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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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The majority of thanks I have had from this forum is for my tips I've given during my journey so it's important to know this stuff in advance and be ultra prepared. All my 10 header points (which is not an exhaustive list) are very helpful to anyone travelling to Seoul, it can only benefit, I can see no reason why it wouldn't but it is off the top of my head so of course needs fine tuning.
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ohhhh your idea is really great! Kind of like Facebook's PMing where you can send messages to multiple users and you're all in the same private thread that updates in real time right?
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HKPhooey! You're back! I've missed your presence on this forum! :smile: HOw is your recovery? much of the swelling going down?
Did you throw your surprise new-face-reveal party yet? How has the reception been? Anyone ask you if you've had surgery yet?
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Two other forumers and I are going to in Korea to do plastic surgery starting from Sept. 13. I'm leaving on the 21st, but other members may stay longer dpending on the type of surgery they end up getting. If you'd like, you're more than welcome to join us :smile:
I don't think any of us speaks indonesian or mandarin, but I think we all speak fluent English, and I speak enough Korean to get by :P
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Ah! Then you are booking the same travel dates as me? :biggrin:
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Aww, how sweet are you? Yep, by public outcry I am back, been on a bit of a partying rampage of late, just got back from a 4 day music festival and I am wiped out!! Swelling not good due to the volume of drink I've consumed, this is why they tell you no alcohol or your face will stay looking like a chipmunk! Nose is a bit bigger too and painful..... ouch

My surprise party is not yet, few months time when I am fully recovered so only the same friends have seen me so far.

This guy came over when I was shopping groceries and said are you Nanxy, I replied yes, he continued to explain who he was. Well, I never, after 25 years he recognised me, either the plastic surgery has made me look like a teenager or it hasn't changed me all lol........ ha ha ha ha :roflmfao:
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Hey hey Eggy Girl, I patiently await a photo via email of your V Line and your Mum's awesome nose. Actually I'm not patient at all, hurry up and get back online so you can email them over lol.
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Thanks Resona for clarifying that Zoe takes no commission from clinics. I agree it's wrong to post hearsay on this forum it's misleading and facts is all anyone will ever be interested in otherwise it's just gossip and that helps no one!! :nono:
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WOw! That's great! For me personally, I believe ps should enhance your natural looks, and not make you completely unrecognizable. I mean, I know that a lot of people do the (what Koreans call it) "cinderella makeover," and they look amazing afterwards... but it's not for me. No judgement to people who decide to completely revamp their looks. With a good plastic surgeon, *(these people generally look much better than I can ever hope to look). Just a matter of preference...

Anyhow, it's great that you're still recognizable by people you don't even remember hahaha. In which case, maybe you'll get more "did you lost weight? you look amazing" instead of "have you had plastic surgery?" on the night of your party. :smile:

And doncha know? You're like the mom of this forum. not to say anything about age... hmmm more like the female lead? hahahhaa what is this unwarranted unnecessary flattery? I'm hungry.
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I plan to create a printable to do list that is available for download at my site. Of course i will constantly update the list to ensure that the information stayed current and up to date. To ensure thats possible, i would need everyone to contribute their experience and knowledge apart from my own :smile:
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Hi I'm thinking of going Seoul for ps during second week of sept too.
Have not decide on which clinic yet.. Anyone wanna meet and go together? MSG me if you guys don't mind going with a guy :smile:
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Haha, flattery will get you everywhere, especially in my good books! Did I mention 25 years ago I was only 2........ only kidding. Ooh it's been so serious on here, nice to have a laugh :biggrin:

I am happy you see me as THE MOTHER of this thread (no continuing word pleeaseee!)

Tip of the evening (or daytime if you are not in my hemisphere), MLD Massage is wicked for swelling, if you don't know what it is, GOOOOOOOGLE...
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Don't they do MLD Massage on liposuction patients? Heard it can be quite painful but a necessary evil to get the right shape.

Also glad to see you back, we were all wondering if that *ahem* altercation with Shane had made you leave the board but it turns out you were just partying like an animal :P.

That said, dan4me hasn't been about recently but suppose people have to work and can't sit in front of computers all day.
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Yeah and it turns out I was right all along so listen to your elders lol. What I have learned in life is to never mislead you can land yourself in all sorts of trouble. I'm no angel but I do believe in Karma how it comes back and bites you hard so about 10 years ago I vowed to never lie, not even white lies (only jokey ones) and I can not stand injustice at all. Read Chinese Horoscope, Year Of The Dog, that is me all over......loyal, faithful and truthful.

Ooh I wandered off there didn't I, BOING I'm back. Yes MLD can be used for all sorts of reasons particularly good after any surgery but for me it's to reduce the swelling in my podgy face plus it feels divine. Had a MLD session since my drunken stint and my face is back to where it was before so I highly recommend it but it is pricey at £40 for 30 minutes!!

Alcohol is a diuretic so it stands to reason as to why I retained water....
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What? £40 for 30 minutes? Best be the greatest 30 minutes of your life!

Also, you're not actually that much older than me if what you said in a previous post is true but a damn sight more successful though!
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