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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Great we can meet up...but i might be going earlier.. let me know. i'm thinking of 5 sept but havent book tix yet.
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I'm very interested to go with u guys, let me check again on the flights. Have you guys decided where to stay yet? I found a site thats offering cheap and decent stays but not sure if the location is suitable.. www.airbnb.com/Seoul

Let me know soon k. Ill be checking on my end too. How much are u guys bringing? In Korea Won or USD? Where are u guys departing from?
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Ah ok. When will ur website be ready? Cant wait to see it. How long are u staying in Korea for again? It the weather warm or cold there?
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Got it :smile:

Anyway, like to have the full name of Dr Kim at ID. I am leaning towards ID as I am interested in their "barbie-line" rhinoplasty and "double-up" cosmetic surgery!

Thank you!
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This is the website:

Email: [email protected]

I am still securing a room in the meantime. As for the amount to prepare, the clinics will quote you the price and its at your discretion to pay in cash or credit card. I am departing from Singapore yet the flight is 10hrs (2hr transit)!

So, confirm your tix soon! We should meet on the 13/09 :smile:
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Well i haven't got an exact date of launch. But at its pace, i'm guessing toward the beginning of september would be a good estimation. The site is about 70% completed with the design being the cause of the delay. It isn't easy since both my developer and designer living in 2 different country. So i have to relay a lot of the work from each side back and forth. Lets hope i can have everything ready before sept, but with my surgery just around the corner, i really doubt i could have it all ready before early september. Keeping my finger cross :smile:

Its summer in seoul now. So its going to be warm there. So dress appropriately. All three time i was there, i was under dress or over dress. But not this time :smile:
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Im not really sure what his full name is. Hkp may know. But theres only one dr kim there. So you need not to worry. Dr kim speak the most fluent english there in my opinion.

The barbie nose huh? You have to be very careful when going for such a nose since it may not match your overall profile. The pinch nose look would only look good if you have an narrow or oval face. If you have a wide face, the pinch nose would look very odd on you. And another thing you need to take into consideration is that if the tip is too pinched, it will look very unnatural. Or as there say, the surgery look. So make sure you do your research first. Ask the clinic to provide simulation for you first before going under the knife.
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I only carried the surgery cash on my person for 2 days before I paid for my surgery but still had about 4000 USD I continued to carry about as I paid for my hotel room daily as I didn't want to commit to one hotel so I stayed in 3 different ones.
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I don't know what surgeries you are having or if you are staying in cheap or posh hotels and how much shopping you will be doing, ooh there is so much shopping to be had!

Personally I took 3000 USD more than I needed just in case of emergencies.
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Yes compared to the UK and USA the crime rate is exceptionally low. Common sense should prevail. During my stay I saw nothing bad, no graffiti at all, no crime, no arguments, no fights. Actually I only saw one policeman and he was clearly bored! Koreans are really laid back people compared to Brits.
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Howzit going HKP?

So, Dr Kim Junesung of ID performed the surgery on your face :smile:

I am leaning towards ID as I am very interested in their "barbie-line" and "double-up" rhinoplasty. Did you enquire on those two surgeries during consultation? If I request for the same Dr Kim, can I quote him your name for reference?

Last but not least, what is nasalplasty? U also mentioned you had a bad experience when consulting BK Hospital, could you share your them why u walked out?

Cheers :smile:
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I know max they allow value up to USD 10,000 anything more than that amount not declare will give you trouble if find out. I brought 13000 SGD so still safe anyway they don't really check , u must be really unlucky to get spot on that. I brought mostly 1000 dollar bill so that its not bulky.
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Change won it's better I think not all clinic take USD , they will prey on your won like a hungry dog :smile:
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I agreed I was reading in the cafe and could just leave my iPhone and iPad on the table and go get my coffee without worries and u see a lot of local does that too.
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