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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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Thank you Via. There is a post op swelling injection? Well I really have to ask abt this. I'm not giving up hope just as yet, I know it is still early to tell the final results. I will keep praying for the best! Thank you for the encouragement!! :smile:
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Hiya! Thanks for following my progress :smile: I'm back home now and it feels really weird being back. I miss Seoul though :sad:

Sure, Nicole's email is free19850707@hotmail.com She's actually on holiday in Taiwan as of yesterday for a week (we still kakao eachother) but I think she will still check her email. Good luck for your surgery in Feb! :smile:
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Hi hun. I'm really sorry to hear about your experience coz I had no idea about how your results turned out - only we were texting and moaning about the swelling lol. I know you're back home now so definitely lets keep chatting on kakao. I don't have much knowledge about the eye surgery but from what I've read it can take a while to even out. Try and get out of the house and walk coz i find that helps with the swelling. I know its still early for us but I find in the morning the swelling and pressure on my nose to be the worse, and it eventually gets better throughout the course of the day. You're right to try and stay positive and believe that this is just part of the slow healing process.

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Heya. I'll let you know the name as soon as Nicole gets back to me coz I forgot the name but she researched into it so I asked her for the name (she's on holiday at the mo) But my impression of it was great. Its not in the gangnam gu area (we took the subway to get there) but the interior was luxurious and very very nice! Its a lazer clinic especially and the the surgeon I saw had 10 years experience in lazer skincare.

I wasn't a very good patient coz I basically picked my freckle scabs this weekend but I should've left them alone. My excuse is that now I'm back in London, the weather is colder so it make the scabs more dry and more easy (and tempting!) to pick. But even so, now all the freckles are gone! I am pretty amazed coz I had NO intention on having it done but because Nicole had it done a year ago i believed her and knew it would work. I'm happy I got it done, and when I go back to Seoul I'm going to get a small scar removed as you need to be there for a week to have scars removed, and I only had 3 days left when I had the lazer.
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Lotsa, thanx for sharing, u must be terrified with how u look at the moment, but it's going to be ok! The recovering time is really sux ^ ^ I got my eyebrow lifted, and I could see stitches underneath my eyebrow for a week. It drove me nuts everytime I see mirror. I looked like Frankenstein !!! But after they took the stiches off it got much better and I'm happy now. Just don't see mirror much~~~ happy recovering
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Hi Lots, totally understand your feeling("I feel I've jeopardized my life with a silly decision to undergo surgery"). Maybe it is still early to tell =( Don't give up hope, give it some time. Maybe the next few days/weeks it will get better!!! <hold your hand and hug> I will pray for you.
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Oh babe... I feel sorry for what you hv experienced... I'm actually planning to hv consultation at grand also this coming thursday... Now i hv 2nd thought... As im planning to hv just like u did.. Ptosis and nose job.. Can u please tell me which doc handle ur surgery for eyes and nose? And who is ur marketing/ consultant/ translator? Last how much do u pay for all job u've done?

Thanks love
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Hey babe, I'm actually quite traumatized by the whole surgery process. They tied me up before the surgery started and no one explained to me what it was for, and I definitely didn't expect that... I'm trying to stay positive and that the results will show very soon, but meanwhile since I can't go back to work due to my gruesome eyes, I've decided to detail my experience here... Will update once I get more positive results.

My nose seems to be doing good though, will be removing stitches in 3 days and hope the local surgeon doing it for me gives the thumbs up on my wound recovery! :smile:

The best part of this whole experience? To have made friends, and when you go through this seemingly difficult journey of healing together, the bonding seems to make you feel like you have known each other for so so long... Like old friends don't you think?
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Hey babyrose, thank you for being encouraging... We know how much it sucks to not be able to go about our daily activities. I'm hanging on, and thanks to everyone here who have been so supportive!!
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Thanks binnies for your prayer. I hope this is not a decision I will live to regret. I pray everyday I get to see the final results soon. This is definitely the ugliest moment of my entire life. Talk about getting surgery to become prettier... Will update my progress.
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Hey vny, go ahead and have your consultation with Grand, I'm not saying Grand is bad, it could be due to my own slow healing on one eye. The other eye seems to be doing pretty well, only if the other eye will brace up and lift open....

If you have scheduled consultation with them, go ahead with it, it doesn't hurt to have more opinions, at least this is how I felt at that time and didn't manage to go ahead with it, and now, I still sometimes wish I did go for a few more opinions before I commit. There is an English translator at Grand, she is called Jiwon Son, speaks super fluent English as she was previously educated in Canada even though she is a Korean. She was the one who persuaded me to have the surgery at Grand as I felt she seemed genuinely concerned for my well being. My surgeon is Dr Rhee ( I think I spelt correctly), he seems very down to earth as well, didn't push me to have other surgeries I didn't need. Only the payment part, where the consultants will start to push you to make a deposit, where you will start feeling abit of pressure and they kind of didn't let me leave, but not in an aggressive way, but like a whiny plea from Jiwon, which made me kinda felt bad that I've let her down... Emotional sales I guess.

I paid 8.5 million won for ptosis correction, eyelid lowering, lateral canthoplasty, revision rhinoplasty and fat grafting to forehead.

Hope this helps. :smile:
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Tooney, I understand where you are coming from and I shared the same sentiment initially. But since this is a rhinoplasty, like it or not, my nose is not real anymore, I might as well get the best out of it. Besides, even though the nose looks natural, but a straight nose is timeless and might look even better? Will consult clinics in March and decide then. :P
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Hey Lotsajunkie,
This is sorta an emotional roller coaster that some of us went thru during the early healing stage. Like..why are we doing this to ourselves? We dun look bad to begin with..blah blah..This will pass as your condition improve. Just focus on whatever it takes to make you heal better and faster. Careful of your diet, walking, ice and warm compress, and supplements. I took papaya enzymes few days after the surgery and not sure if its coincidence, the condition improved so much more overnight. I can't pin point which one helps me since I took quite a no. of stuff. You might want to google about papaya enzyme first before taking.
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Oh, one more thing is, their aftercare is quite minimal, follow-up a day after the surgery to remove the gauzes stuck in your nasal passage, quick disinfecting of the wounds and you'll only be back to their clinic 7 days after surgery to remove the stitches. So the only time u'll get to see the surgeon again will be the day u remove stitches. Just so u'll know, for rhinoplasty, internal stitches can only be removed 14 days later, which I didn't know, so here I am, back home and will be needing a local surgeon to remove it for me and probably incurring extra costs doing it. Not that I mind it at all, but some may not like the aftercare, such as not providing hair wash, de-swelling treatments, and consistent follow-up.

Grand seems quite busy most of the time. Given that, they may be in fact quite popular with the locals as well. I did see many koreans as well as foreigners while i was there for follow-up. I guess a clinic that the locals will visit will have a good reputation? That is only my guess.
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Hey Emisa, I guess we all did sort of go through such a difficult time at some point. I can only imagine you were in much more pain and emotional distress, considering you went through a more invasive procedure like mandible reduction? I really do salute your courage to go through it, I really can't muster enough courage on my part to go through the emotional and physical torment. I always thought healing was a breeze...

I'm taking bromelian as suggested by so many forumers. Vitamin C as well and bird's nest. Hahaha... Everything to heal faster.
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