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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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BK will have no issue with me staying at their guest house even if i eventually decide to do my zygoma else where. i have a good running relationship with the head consultant Anna jeong over at BK and she doesn't mind me continue using the guest house even if i have my zygoma done at ID. but i doubt anna would agreed to such an arrangement for anyone else other than myself. but there's no harm asking if you have similar intent. regardless where i do my nose, i am determine to have my zygoma done at ID. i wish i could have it done by dr shin, but he care too much about my welfare to even consider doing my zygoma. his take on this is that my zygoma looks fine and that i shouldn't even consider it. but i agree with dr park opinion when he that my cheek is high and uneven. so i'm going to have it reduce inspite of dr shin concern :smile:
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dermis is a little costly compare to silicone implant. but its cheaper than rib cartilage for sure. i'm not really sure if i'm willing to fork over USD$10,000 to someone remove a piece of my rib and potentially scarring me. but it certainly not for me. so kudos for people like kain who went for rib cartilage. BK charge me around USD$6,500 for nose done with Dermis. although it might be cheaper if it were a primary nose job. but since this will be my third rhinoplasty, that really jack up the cost. but i have a souces which inform me that i could get it for a lot less if i do decide to go with dermis. so i am looking into it.
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yup, thats my thought exactly. i was working on a more comprehensive list when i realize that some of information from the internet are quite conflicting. thing like cosmoderm. no one can seem to seem to agree on whether it is animal base of human base collagen. and when i running through my list, i was asking my self how many people here really know what is cosmoderm or alloderm or allograft is? maybe just a few but the majority are still trying to come to term with dermis :smile:which is why i decide to narrow it down to very simple term which everyone can understand and accept. and if there's anything i miss in the list, i will create an option for anyone to create their own input into the list. i will try to be thorough in my research but i am human after all and do make mistake :smile:
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i was pretty surprise my self. but when i do my research, it turn out there are more to cheek surgery then simply reduction and agumentation. which is why i am seperating the different body part. there is a reason why i am seperating the differet aspect of the human body. it is for ease of ranking. now i could place cheek under facial contouring along with jaw and forehead. but that wouldn't be accurate. say for example one does zygoma reduction and V line. now te individual may love the zygoma reduction but hate the V line. so how would that individual rate the surgeon if both zygoma reduction and V line were under the same catagories? by seperating it, it allow people to rank the surgeon ability and skill by individual procedure. so in the given example, that same individual would recommend zygoma reduction (cheek) and not recommend for V line (mandible) i hope this make some sense. same goes with liposuction. i can't create an individual page for liposuction since it cover such a broad area in the body. it would make more sense to break liposuction down to individual body asepct. just my opinion...
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Yes, I went to BK, wonjin, and ID for consultation and chose BK at the end.
Well, after 3 consultations like I said in one of the postings somewhere here, I liked BK the most. The price was similar in all three clinics and they were all pretty friendly. But I like the fact that Bk had a free guest house offered for 1 week and it was close to the clinic. The english staffs were very friendly and convenient that I had no problem explaining my needs or wants. It was a deal breaker for me, and I chose BK. I hope this was good enough for you :smile:
but I think at the end, it is all upto your gut. where do you feel you like it the most ? that's all it matters. ;)
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Aww thanks. :smile:
It was open rhino. There was redness around surgery line for first 1 month.
It has been almost 4 months now, and you can't find it with a upclose mirror :graucho:
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hi im new and interested in doing cheekbone reduction! can someone explain the recovery period? any pain involved? or mainly discomfort? i am considering going on nov-dec 2013! anyone wanna go together? buddy up! :smile:
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LOL !! Just make sure to drink lots of water though.
It is not a good idea to eat lots of salt and spicy food since it can make you blow up right after surgery. so be careful :P
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Hey, sorry for the late reply. I've been on my vacation for a while. :smile:
I just sent you an email. and I didn't have double eyelid surgery. I had rhino, cheekbone reduction, and v-line surgery. :smile:
For rhino, I had silicone for nose bridge, septal cartilage for nose tip, and hump removal for 4500 USD.
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LOL you are making me blush now. I did have bruise here and there on 7th day. The swelling was down a little, but still pretty swollen. something like this.
Don't laugh at me too much guys.
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that is totally sweet of you ! :smile:
I really hope so. And I'm really hoping that it is going to be as lucky as this time with good result. I think I saw a post saying that you are going to open a website. How's that going ? :smile:
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Aww thanks.
Yeah sure, just give me your e-mail address then I will sent them to you. :smile: I had my surgery at BK with Dr. Hong.
You are going to Korea in September ? I know some of my friends on this forum who are going to Korea in September as well ! :smile:
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