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Hey Guys!

Asian nose 3 forum is kind of dead so i thought i would post my question here. I recently had my rhinoplasty done at Regen (please view my older posts for a summary on the operation). Overall, I'm satisfied with the results. However, I'm wondering if my nose bridge is too high for my taste. I asked for a very natural look, but I got a 3mm silicone implant. Can anyone please comment on whether a 3mm silicone implant is supposed to result in a big change? I only wanted a subtle, natural change. I am currently 6 weeks post-op. Thanks!
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Hi Illumi!

Its been awhile and I thought I would let you know that I've also gotten my rhinoplasty done at Regen. I received a 3mm silicone implant and it looks really good (my face has gotten much prettier) but I'm worried that the bridge is too high for my taste. I'm only 6 weeks post-op though so there could be some residual swelling. Could you let me know how many mm you received for your height? Also, would it be possible for you to email me a before and after picture? I promise I won't share it with anyone! Thanks!

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i think what you're experiencing is just residual swelling brought on by the rhinoplasty. 6 week is still quite early to determine if what you're experiencing is welling or the final result. however its important to take note that the largest implant a manufacturer makes is only 5mm. so a 3mm implant is consider above average size. how that fit into your profile would depend on the height of your bridge before the surgery. the issue may have nothing to do with the size of the implant. perharps it has more to do with the thickness of your skin. the surgeon over at regen may have discounted the thickness before selecting the size of your implant. i personally have a thicker skin so a 3 mm implant would seem bigger when place under my skin. you may have the same problem as well. but it is your surgeon responsibilty to determine that ahead of time. i would say give it another month or so before jumping into conclusion. is you still think your bridge is a little high, then bring this isse up with your surgeon and explore your option.
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Thanks shane! I was told at Regen that I have thin skin, so would 3mm be okay for someone like me? Thanks for the fast response! Also, when can I expect my tip to deswell. I start work in 4 weeks and Im getting nervous! :sad:
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well its good to know that the surgeon over at regen took the time to analyse the structure of your skin first before choosing the size for you. if that the case, then you really shouldn't have nothing to worry about. 6 week is still way too early to pass on any judgement. it may appear that the swelling from your nose has subsided, but that could onvery well be just the major swelling. one way or another, you still experiencing minor swelling that is less obvious but still present. your nose will only get better with time. you should work your way around your nose and not the other way around. the more time you allow your nose to heal the better it is. i recommend that you continue using your ice pack at least once a day for about 10 minute. that really help me when i had my nose job done a few years ago.
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Sent now :smile: accidentally sent another as i pressed sent by accident - looking forward to your suggestions!
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Hey Emisa, I've asked about the LA for the tubes being pulled and and joanne (the consultant) said there was no point because it was a really quick process and the pain of injecting LA would be just as painful ask yanking it out.

I didn't know LA was injected, but thats what i was told. hope that helps
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4 Weeks Post Op Update – I wonder if I can take up a whole page….Grab yourself a nice cup of tea, fling off those flip flops, settle down for an enjoyable read:

Well guys it been a magic month already, how time flies…..

If you are an avid follower (if not why not?) you will know I started some tablets called Serrapeptase recently, a natural product made by little wiggly silkworms. They claim the enzyme will dissolve dead tissue, significantly decrease swelling after any surgery, reduce old and new scars and in general make you heal a heck of a lot faster. It has many other benefits besides a healthy immune, improves joints (not the smoking type), sounds like if I take these I will become superwoman. So I bought some, heck why not, after all I’d love to be superwoman!! I’ve been taking 2 tablets a day for 4 days. Now you could call this a coincidence but I don’t think so. You avid followers (not you others) will know from my blogs that I have a keloid scar by my left eye from the lateral epi op, I had already given you the tip to not rub it but gently tap it with your finger, I still stand by this. Well, in the last 2 days it’s halved in size, not that it was the size of an egg or anything but it was big enough for me to dislike it sticking out from my face, you could call it an eye sore, pun intended! If it dissolves altogether by me taking my silkworm scar eating enzyme tablets I will let you all know. Staying on the subject of these tablets I would like you all to stand up and cheer, I would like to announce the anticipated return of my dimples, what a relief, I really love my dimples and missed them like a long lost friend. This can only mean one thing the swelling in my cheeks have decreased. I know what you are thinking and yes, I do still look related to Alvin the Chipmunk but not as much, last week I would forgive you if you asked us ‘were you separated at birth’ but this week it would be rude for you to make such a comment.

