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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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hi thats the main reason i choose for an appartment
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You most welcome :smile: well from what i can see, VIP is pretty quiet, the majority of the people that i see there are mostly patients doing their post op treatment. VIP a big clinic, so the amount of people i see there are decent. I spend most of my time on the second floor which is a joint with the first floor. I would say the clinic look more like
an art museum then a plastic surgery clinic. I guess it is to emphasize VIP artistic approach to performing plastic surgery. Like i said, i spend most of my time on the second floor waiting for a fellow forum'er to finish his treatment. But one thing that is pretty obvious is the number of foreign patient outweigh that of korean. I think i only saw one korean patient and the rest are mostly foreigner. Yet another thing that stick out like a sore thumb is the kind of procedure patients seem to preferred doing at VIP, cause everywhere i look, you see patient with a splint over their nose. You hardly see Patient of any other procedure other then rhinoplasty, although there do provide other type of procedures there. The staff are pretty friendly. Speak chinese, english and of course korean. So seem like a pretty establish clinic in my opinion. But i can't phantom paying USD$ 10,000 for ribby rhinoplasty. Give me silicone any day of the week :smile: LOL
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BK or ID would be an excellent choice. My butt will have a little linear scar the the crack of your butt. But its a surgical scar, so it will fade after a few month. Plus, its near my tailbone. So unless i go out in public butt naked, nobody other then better half will ever see it. I can live with that :smile:

Me and ginger candy have parted way weeks ago. So i too have lost contact with her. But you probably will hear from her next week if she ever decide to return back to singapore.
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If the opportunity present its self, then yes i will meet with them. I consider myself a pretty friendly person and approachable guy. So even if i don't meet forum'er, then i will strike up conversation with patients which eventually turn into friendship. I've already met with a few non forum'er patients this time around. I enjoy meeting new friends while on ps trip. It allow me to take in new experience of other and at the same time allow me to share with other my own experience :smile:
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Sure. just give me your email address. :smile:
Nha, I meant the swelling gets worst on 2-3 days after surgery, then it gets better every day but still, you will be swollen. lol If you just mean by walking around, I walked around on the 2nd day post op, but if you mean by walking around for sightseeing and shopping, I did it after 2 weeks. :smile:
All the bandages come off after 1 week, but you have to wear the compressive mask thing for 1 month. I just wore it at night or when I come home. They recommended me to take pumpkin juice to reduce swelling fast, and I also drank aloe it seemed like it helped me a lot. :smile: I didn't take any extra medicines other than the prescribed ones.
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Well... yeah. if you scroll a round early April, you will probably see all my posts up there. For breathing part, you still can breathe and it's uncomfortable to breathe for 1 week til they take off all the bandages, stitches, etc. You don't have to lie down the whole time. The pain scale was for everything not just nose. I can't really separate the pain for nose and pain for v-line surgery you know. lol My surgery was in March of this year, the silicone inside my nose is fine. If you are really serious about the surgery, you might want to consult the details with doctor, since pain endurance is different among everyone and everyone seems to have different experiences that if you listen to all of them, you will end up confusing yourself. Just a thought. I don't really have any more before pictures since I erased them all after surgery... haha sorry about that :P
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WoW! Shane yr eyes looks good done by BK! :tup: Looking forward to more of your progress.

BTW, do you know where I could go for skin treatments? I noticed Hu'shu and Dami and Oracle but wonder if you have any suggestions.

If I am not getting PS this year... will just do skin treatments first since my skin was destroy by one of the PS in Seoul. so I am thinking of trying one of the well known clinics.
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Hello Saizash, I know a hotel near Yeoksam station called Noblesse Hotel. It's 60000won per night. Here is the call 82-2-558-1202. Last time my friend stayed there, and I got their card. Hope they haven't changed their price.
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Hi babymode, after the surgery, especially the bone surgery of facial out-line, porridage is good.
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contact to wong ( [email protected]), he knows most clinics in seoul, what surgery r u gonna do ?:biggrin:
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I received their Korean quote very quickly. It was replied by Dr Chul Jae Ho. My enquiry to ITEM was:
[FONT=&quot]작성일 [/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2012/08/23[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]제가 코가 다른 사람 보다 엄청 낮아서[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]낮은 코성형에 대해 알아보고 있는데[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]그리고 코성형 비용과 통원치료는 몇번을 왔다갔다해야하는지… 알려주세요[/FONT][FONT=&quot]![/FONT]

