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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thank you Fantasyface. I look better when I do not speak or smile. Hehhee. I just don't know when my paranasal fat graft will be absorbed completely. The above picture was my 11th day. I just counted. I took it at Highland hotel room. Infact, when you are in 7th day, you kinda change quite significantly.

I went to ID hospital. Face contouring is done by Dr Park. I went to Grand to consult nose, but I couldn't make it on time for the face contouring consult which is across the road. I rushed to ID for my appointment and loved the girls' look there. But of course, HKP, iloveegg and imbatman's testimonial have influenced my decision to shortlist and visit that clinic.

I have just posted Day29 pics. Slight improvement on the frontal view. But side bloatedness has improved quite a bit. But what puzzled me is..sometimes I look sharp, other times, puffy esp the side. Not sure is it because of too much salt intake.
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Hi Emisa, you are definitely prettier and much younger now. I'm gg do mandible and fat graft in Nov. The thought of mandible surgery makes me really very nervous. Don't know if I'm making the right decision.
Can people who know you tell that u did something to your face? I'm also worried that people can tell that I did something to my face. Very scared people will ask me..
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Had my eyes chin and nose done there last week. Will give u some feedback after my stitches removed okay? Meanwhile do more research and decide what u really wanna do with ur face first before going into a final choice which clinic to go or which doctor to choose. Good luck babe!
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Oh man... Looking at yr pics, whatta DIFFERENCE! No wonder the local vege seller said... :smile:

I must say looking at Emisa gradual improvement since her first days of surgery, her result have demonstrated the sleek skill of her surgeons.

We, the freak gang (Zhuang, the 2 PS aunties n moi) from BK guesthouse, definitely acknowledged that. Impressed!
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I will add you on MSN ok? sorry because I'm new here.. so how the forum wouldnt let me send / received PM or add forumer until I reach certain days or certain forum writen..
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will be around 30 sept - 10 Oct.
yes I've made booking with Wonjin. have you heard of any botched job from this clinic?
and I'm 50% sure I will be doing full rhinoplastry with implant bridge and ear cartilage tip.

but also at the same time I'm thinking of hving light ptosis.
I can't be bothered of going on 2 different clinics for 2 diff job. so if I decide the ptosis it would be mostlikely from Wonjin too.

i also thinking of going to Teuimp for epycanthoplastry. but not sure about their rhinoplastry.

any suggestion?? :smile:
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I can't say... I never had anything to do with eye surgeries and I have no idea about either clinics.. Except that wonjin is super cheap and therefore sketchy.. I think if you read way way back, wonjin was one of the clinics that had a lot of negative reviews by locals.. Along with bk...

I know someone who had her ptosis correction at jw, but I haven't seen her results as I left before she recovered... Anyway, I'd suggest consulting more than one clinic before making a final decision. But that's just me. If you're comfortable with a clinic before face to face consults... Do it girl! :smile:

Lol honestly I've only had tiplasty, the most minor rhino possible... So I can't say anything about other surgeries.. Some of the other forumers have more exp.. Perhaps you should ask them?

Good luck to you!!
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Hi Emisa,

did u do all that in 1 place? where is it?
who and where did u do ur Rhino?

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Hi Cocochanel,

what kind of rhino did you do? silicon/ rib cartilage? and how much does it all cost for eye chin and nose for you at grand?

thanks a lot :smile:
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Thanks a lot dear for the input about wonjin

I did asked earlier at this forum where is the best rhino done in seoul but no one has really replied to me :sad:
I guess I can't be bothered to read all 432 page... also a few hundred more from other topics like Asian Nose Job 2 and 3.

so well yes I still need to know some more info on rhino...
so Please.... please... anyone.....
I'm only planing of doing implant since the rib cartilage is way too expensive....
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Hi cher. where u from? I'm planning to go for ps on Dec as well. Thinking of mandible and jaw line. We can buddy up. Pm me :smile:
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I'm finally home. It's so good to come home after bring away in a place where everyone speaks alien language..

Well it's time to give back to the forum.
I had zygoma, mini v and tiplasty done at wonjin. I was in Korea on 11/9/12 and back today. I visited 3 clinics including ID, wonjin and JW.

Went to ID but didn't quite like Dr Park's consultation, he doesn't seems to be keen on doing my zygoma for me because I actually already have a small face. But I just want to refine it a loo further.. Met Dr Kim and love him.
They quoted me about 11mil for mini v+zygoma and 2mil for tip+alar base reduction.

Then I went to Wonjin. At first they quoted me 13mil just for vline+zygoma. Then used my bargaining skill and ended up with a great price 9mil for vline+zygoma. (Note: wonjin quoted me vline not mini v)

Last, I went to JW. Quoted me 8.4mil for vline+zygoma and 3mil for tip.

A day before I had my surgery, I changed my mind to just have mini v instead of full vline. So I texted my consultant at wonjin and asked if I can have all my surgeries zygoma+mini v+tiplasty with alar reduction at the same price. And she replied yes. So my decision was made.

My recovery is incredibly fast according to Zoe (when i visited a forumer who did the same surgery at ID) and friends. At day 5 I'm almost back to my normal and it's not easy to tell if I had any surgeries done.

My suggestion, if you are planning to do facial contouring, be sure there's someone there for you. I would have died if it wasn't for simpleplan123, she's been taking care of me and there's no way I could make it without her. But if you guys (forumers) are meeting up to get things done together then you won't need Zoe. No office to anyone but through my experience, I did had a much better rate without any translator around. But if you are going there alone for this big surgery then please hire Zoe cause she's very good at taking care of your needs and she's very experienced.

Go consult as many clinic as you need to and choose the dr you are most comfortable with. Don't rush.

For those who wants to go for facial contouring, the worst part is not about the dry throats nor remover of the tube... It's more than that... Removing stitches in your mouth.. And trust me, it's not funny at all I've never felt so much pain in my life. I literally cried it feels like they are cutting ur mouth while you are wide awake. No pain killer or anything to reduce that pain so... Pls consider this before u make decision.

Wonjin offered me 2 nights stay at the VIP recovery room. But it's kinda hard to meet the doctor.
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