Moving on to my paranasal smile. Hmm… even though my long lost friends are back I am not too happy with the paranasal implants yet. Before I had these little plastic suckers inserted in to each side of my nose I smiled like the midday sun, beaming from ear to ear. But now there has been an eclipse and I’m not liking it. I know, give it more time I hear you yell but I yell back, “I don’t have time, random people keep smiling at me and I try to smile back but I look like Wallace and Gromit”, my top lip just won’t bend, it’s rigid and with my bottom lip is a bit swollen so don’t expect me to smile back trust me, it’s scary. So I have fired off an email to ID, 4 DAYS AGO, how long does it take for you to reply, it’s a simple question, give me some answers!! So there it is my first negative comment about ID. I’ve also just fired off some emails to a few forumers from the Asian Nose threads that have had the same procedure and hope they will reply soon. I need to hear from someone with first hand experience, not a friend of a friend. Just the facts ma’am just the facts (Blues Brother, great film)!

On to my lovely foxy nose. I’ve emailed like a100 photos to you guys and about 30 of you have come back with comments, the other 70 must still be looking in awe, rigor mortis has probably set in their fingers. Thanks lovelies for all your comments, much appreciated. I will try answer some of the common questions asked. Yes it does still hurt a bit especially when I forget and run my hands over my face or dive in to scratch an itch. The silicone feels more sturdy under my skin and has held it’s own with new tissue growth, it’s nice and snug in there, I don’t think there is much chance of it deviating unless I walk into a lamp post. The tip which is mainly my ears (cartilage) is not as hard as I thought it would be, I can bend it like ……, sorry drifted off again, I can bend it ok but tend not to much as it’s still healing. I am sure there is some swelling, after all it’s only been one twelth of a year, but it’s not visible to me or others. To be honest, my ears hurt more than my nose. I can’t tolerate the sleeping with 3 pillow propped up regime any longer so I whipped one away, I’ve promoted myself to only 2 pillows and trying to sleep on my side, this is the only time my reduced cartilage ears hurt. Having had all my nostril hairs shaved off by the Doc they are starting to grow back, reminds me of little hedgehogs emerging from hibernation, I thought I'd share that with you, you're welcome. I do still have two massive swollen scars inside my nose but the dissolvable stitching has nearly all gone. Still can’t pick my nose, my fingers are too big. Too much information maybe.

Lets talk V Line and Sliding Genio, (which doesn’t slide at all, and if it did it would freak me out). Since I’ve put the swelling on a new diet plan, I’m look a bit more elegant this week. The part that refuses to diet is my chin. Dr Park did tell me this so it’s no surprise. The inside of my cheeks where they stitched me up still feels like a patchwork quilt. It’s twice as bulgy on the left as it is the right and when I eat they get really mad at me and start swelling up twice their size, then my gums decide to have a go too and they start swelling up so I eat quite fast or there’s not much room to squeeze my in food. I’m still munching on soft foods, the hardest thing I have eaten is a biscuit and that hurt. It’s hard to explain the pain, it’s not a sharp pain it’s an annoying dull pain which gets worse when you chew anything but the pain is always there, lurking in my mouth, I don’t bother to take pain killers. One of my lower teeth keeps popping up, it is actually higher than the others so my bite is a bit weird. Dr Park said maybe I always had this and never noticed before (come on Dr Park get a grip!) or it has moved during my V Line surgery, which can happen (that’s a much more sensible answer) and will eventually after 3 months fall back in line with it’s buddies. I am no longer using my baby toothbrush, I’ve moved on to the free Korean Air toothbrush (I have two, return journey!) which is not baby size and it’s not quite adult either so it’s perfect.

Tip: Before I left for Seoul I stuffed my face to make me fat. I put on 18lbs this is a whole dress size bigger knowing I would be on a liquid and soft food diet for sometime. Today I weighed myself and I’ve lost 16lbs since my surgeries.

So this concludes my one month journey, tomorrow I will begin my alcohol regime, it’s been so long, one shot of Jack Daniels and I’ll probably be knocked out!

I didn't fill a whole page.... boo

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Hey Egg

How are you? How was surgery?

I did think of you today and wished you luck.
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hey everyone, just thought i'd share my experiences quickly as there have been a lot of in-depth blogs about vline at id already.

i went into surgery at 5pm last night and woke up at 8:30pm, and dear god, i was in the most pain I've ever felt in my life. the nurses told me i wasn't allowed any water or sleep until 2am, but i was dry retching so bad constantly, they ended up giving me water at 12am. i was really looking forward to lubricating my dry throat, but the water tasted so badly of medication it made me throw up. i ended up downing more water later, which i threw up again so i decided to cut back and only tiny drink sips every now and then.

it's now almost 11hrs after my surgery, the pain has subsided slightly and i can keep some water down. I'm a little phlegm machine at the moment, its so gross.

