenge crap in the sea so makes sence. My skin is really tight and surprisingly oily as I have very dry skin. My neck is swollen too. I'm sleeping with 3 pillows maybe tomorrow I will try 2. Sleeping no more than an hour a time, not sure why but it's draining and I'm always tired but nodding off isn't easy. My dinner tonight was soup in a mug, two pumpkin juices. No one had mentioned when you leave ID they give you a whole box of pumpkin juice sachets must be over 50 sachets, no charge. The box is the same size as a 4 bottle cardboard wine carrier and it's pretty heavy. I brought with me a massive tub of high protein and carb powder, the sort body builders drink as an alternative to food. Mix with water to make a shake, easy but bring a small whisk. You will need this to maintain your strength and well being the last thing you want to do post op is shopping for food, convenience is key. Do not open this before arriving as its powder customs may stop you and test it but if it is still factory sealed they wont. Mine weighs 2kg, a lot considering my baggage with Korean Air is only 20k. Another tip. Try to not drink too much milk or cream leading up to surgery, this can produce higher mucus and phlem build up. I hope my posting today will help someone else, do let me know if it does, will make me feel good during this long slow boring recovery period. Anyone coming soon drop by. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seoulshy Posted June 10, 2012 Share Posted June 10, 2012 Hi Shane77, mind share your b&a eye pic you had with Dr Shin? My email is Am interested to do double eyelid surgery too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incognito81 Posted June 10, 2012 Share Posted June 10, 2012 Hello everyone, I am planning on going to Seoul to get some work done sometime next month. Anyone interested in sharing the cost of accomodation? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ooh_la Posted June 10, 2012 Share Posted June 10, 2012 Hey HongKongPhooey, Thank you for updating us on your recovery process! I'm noting down all of your tips--especially the one about seafood, I never would have expected that, but it makes a lot of sense. Recovery sounds painful but it sounds like it'll be worth it. Wish you a speedy recovery and please update us on your day to day progress when you feel better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
incognito81 Posted June 10, 2012 Share Posted June 10, 2012 I am flying from Canada and I was wondering how long would you recommend I stay in Seoul. One week? Ten days? How much do you guys budget for accommodation and food? Anyone wants to share a room to split costs? Thanks! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emisa Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Hi hongkongpooey, It takes a lot of patience to type using iPad. Thank you so much for the update n tips. I am thinking twice of doing v line now that u told me they hv to pull out the tube n stitch up the wound without anesthesia! I hv very low pain threshold. Wishing you a prompt recovery! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
emisa Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Hi, Anyone who did v line in other clinics..does yr clinic practice a less painful or painless way in removing tubes fm the ear? Or mouth? Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hongkongphooey Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Hey Emisa Sorry it has put you off a little, no one told me beforehand so it was a shock. Thankfully I will gone before they want to remove the 5 sets of stitches in my mouth so they can dissolve away. I don't know what the policy is with other clinics, in the UK they would have haven me a local first. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shane77 Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Well that would depend on what kind of procedure are you planning to do. Different procedure required different length of stayed. But the very least I would recommend 10 to 14 days after the surgery. That would provide adequate amount of time for you to recover from your surgery and have any stitching removed before you leave Korea. I stayed 2 week after my 2 jaws surgery. It was more than enough time for me tom recovered from it. But than again, I had great post op care from ID. If clinic offer youto stayed in their guest house, then you can save a whole bunch on accommodation and put that toward thingns like food and transportation. I would say USD1500 is a pretty good figure to consider for about 2 weeks stayed in Korea. There are a lot of cheap motel you can choose from in Seoul. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shane77 Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 There are really no less painful way or painless way to have the rube removed from behind your eat. When I first had facial contouring, the surgeon simply yank the tube out. There just ask me to brace my self. I was in tear when the tube was yank out of me. When iwas anticipating the same experience when I had the tube remove at ID. But to my surprise, the pain were not as painful. I think the pain will depend on the how deep the surgeon insert the tube. THR deeper it is, the more painful its going to be. I am was fortunate the tube that was inserted in me were no as deep. And the doctor that removed the tube for me were quite gentle. If anything else, it was more painful when there sew you up after they remove the tube since no numbing cream were used. Hope this help. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
