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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hey its so quiet today...

Coz Shane77 is away and Hongkongpooey hasn't wake up?

I like the Grand website picture, but there's hardly any review about the surgeries. If you do know, kindly direct me to the blog, pls.

Anyway, I've emailed Grand and here is the reply:

Emisa: There are very few members of the forum choosing Grand Plastic Surgery. But quite a no. have gone to the clinic for consultation. As such, many do not dare to choose Grand and nobody really writes about their surgery experience. We are interested because of the website photo and your prompt response.

Grand: Recently, we started receiving patients who are active in forums. Maybe that's why there weren't many reviews about Grand Plastic Surgery. We hope that our patients will start sharing their experiences with other people on the forum after they are done with the recovery.

Emisa: Could you advise the name of the doctors who will perform my surgery and are the best for revised rhino and face? I will google for more information.

Grand: All of our surgeons are very experienced. They are not just plastic surgeons but specialists with a higher degree. They all used to be a professor in plastic surgery department in university hospitals. They have at least 10 years of experiences in this field. Therefore, we don't assign surgeons to patients. Please understand our situation.

Emisa: For cheekbone and V-line, where do you place the tube to drain the blood? I heard the removal of tube is very painful.

Grand: We don't place the tube to drain the blood for the cheekbone but we do for the V-Line. You will keep this tube over night and we will remove the tube on the next day. The tube is placed inside of mouth. It may hurt a bit during the removal but it doesn't hurt badly. Please don't worry.
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So far I've emailed and received replies from ID Clinic and Small Face. Small face kinda completely ignored my questions about Rhino, but were very detailed with everything else, EXCEPT, it was French for my comprehension, all I understood was they'll do Zygoma reduction, Angled mandible reduction and Chin end reduction and something something, pretty much what you said! :smile: ID said the same except for the Zygoma part. So let's see what happens.

Oh and best of luck with your Web Developing and trip to India, you're in my neighbourhood! I'd treat you to lunch as a token of appreciation for the free consultation if you weren't across the border. :P
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Thanks, I just reach Bangalore about a few hours ago. What a culture shock~ anyway I will start working on my site tommorow. Need to catch some ZZzz first. odd time zone made jet lag so much worse:smile:
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Wow~ I didn't know that it was that bad. Hang in there my friend. It's only been 2 months since you had thensilicone removed from your nose. Wait until the end of the sixth month and if there still no improvement, then demand jewelry to fix if for you free of charge.
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Hahahaha Sounds like you ate lots! I plan on stuffing my face like a mad man myself! :P
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Thanks for your greeting my dear and I already received your picture. My, my, aren't you a lovely lady. When open your email and your picture pop open, I was thinking to my self why would a lovely girl such as your self need plastic surgery :smile: it's not easy to build on perfection but I tried. It's hard to simulate a photo for some one when it's almost impossible to tell what is wrong with you. I will send you your simulation layer. But I will provide your diagnosis tommorow after I return from my web developer office.
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LOL~ don't count me out yet my dear. I'm still here:smile:

It is unfortunate that not enough review has been written about grand or any other clinics. Have anyone notice that the same clinic name are being mention over and over again, namely...ID, Bano, BK, VIP and Regen. I'm sure plentynhas been written about other clinic before, but for some newbie the thread or post are so way back that it's hardly seem worth searching for it. I'm sure that seoul houses more quality then the 5 that I had just mention which is why it is my hope that with the launch of my blog/website, it would take care of that issue. Apart from just being a blog, it allow patient to create review and share their day to day experience leading up to the surgery and after in a journal format. It would allow the user to rank clinic and surgeon in the order of expertise from the best surgeon for eyelid surgery to the best in rhino. Not only that, it will contain listing of accommodation in and around seoul and suggest places of interest to visit while in Seoul. Everything about this site will be cater strictly for user in mind. Thus, I appreciate any feedback or suggestion to improved on the site once it is launch.
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I'm not surprise that every clinic share different view and perception as to what you need. When I as over at BK talking to dr shin, he told me that my zygoma look fine and that whomever did my previous zygoma reduction did a great job. But when spoke with dr park of ID, he agree with me about me having zygoma issue. But he did add that the assymtry is very minor. But I knew I wanted to have it done anyway cause it's something that has been bothering me for a while. Beside, it's better to drop by their clinic to seek one one one consultation. Only in person surgeon can say for sure what is wrong with you and what needed to be done.

It's unfortunate that you're staying in pakistan. Oh well, we can always meet up in seould one day :smile:
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If there's ever a time where a little luck is needed, having plastic surgery would be one of those time. you could do all your research and find the best surgeon for your case, in the end there's no guarantee that your result would be satisfactory. But then you can't rely on luck alone since the outcome is beyond your control. The only thing that you can do is research and hope that the clinic or the surgeon of your choice would do a good job for you.
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Good luck on finding the right surgeon to do your eyelid. Since you're not planning to have it done until next year, you'll have plenty of time to consider your choices. And I'm glad you're considering dr shin base on my recommendation. He is definitely someone who is Great with eyelid. If you end up choosing him, I know you won't be disappointed :smile:

Good luck to you my dear ;)
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Shane77, I wish I could wait till your blog is up for a while to check the review but time is not on my side. Lucky for anyone who is only going under the knife next year. But will try my best to contribute the review, pay it forward, but my penmanship? is nothing close to you and HongKongpooey.:P
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I've worked for 3 years to save up money for the trip, and my mom also gave me some so that I can have enough. :smile:
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Wow, a compliment from someone like you with sharpness for aesthetics!?! :sunnies Thank you very much. I am not even trying to pursue perfection here. But I do need quite a few surgeries. You will know after the simulation.
I would like to hear from you, so I could prioritize what to do as I am quite sure the clinics will recommend quite a few using Ulzzang template. But I have to keep to my budget. No hurry if you are tight in schedule. As long as I could have it before I set off next month, all's good.
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