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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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For me, it was more like tingling and they told me at BK it's normal since it means that my nerves are still intact. Those tingling last about 3-5 days and I was okay. I don't know about the numbness though. I never felt numb in my face.
They told me not to open my mouth wide for 1 month, so I understand it is hard to smile like you used to after surgery. You might want to ask them about numbness before your departure and see if they can do anything for you. I hope you feel better soon :sad:
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Hi all,

just joined the forum as i found extremely useful information here! haha being the rookie me, i was thinking of just going to one clinic and doing the procedure without much reading.

i am planning to do an eye procedure but am not sure what would suit me best..so would you girls/guys advice that i send pics to a couple of clinics to see what they would recommend and quote? i also emailed Zoe and got in touch with someone from Seoul TouchUp (anyone used them before?)

i am thinking of going sometime april-june next year (depending on when the low peak season is)..as this would be my first time doing something like this, i really would appreciate as much advice and help ! also, traveling buddies would be awesome ;o)
i will be traveling from Melbourne.

hear soon! Xx
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That maybe true, but I was actually there and had surgery for myself.
And for me, nothing at BK was sketchy or particularly different from any other clinics I went for consultations. Everyone can have a favor in one clinic, and as for me BK was the best choice for giving me this results. :smile: and the staffs there were pretty helpful for my needs in my standards.
The reason why people compare other clinics to BK is probably they want to set some standards, and most people know BK for either good reasons and bad reasons. I think more the fame, more the blame there is. BK is a big clinic and has been around for pretty long time. That's why you would probably get more care when you go to smaller clinics since there are lesser people and possibly have less experiences. One of the reasons why I chose big clinics like wonjin, ID, or BK was this - small clinics may be friendly and cheaper but for some unexpected problems, they may be less prepared for those.

Anyways, enough talk for this. BK suggested me to wait for 6 months at least for next surgeries and it has been almost (very close :P) 6 months for me now !!!!!!!! I am so ready to start searching for my eyes and what to do with it.
I got so much fat on my eyelids and it's not even funny since my eyes look like I have cried for years and years. LOL
Anybody done their eyes and have good results ? :smile:
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Ahhh!! Means you don't feel numb on your cheeks or face at all? My cheek and chin are numb and when I touch them I can't really feel them. How long does it take for u to smile like normal again?
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Ah, good luck with your eyelid surgery! Keep us updated on your progress!
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Ah no worries. Kkim and I met up with her for dinner last night which was nice as I got my cast and stitches out yesterday and kkim and I basically spent the whole day on a shopping spree!

Good luck in your trip this Jan and keep up updated on your progress :smile:
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Yeah I'm happy with my nose. It's still swollen of course so I'm looking forward to it gradually deswelling. I went to OZ clinic and had it with Dr Park. It's a small clinic but Dr Park has over 20 years experience and I found him very professional, respectful and calm in his approach. The thing I like about him the most is that he speaks super good English so there weren't any communication problems. His nurses are sweet and gentle too (esp when it came to taking hte stitches out!) There are loads of other really good clinics in Seoul and you are really spoilt for choice!!
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Hi! The doctor didn't say it's impossible... But that overall my face would not become much slimmer bc my skull shape is on the wide side... Zygoma reduction is only for those with protruding cheek bones... If your sheen bones don't stick out like a primates' than you may not need zygoma.. I hope this helps :smile:

I took out my stitches today.. Hurt so much I cried, even though the nurse was being the most gentle as she can...
As for my nose, it's still very swollen.. But at least it looks promising :smile: I'll look forward to the swelling going away... Keep all y'all posted!
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Sorry I knew you were from the states but I thought you were korean, that's why i said Kim from korea ^^
Can you see the shape now? Is it still upturned?
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Ah, Kim from Korea makes me sound like a local.. .which I'm not ^^

Nope, it's not upturned! The tip is coming down as the swelling is coming down! :biggrin:
The 3/4 and profile view is better than before... but the front view..? still very swollen.
and you know what sucks?! I have lots of dried snot up my nose making my nasal passage hurt... and I can't use tissues or anything to take them out!!! Today, the lovely nurse picked my nose for me again (lol) but... alas.. .they have built up again... I feel so gross, with so much snot and boogers D:

I also got my hair permed! It's like I've gotten a whole new makeover~!
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Hey guys,

I just had my surgeries done tday. Everything went smoothly and I got back to my hotel in 1 pc. :biggrin:. Its too early to comment about the results or whatsoever as im still crossing my fingers for the best result. All i hope is I will be able to shopping really soon... Lol... And also looking forward to the day when the stiches removed..:graucho:
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