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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thanks, angel906, for your insight :smile:. I was actually thinking that perhaps they could liposuction it (to remove fat) but now that I have researched liposuction, I think the area might be too small for it or not worth it if it can just "get fat" again (re-accumulate after liposuction).

Thank you again and I think I am going to make a list of clinics to consider and maybe visit when I am in Asia. I hope all is going as planned for you :hugs:~! How is your journey so far, my dear?
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Maybe do a little touch job on ur chin would make ur lips look good :smile: or some jobs on ur lips....make the balance
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i did stam cell fat grafting much expensiver then normal fat grafting
hope its worth it and the results are better
and did mine nose with dermis, i could not decide to do jaw and cheekbone
so i did not do it for know or should i do correction of mine mouth
fat grafting is more difficult than i thought
swelling bely pain in mine belly cant touch mine face cant wear sunglasses
and head for more then a month cant sleep on mine face
awfull i hope i can control myself in sleep ...........
but so far i m happy
before you come you need to do good research and tryiing to consult
more clinic to have a good opinion for yourself dont listen to much of what other people
say, you must have a good feeling about the hospital for the doctor and the aftercare
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Thanks gingercandy! Hope all's well with you :smile:
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Hi angel
How is the procedure?of stam fat grafting and swell how many day?cause I kinda right sleeper

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I have been reading articles on whether comestic surgeries speed up ageing. Especially major operation like face lift or facial contouring. Its said that surgeries thin skin, n oxygen are restricted ,hence speed up ageing. They also said that plastic surgeons don't undergo surgeries themselves as they know the long term effects n complications..now i'm scare as I wanna do vline and zygoma
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Hi cocochanel2012,

Thanks for your suggestions. It's really not easy to do this : )
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I'm thinking maybe I need to find a doctor who's good specifically with jaw surgery for my case. Or I can possibly find one who is good with other surgeries as well?
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If you want to do facial contouring, that's entirely up to you... But premature sagging and problems with the cut bones are a real concern you should be considering before making your decision. Lately, premature aging by girls who've had plastic surgery has been on the Korean news....

Good luck, wahtever you choose! :smile:
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YOu know... I'm very naive... So I didn't know that people like xx (you know who~) posting all this advice about ps could potentially have an ulterior motive... and of course xx DID. I'm pretty certain that whenever xx brought a client in for dr. yy at clinic zz, xx got a cut. I am guessing this, but apparently someone had it confirmed by someone in the industry. I'm SHOCKED! And poor forumers who have had REALLY bad experiences with Dr. yy!

Side note: I can't wait to show you my pictures :P I hope all goes well for me~!
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Hey! This is meee! I have a super bulbous nose! Although I won't be having alarplasty, I'll be getting tiplasty at JW. I'll post my experiences on purse forum, so please continue to check! My surgery isn't until Thurs...
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I wonder if I walk in for a consultation and what's the chance that i will be able to make an appointment for my surgery the next day. Because JW told me that they are almost booked for october and that i need to make an appointment before i come. However I'm a little hesitated to put down a deposit before I meet them face to face.
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its sad, but yep what you heard is true. when i and some other ppl who i met in korea were quite disappointed to say the least T_T

did u have your surgery at JW yet? :smile:
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