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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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So thought I'd update my progress. I'm now 10 days post op and the swelling (on on and slightly around my nose) and the bruising (just a little bit under the eyes) are getting better by the day.

I've been putting very warm eye packs (given to me by my clinic) a few times a day as that helps with the bruising. I'm also drinking pumpkin juice three times a day, and (as kkim mentioned) staying away from spicy food and seafood. I also read somewhere in realself that one should also try not to eat egg, chicken and beef. I know egg isn't meant to be good and wasn't sure about the chicken and beef, but I played safe and I don't eat all the above.. That means its only pork or fish (I love eating fish anyway) so I've just stuck to those too. The swelling is very minimal so maybe its helped (dunno, maybe not?) but I'm fine sticking to this until it all goes away completely. I'm also taking bromelain and arnica tablets, but I've reduced the amount the last day or so.

Apart from that, lots of walking of course!

My mum came over 4 days ago and so I haven't been able to go out meeting many other forumers as much as I'd like to (just on kakao). I'm now kinda on holiday mode and we're doing sightseeing tours and lots of shopping - which may I say is sooooo good here! Kkim, who's now left :sad: and I went shopping last week and we spent so much. The fashion is really good here :smile:
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Hi hi! when are you goin to Seoul ?Also,what procedures are you getting and with who?? currently,my head is so big now with all the information overload!!!difference in advice given by different doctors makes me me wonder at times,am i that ugly?!!!
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am planning to go mid october as well. have u decided which places to consult?
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Hey thanx. The whole weekend hey, that's dedication, bet you learned an 'ek of a lot!! I'm glad I have been of some help to you. I have been asked for my list a number of times and although I remember writing it at the time I have no idea which page it can be found on. As you've recently read it, would you be so kind as to copy and paste it again for all to see or just let me know what the page number is as I've posted so much on here I've lost track. I hope your journey next year goes well, I will be in Seoul again next April with a few other forum members should that be roughly the time you are travelling.
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Ooh I didn't know that, maybe I'll stop mentioning Medpor, I don't think it's available in Korea anyway but it is in the US and UK but this is the first I've heard the alarming infection rate, I'll look into it.

Yeah the young girl is very pretty, not sure about her tattoos though I don't think they suit her. From what I can gather, she's had surgery on every conceivable part of her face.. ooh such pain for beauty!
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4th day post op, and my nose still bleeding? Anyone has the same problem as me?.all i have to say is i have super bad healing process as swellings go down super slow altho i keep drinking pumpkin juice. The bruises on my eyelids are also super black like got punched by thaiboxer. Sigh.. To get a peace of mind I went bak to the clinic and request to see the surgeon and finally can get myself assured that everything is alright altho there are some bleeding going on and off. The doctor told me it was due to the dry weather in Seoul that make my scarring bleeds. Sound scary but yeah, there is nothing to be concerned. Now, all i have to do is to get grid of the bruises on the blackie eyes. Good nite everyone!!!
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when I did my nose, I was bleeding only on the first night but it was non stop..like a tap running.i was surprised I didnt bleed to death.hahaha. hang on..the days will only get better from now on.
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My nose was not bleeding at all since the op and only today it started to run. But i can feel it doesnt seem to be fresh blood. But it still flowing out which making me kinda freak out. Had a check up with the surgeon but still feel kinda worried tho. Really hope that tomorrow will be a better day.
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Tooney, its my first day back at work, except for those that knew of the surgery no one else came up to ask if i had anything done to my eyes. Maybe because i am wearing glasses to camouflage them. I showed my eyes to a few of my colleagues and all said left eye is bigger than the right one and to make me feel better they said no one has totally symmetrical eyes...not real comfort but i hope its because the swelling has not completely gone down. i also feel the corner was not cut wide enough? am i just worrying too much?

Have stopped the cold and hot compress, coz not feeling any effect at all. Dunno how else to make the swelling go down quicker, the ointment that the nurse gave me after stitch removal made my eyes itch so much i had to wipe it off my eyes. See my pic on day 13 and let me know what you think. the left eye can open wider than the right one....i should be grateful that overall there is great improvement and dr kwon did a great job and he is not god but still i am so worried :cry:
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Ur eyes look good babe. I think it's just the swelling. Don't stop the cold and warm compress every tiny bits of efforts help. Exercise too.. (:

Am still in Korea. Going back to hospital tomorrow for one last time hopefully they can remove the stitches in my mouth for me..
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I hope its due to the different healing rate but i can't help worrying...sighhhh. ok will try to continue with the cold/hot compress. i had a dream a few nights ago, dreamt that my eyelid crease came loose and it was gone, i woke up sweating and quickly looked at the mirror, phew still there...haha
Can you feel your face now? has the numbness disappeared? you must have recovered alot since the first day B and I saw you. yayy, one last trip to the hospital then you are sorted. if i remember correctly, you leaving this wednesday. do eat more, you must have dropped some weight in the last week. can't wait to see your results.
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Hi, can anybody tell me where you can find an accommodation from overseas before you go to Korea? I am planning to go to Korea this Dec but I only speak English and Chinese. I don't want to book any clinic before I am literally there having face to face consultation. I am planning to stay in Korea for 15-20days and then spend first a couple of days going to different hospitals and clinics. However, i really have difficulty trying to book an accommodation beforehand. Appreciate any reply!!!
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Yes dear both my nostrils were bleeding for about 10 hours after my
surgery. My surgeon told me this was normal. It got less the following days but not completely, so not to worry.
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Do you have any budget on the hotel?
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