This is what he wrote:
[FONT=&quot]답변자 [/FONT][FONT=&quot] [/FONT][FONT=&quot]최재호[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]반갑습니다[/FONT][FONT=&quot]. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]한국인의 코 모양은 코대가 낮은 것 뿐만 아이라 코끝이 뭉뚝한 경우가 많아 실리콘 보형물을 넣는 융비술 만으로는 만족스러운 결과를 얻기 어려운 것이 사실입니다[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]비중격 연골을 이용하여 정확한 지지대를 만들고 벌어져 있는 좌우의 날개연골을 내측으로 모아 코끝의 골격 구조를 재구성 하는 것이 중요합니다[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]수술 후[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 2~3[/FONT][FONT=&quot]회 치료를 받으로 병원에 오시게 되며[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 7[/FONT][FONT=&quot]일째 날에 모든 부목과봉합사를 제거하게 됩니다[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]비용은 일반적으로[/FONT][FONT=&quot] 250[/FONT][FONT=&quot]만원 정도입니다[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]병원에 내원하시면 상담을 통해 이상적인 방법을 제시해 드리겠습니다[/FONT][FONT=&quot].[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]기적을 만드는 아이템 성형외과[/FONT][FONT=&quot][/FONT]

I have written in english separately to them this morning...so see what they say. Because the quotes I received from S-One PS is the highest and compared to OZ PS and JW PS, the difference is 1,250,000KRW and 1,100,000KRW difference, respectively.

Here are the rates:
KRW - nose & tip plasty

OZ - 3,850,000
S-One - 5,100,000 (with alar reduction)
JW PS - 4,000,000
ITEM PS - 2,500,000 (for nose plasty not sure with tip and alar reduction)
Human PS - USD4,000 (there is promotion for nose plasty at 1,500,000KRW and fat graf at 800,000KRW until 6 Oct 2012)

For korean consultation, the reply is super speed! its like within hrs. Kim is the head surgeon at ITEM so good for you. So long as you are comfortable with the doctor and you and him have a good understanding then I guess everything will be good.

For me, its S-One (http://sonebk.com/) and Human PS (http://www.pshm.co.kr/new2011/index5.html) and OZ that are Doctors drafting emails to me so I get a better perspective of what they are trying to say. for JW, BK and the rest are handle by co-dis so I am not comfortable until I meet the docs.
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I am still positive with my result , my swelling is still around 25-30 percent it didn't go down much since last week but I didn't have much to begin with. The face line is visible now however the nose seem to swell up a bit more then before. I went in for my last check up today , saw doctor Hong ( my sunshine :smile: ) jaw and chin right on track otherwise better than what most people experience. He gave me a Botox jap on the chin because there is this muscle condition I had even before the op which was due to the constant force I use in the past to close lips together and that will take care for now.... There is also a muscle condition near my left corner of my mouth which even before op we discussed about it and I understand that it was beyond repair ( small matter it didn't bother me much ) after surgery it did disappear for a while due to swelling but now that swelling is going down it appear again but I can tell it bother Dr Hong cos he felt apologetic when he see it there, maybe he is artist that have low flaw tolerance. He did see the abnormal swelling on the bridge and proceed to extrat the fluid out from my bridge , I was right to think that there is some inflammation there even before I see him and he want me to go back to see him tomorrow and do a more detail check , i'm a little concern I cant lie on that but before I agreed with the silicon implant I already prep myself to stay cool if complication arise since there is a foreign body used. I must said the post op attention I get from Dr Hong really put me at ease, I'm going to trust my old man that he will take care of till I fully recover. So far if anyone were to asked how my personal experience with BK / Dr Hong , it all positive , every time I went up with a question I get answer and overwhelming attention. I wish all the people will have the same experience and great result with which ever doctor there.

Best wishes to those have done ps to recover well and to those who is seeking ps to find a great doctor for their needs.

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