i really thought i was prepared for the surgery but i really wasn't (and i only had vline done). i really recommend no one do this on their own, its extremely mentally and physically draining (at one point i thought chopping my head off would be less painful).

hands down to everyone who have had multiple surgeries done at the same time, you guys are very strong people and I'm glad for all your postings.

ps, so sorry if I've scared anyone!!
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hey, thanks for your thoughts. you're so kind and sweet. I've just posted on my experience, doing a lot better now though. getting my blood drains removed in 1.5 hours, I'm terrified!
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OK Egg Lady, you do need to brace yourself, I won't lie to you or smooth it over, I have been as honest as I can about my ordeal and I know you have read it. Firstly that painkiller shot you have that is attached to your IV, click the button now, you can only click it every 20 minutes so keep clicking every 20 minutes, this is the only pain relief you will have. They should have come in and told you to stop drinking by now so do stop as you may be sick again. I can tell you it is a very weird sensation when they pull out the tubes, they will constantly be telling you to relax and to not move, so please don't move, it will hurt you more. I clearly remember when they kept saying relax I just wanted to punch their lights out and shout how the **** can I relax, I'm in agony. It's a shame I only just thought of the numbing cream I posted the other day, so sorry I didn't remember earlier.

I don't know if this is how you will feel but myself and Spartan Warrior exchanged stories and we felt the same. After they pull the tubes out your natural endorphins will kick in (natural pain killers your body produce), this will then mask the pain when they sew you up, it's only two stitches both sides.

As no one told me this was going to happen I wasn't pumped up but you already know so you can get pumped now. For the second tube I took many deep breaths, when they were about to do it I took the biggest breath I could take and I held it, this really helped me as it takes your mind off (a little), it distracts the brain.

The only other comfort I can give you is it doesn't take long, the tube will be removed will take no more than 3 seconds, the stitching isn't long either.

I insisted Zoe came into the room with me even though she was told to leave she stood her ground and held my hand throughout, it really helped me. I don't know if your Mum would be allowed to do the same thing, you could ask.

After that you will go back to your room and a little lady will come along and put a paper face mask on you to help with your swelling. After that do the walking thing, very important!!!

I am thinking of you again.
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Sorry I've replied to the tube message before this one but I wanted you to read it before you went down.

No one can ever prepare for waking up after invasive surgery like V Line, when I woke up I thought using a defibrillator on my chest and that a truck had hit me, it's rank. Ah yes, the water thing, I also thought I was going to choke to death by dry mouth syndrome but I was lucky I wasn't sick even though they let me drink water after 4 hours as well, I did complain constantly. I think I must have drank 8 cups in 15 minutes but I didn't taste any GA in my mouth so I guess we all react differently. I think the fact I was violently sick the night before surgery through food poisoning helped, I had zilch in my stomach. You should drink as much water as you can, the more the better as this will flush out the GA quicker and you will feel better quicker.

I 100% agree with you, you should never have invasive surgery alone, it is very distressing and I think my body went into shock something I have never experienced before, same as you it was my first major surgery. I am pleased you have your Mum help you, I had Zoe waiting for me as soon as I woke up, this is why I said to you without her I wouldn't have done it, no way in a million years was I going to go through it on my own.

Hmm, the phlegm, it's horrible and it's so thick and sticky. Turn up the little mist machine by your bed and point it towards you. I found that drinking lots and lots of water helped and when I stopped it built up badly. As I had rhinoplasty and V Line together my nose was blocked as well as my throat and this is why I had my panic attacks, I just couldn't breathe, I do keep trying to put people off having both surgeries at the same time, maybe you can help me fight this corner as to how horrible it would be.

You prepared your body to the best I could help you with and you may not think so but you are in a much better place than other people that didn't prepare their body.

If you want to know anything, drop me a PM or email and I will do what I can to help as I remember it like it was yesterday

Be strong Egg Lady
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Here is a link on Derma Rollers, have a read

In short, you roll your face with lots of tiny pin pricks (after you have used numbing cream) until you draw a bit of blood. This will trick your face to think it has an injury so it will rush to heal the injury sending collagen and red blood cells to your face. It regenerate your skin 7 times faster and it does get rid of dead skin, acne scars, blemishes, small wrinkles etc. Personally I think it does hurt but my friend Rory doesn't use any numbing cream because he's 'hard'! I won't post any more about this on here, it's only because you asked, there is probably a thread on this already.

I was surprised you were more interested in this than the numbing cream for the tubes which I thought really scared you?
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You're so funny, copy/paste, love it!

Yes I had V Line as well so my whole lower face is slimmer but you will need to wait a little longer before I will email the pics.
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