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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Hi Kain, I really hope to see your B&A for your PS. Mind to email me your photos? alexandrawong@yahoo.com
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hi dan,

can u also send me ur picture?

i am new here and rather scared,but i will go to seol next year
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Hey Keith,
I would love to meet up with ur guys, but i m there until 22nd Aug only. Unless, my surgery date delaying....
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hey guys and gurls

just a few days left before i leave for seoul. book a consultation with BK on the 3rd upon my arrival and ID the following day on the 4th. was set to have my zygoma surgey on the 20th, but since i am arriving in seoul earlier then i orginally plan, i will scedule for both my zygoma and nose revision a bit earlier. i am currently putting my body through a bulking phase by adding pound on the scale. this is to anticipate the drastic weight loss that i'm going to be experiencing after the surgery. i lost 10kg the first 2 weeks after my 2 jaws surgery. at the time i was at a normal rate before the surgery. so i was frail thin 2 weeks after. so this time i am going to trying pack on as much unessesary weight as i can before the surgery so the weight i'll be losing after the surgery would be exccess weight. its not going to be easy since my body burn up fat faster then i'm able to pack them on. but i'll to anyway. anyone planning to do V line or any facial contourinf surgery, make sure you bring along some loose fitting pants cause you're going to need it.
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Hey HKP.

I like to know if Dr kim (for eyes) is Kim Jiyeon, Kim kyewan, kim Takhoe, Kim Jongyun, or Kim Il Hwan? And for rhino is Dr Kim Junesung?

Thank you.
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2 rooms one bedroom
please look at the website
maybe others can give you more information
about the location

if you share with someone it would be pretty cheap
and a great place to stay
you will have the convenient for making something for yourself
because i think mostly off the food you can eat
so you have to make pumpkin soup and aloe vera for yourself
and maybe making some porridge rice:smile:
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I wish I will lost 10kg that will save me money on doing lipo which I'm keen. Even 5-8kg lost will be a blessing. Anyway Shane I didn't get any email form you so is either u have not reply or the mail is lost again.

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believe me, after the surgery you're going to lose a lot of weight. thats why i am packing them on as much as i can so i won't lose any unessesary weight after i had the surgery. i already sent you a reply. maybe it got sent to the trash. anywho, i have send you a pm. go and check it out.
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I received a few email asking me about the zygoma surgery that i'll be having next month at ID. Its a little difficult to explain so i found a picture on the internet which describe the kind of zygoma reduction surgery that i'm planning to do. As many of you may know that this will be my second zygoma reduction surgery. The first one i had were to reduce the lateral arch. This one i'm planning to do will not only reduce the arch, but the body as well. The result is a much smaller face compare to a standard zygoma reduction. The cost is also slightly higher as well.
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