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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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hi there is a person who shane mentioned
i refered someone to a translater that i know, but she has been treated very impolite
as she was her maid so im not refering anyone
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Hey EVERYONE! :smile:
so im planning on ps this coming winter (Dec/Jan) - yes it'll be winter here in the southern hemisphere!
but was wondering if you guys/gals can help me out with a little info; like ive done heaps of research but kinda want 'word-of-mouth' etc...

so im thinking of
Grand, Teium, BK

have read several(THOUSANDS) of reviews. >.<
but what do YOU guys reakon ? any information would be muchly appreciated!!!

also with accomodation
where do you reakon a good place to stay would be (motel,hotel,Bnb?)

in advance!
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I don't understand what you just said. Could you elaborate?
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Just stick to all their instruction and u will be fine. I don't know I guess if ones don't take care post op should be fine unless u really react badly to foreign body in you. If you don't follow instructions god too will not guarantee you the result. I'm stressing again pls stop seeking BEST doctor , everyone best doctor is different. If that doctor work for than he is your best. I can't find fault in Dr Hong despite the silicon issue which I play a part in it, he still my BEST dr for now :smile:

"I was not paid to write these post" ;) ......lol if you know what I mean... Hehe
I'm sure some of you out there know what meant.

I was in BK with Shane together for surgery so I'm for real!
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Hi everyone,

My final update from seoul. Tonight is my final night in seoul and i'm fortunate to say that everything went accordingly without too much hitch. My nose is recovering very nicely although still a bit swollen, but hell of a lot better than the first few days. Still have s long recovery process ahead of me which i will take in stride. I love how my nose turned out and can't wait a few more months when all swelling subside. I can only hope its get better here on end, but even if my nose remain the same as there are now, i'll still be a happy camper :smile:

As for my zygoma reduction, i have my concern in the beginning, but as days turn to week, my concern slowly diminish and its been replace with sigh of relief and escalade :smile: the curvy linear line which i've always wanted, i finally gotten. Right now my cheek is still very much swollen so the curve is not as define as i know it can get, but i know eventually it will get to where i wanted to be. All i need to do now is Be patient. As the old saying goes, good things come to those who wait :smile:

As for my paranasal augmentation... Due to the swelling, i can't make out the result just yet. But i have no doubt that dr shin did an equally exceptional job as he did with my nose and cheek. Current perceptive of my paranasal has definitely improve, but won't know for sure until swelling has completely subsided.

So overall it was a pleasant experience for me. Met with plenty of forum'er while i'm here and had a great time. Thank you tooney, tthhx22, emisa, eveeve gingercandy for your great company. I will miss you guys. And good luck with your surgery emisa. Hope everything turn out beautiful for you :smile:
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meihualin was looking for someone as zoe,
i thought you knew someone so she can ask you or you can give her the information
i refered someone who i knew here before to someone who was asking for help
but translator has been treated not nice, thats the reason im not refering anyone
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Oh~ actually i do know someone, in fact I know several of my korean friends who would be interested to become translator for this purposes. That was another one of my reason for coming here in seoul, so i could discuss with my friends about this. I see there is a real interest for translator but not enough to meet the demand. Which is why i decide to help people out by recruiting new blood. I still need to work out the detail with them but if anyone interested to hire a translator in seoul for the purpose of plastic surgery, feel free to get in touch with me with a detail description of your plan. To assure their privacy, i will be assisting my friends to collect the necessary information to reserve their service.
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I thought i follow up my last update with a follow up picture of my nose and cheek. After all, picture is worth a thousand words. Took these picture now in the airport while waiting for my flight. Please bear in mind that i still have plenty of facial swelling, both on my cheek and nose. But if you compare my nose and cheek a week ago, you will notice a very noticeable improvement. Of course this isn't the final result. That will come come in a few months when all the swelling had fully subsided. Right now i am just please that my condition continue to improve instead of the other way around. These last few days has been really exciting for me seeing my face becoming more define. As much as i love how my nose turn out, i'm just as giddy about my cheek and the way it turn out. Dr shin did such an excellent job for me that i might agree to become his model. And to think i almost end up having it done at ID, which wouldn't be so bad, but i doubt it wouldn't be as good either. I know i sound like a broken record, but once again i have To encourage anyone interested in doing ps to strongly consider dr shin as their surgeon, even for facial contouring. I know BKA website didn't list dr shin as being a specialist in this area, but my result speak for its self. He is just as innate with facial contouring as he is with eyes and nose surgery. BK may cost a little bit more, but the extra you pay is going to be so worth it once you witness the outcome. I've done playing russian roulette with my face. Its dr shin for me from now on, that include fat graft and love band which i'm planning to have it done by dr shin in my return trip to seoul.
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I will only reach BK/ID ard 3 - 4pm as my flight touches down at 12.15pm local time. I will be staying @ Highland. Do u "Whatsapp"?
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Sorry the only way to get hold of me is to leave a private message so that we can communicate. All the best for your consultation.
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I'm sorry to hear that Gingercandy. But i am glad that you're staying positive about it though! Keep this up and we'll all support you for your journey to PS! Fighting!! :smile:
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Yes! I ALMOST fell for her stories and even re-think about having silicon instead of rib! Eventuallt, i cancelled the appointment that i made with the Dr for a consultation in Singapore. LOL! :P

But besides that, her nose do looks great though ! :smile:
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Great to hear that for you, Shane!! Look forward to see you 1mth & 3mth post op! :biggrin: Take care!
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