shane77 Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Just to let every one know that I am schedule to have a lateral surgery done by dr shin of BK tomorrow. It was an unexpected of event, zomeing which I had never plan In the first place. I knew I was going to get lateral done, but I wasn't sure if I were going to get it during this trip. I had so many procedure that I wanted to do, but as my time is limited, icouldn't do it all at once. But I knew I was getting something done during this trip. And I was pretty sure it was going to be my nose revision, maybe love band as well. I was settle on ID for the nose base on my previous experience at ID and after seeing what a wonderful job dr gim had done for hong kong phooney nose. My confident were assure when I met him today. I wanted to do my nose as soon as possible. But unfortunately dr gim schedule were so pack that he couldn't fit me in this month. I was quite disappointed but I figure it was probably for the best since I was still swollen from my two jaw. So it wouldn't be a good idea to go through another invasive surgery so soon. Love band is still sketchy for me as I don't know if I really need it or not. So the other procedure of interest is fat graft and lateral epi. Fat graft was discourage by dr shin as he felt that I am still too swollen to predict how much fat needed to be harvested and injected into my paranasal fold. Btw, dr shin recommend dermis fat over traditional fat since it more permanent compare to normal fat. However dermis fat is extremely expensive and will leave a scar right around the tailbone are. It is what dr shin prefered as well for the bridge of the nose as there's less chance of developing an infection. So the next thing on my to do list is lateral epi. If your think that lateral epi is just a cut in the corner of the eyes to make your eyeslonger, I thought so too until I spoke with dr shin. It turn out there are 3 type of epi that dr shin offer. The one he suggested for me is known as a lateral 3D which is unique only to dr shin since he is the only surgeon in Korea that perform such a procedure. Basically its an add up to the normal lateral epi. It help to make your eye more refine and even wider. i already had a previous eyelid surgery revision done by dr shin in January this year and loving it. So I am really excited about the prospect of having dr shin doing my eye the second time. Those who followed my post since the the early begining knows that I am a big supporter of dr shin and only dr shin of BK. My friend were so Impress by dr shin that she has book an appointment for tomorrow to have her eyelid surgery done by him as well. I will keep every one updated after my surgery. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
asin Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Hang in there HongKongPhooey. The swelling may seem to increase on Days 2-4 but it'll get better from there. It sounds like ID has much better aftercare than Banobagi. Banobagi didn't give me any pumpkin juice; I had to buy my own. I was also discharged 12 hours after the surgery and was on my own for a while. I didn't even get to meet with the facial contouring doctor again until Day 13. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kathk Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Hi everyone. I'm new here! I was looking at my friend's suggestion of BK and The All until I found this thread. Can anyone recommend the best clinic for lipo? I was thinking of doing my arms, belly and maybe my back to balance the appearance. I am also interested in the dimples procedure! Has anyone done that? I'm considering getting double eyelids done too. However just not sure which has the best doctors. I was leaning towards BK until I read a few complaints and bad reviews. Which clinic is best for someone who's not from Korea? I see that it suggest a min of 2 weeks stay for lipo. Anyone have good, clean, cheap hotel to recommend? It the first time for me so i'm nervous! Would love any and all advice! Thank you! K Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dan4me Posted June 11, 2012 Share Posted June 11, 2012 Hello, everyone : ) So, it has been 3 months post op since my rhino + v-line surgery. All the minor swelling seems gone now, and no saggy skin has been detected. (a lot of ppl asked me about saggy skin part after facial contouring surgery) I shared with all of you ever since I was contemplating my surgery. It's been so much fun to get to know many good people here and supporting me. So many people asked me to send before pictures, but I still have no guts to go public with my before pictures. hahaha so ask me via email if you want to see b/a. I got hair extension recently and I'm loving it these days although it is too freakin hot. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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