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best plastic surgery clinics in Korea

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YK plastic surgery clinic look really good,Im so interested in their multi anti aging procedure, that girl look so much younger in the after pics too :O
such a pity they dont have english website, Kimjoo do the doctors there understand english or do they have translators at all?
Do you know where i can find atbeauty and YK's email address?
Thanks for the detailed description btw, very helpful :smile:
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Many thanks, London_chick! I'm looking forward for it now :biggrin:
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So, I know a few people wanted to know the name of the lazer clinic that I went to and got my freckles removed. The website is: www.lamiche.co.kr

I know that its in Korean, but my friend found it and had a chat with the consultant inside early one day and I went with her later that night after she ad checked it out and gave me a big thumbs up. There's lots of skin clinics in Seoul but the whole lazer skin thing was really new to me, so I can only base my experience on this clinic, and like I've said before, it's top notch! :smile:
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wow... finally i'm done with 468 pages of posts... took me couple of weeks to clear that and with the info noted down on papers as i go along much questions have been clarified.... like wat hkp mention in one of her earlier posting #4530 "you wun have questions to ask"

shocked with some 'happenings' gg on midway but that aside, many thanks to pple who share their geniuine experiences and when my time comes for these surgeries, i'll give back to the forum like you guys did... (thou that may be couple of years down the road, after i'm done with liposuction)

till then to those who are recovering... its tough but the worst is already over, jus give yourself time with the deswelling and most importantly is to keep a positive mindset to ease the anxiety during recover period...

lastly, dan4me, whenever you are free could you also sent me ur b&a pix... thou i've already seen those u have posted earlier... perhaps other after pix u have taken which have not been posted?

p.s i dreamt i actually went for rhino and mandible reduction last night... its really like a how to say.... i was able to predict how i look like with my face bandaged up based on descriptions from pple who have gone thru it.... woke up feeling pretty amazing! ~LOL! *that could only mean i'm too engross reading up till i actually dream of it*
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Hello hello!!! I will be there too by myself around the same period. Let me know if you wish to meet up for FOOD!! Yes! ESP spicy food ;)
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That's a good question. Most plastic surgery clinics will have their surgeon's bio on their website. You can see where they studied and what they have done in their plastic surgery field. For instance, for JW's Dr. Suh, it says:
You can see he received ps training at a University, which University, and where he went from there.

Also, make sure the clinic you go to is an ACTUAL plastic surgery clinic. I wrote about this a while ago on this thread.

Hi! I had tiplasty using septal cartilage only. No bridge augmentation, just the tip :smile:
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Hello again! Thank you for your tip and I wish you're happy with the result!!! So far, Yumi has been helpful with my queries. I am going to have primary rhinoplasty and revision double eye lids, hopefully fat microelectronic into my nasolabial if necessary. Hope you had a pleasant time in Seoul too :biggrin:
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Hello again! Thank you for your tip and I wish you're happy with the result!!! So far, Yumi has been helpful with my queries. I am going to have primary rhinoplasty and revision double eye lids, hopefully fat microelectronic into my nasolabial if necessary. Hope you had a pleasant time in Seoul too :biggrin: many thanks again!
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I had a WONDERFUL time in Seoul! :biggrin:
I am sure you'll have an awesome time as well!
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WOW! It's 5,000 krw to remove a mole at this place!!! O.O
And only 980,000 krw to have an injection cocktail (chin botox, ulssera130 shot(??) and ppc) to create a V-line!
And they have an acne clinic!! :O
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Hi kimjoo,

Thanks for sharing your very detailed experience. I benefit a lot from that. Do you already had the surgery with Grand. How you feel like now?
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I was wondering if you guys went to the clinic alone or with friends to lower the price. The price they quoted to me is quite high. I had contacted ID and regen regarding the vline and cheekbone reduction. The regen is overpriced I think. Do you guys have any experience with regen. It seems very famous among local,am I right?
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Yes I would like to hang out!!! What are you doing, and where are you planning to go...?

Have you been reading up on post operative care? NO SPICY FOOD, lady! But i am a sucker for hot stuff too. it will be us vs. delicious spicy food :smile:
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