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asian nose job 2

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Day 10 pictures. I feel the tip is still swollen but I am no longer bruising as I was before so I am taking pictures.

The bridge has deswelled a lot, and I think the tip is about 75-80% deswelled. It will take at least 1 or 2 weeks for overall recovery.

bridged: I shaped silastic implant. tip: my own septum's cartilage was used to build the base of the tip, and donated rib cartilage was used for the very tip. 3mm bridge augmentation.

I am very satisfied with Dr. Charles Lee's professional services and feel that his skill has produced results that are both aesthetic and durable. He made sure the tip was made using materials that will reabsorb and warp less than others, and also was very careful not to go too high on the bridge.

Here are the pics. I am a guy by the way, first time rhinoplasty and last (knock on wood).
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Hey guys,

This is my first post. After a couple of months of casual browsing and a couple of very late nights reading up on these threads I have decided to join. First of all I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to these threads and shared their experiences, it has been loads of help to me and has been very informative.

I am a Chinese/Vietnamese/Japanese girl living in Vancouver, Canada. My main concern is my nose but would also like to get a chin implant and am considering some sort of surgery for my face shape. I think I look pretty now, but would love to improve my face even more. You see, my face is round and flat, front view is good, but the profile view is not so great. My nose is typically Vietnamese being flatish, low bridge, and wide base with big nostrils and thick skin. I would love to have a more Caucasian look with sculpted features, I think this would look good because I always get asked if I am half white as I look very mixed. Does anyone else here look Caucasianish despite being full asian?

Anyways, I know this is quite a whiles away, but I am thinking about getting this all done May or June 2011 in South Korea. I'm still considering clinics. I would be staying for 2-3 weeks. Would anybody be interested in possibly joining me? Would love to have someone with me as I do not speak Korean and would love to have someone to go out with and have fun with and provide mutual support.

As well, Jamasian, your pics look great! I noticed that your face has a very angular pretty shape to it, is this natural? If not, what procedure did you have?
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Gosh, looks like my before-after portfolio. If you want to know what makes her look that made up: prolly the graft which does not have the appropriate height, thickness etc... And her tattood eyebrows as well...
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Can anyone recommend any doctors in Korea or anywhere in Asia who specialize in autologous rhinoplasty (besides Dr. Jung)? I'm not talking about just rib, but other autologous tissue as well.
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i think as far as silicone noses look, that's how they are "supposed" to look - somewhat artificial. i like the fact that the implant is straight and not wide and has a lot of definition. i wonder how far the girl is post-op. if the pictures shown are early results post op, i imagine contraction would occur and the implant will become even more prominent and "fake" looking over time. i live in a city where nasal implants among asians are commonplace and i see a lot of the shrink wrapped, fake look. the worst is when the nostrils look "piggish," probably because an L shaped implant was used. in the picture shown, her nostrils look okay.
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Wow arrow77! Results look incredible!

Can you post b4 pics? Did you have open rhinoplasty?
I'm getting unveiled tomorrow, can't wait to see the results.. really nervous about it...
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hi guys!

Like many others people in here, i also want to get a nose job done. :smile: I love my nose, but it's HUGE! I want to to make it a bit smaller. i'm a bit scare but I've been wanting it to do it since I was little. I finally, have enough $$ therefore i will do it. However, do you guys think it's necessary to go all the way to Korea to get it done?
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Hi all,
I had my 2nd nose job done 4 days ago at BK clinic in Korea. It was a scary experience. Dr Kim used sleeping anesthesia, but for some reasons, I woke up a few times during the operation and could feel the pain. It was so painful... I think I cried out loud... :cry: The surgery was 3 hours long. They woke me up when the surgery was done and took me to the recovery room. I layed down for about 30 minutes, then a nurse came to wake me up asking me to leave, but I couldn't walk. I felt so dizzy, so the nurse let me lay down for 30 min more. Today is 4 days after my surgery, the swelling starts to go down, but I still have trouble breathing through my nose. I have been breathing through my mouth for the last 4 days. It is so uncomfortable. I woke up at night many times b/c my mouth was so dry.... don't know how long this will last... Right now my nose looks like a pig's nose (maybe b/c of the swelling?), but I hope that my nose will come out nice and beautiful.. hehe
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After much research over two years, I finally decided to go to Korea for my revision rhinoplasty this summer. I've consulted with doctors in the U.S., Korea, Thailand, Taiwan, and India. Some of the doctors in India seem really good, but their email responses are rather short.

I still haven't decided on the doctor yet, but I do know that I want to get it done in Korea. That is where I got my first rhinoplasty when I was 14 (a long time ago). I was too young, and I don't think my nose was finished growing. The doctor used silicone to augment my bridge and ear cartilage for the tip (closed approach). The results weren't bad, but he was conservative because of my age. The silicone has negatively changed my nose over the years. It's not the doctor's fault that silicone sucks, and there weren't many options back then. Thankfully I never had any complications, but it has made my nose short and saddle shaped with an upturned tip. I will NEVER use silicone ever again. I want it taken out soon because I heard it gets worse after the 20 year mark, and I'm almost there. I'm looking for a permanent solution. Silicone is just an easy, cheap, quick fix that only looks nice temporarily.

I sent out about a dozen emails to clinics, but I haven't received many responses. I ruled out a few clinics that kept trying to convince me to use silicone again even though I strongly oppose it. I can speak and understand Korean (my mom is Korean), so I called a few clinics. So far, I like Samsung Aesthetic Clinic, AT Clinic, and JW Beauty. Samsung and JW are recommending dermal fat graft for the bridge. AT is recommending rib, and the price is reasonable. I'll probably just have in person consultations in Korea and decide after the consultations. I was impressed with AT because when I called, the lady put the doctor on the phone when I told her that the doctor and I have corresponded through email. Plus I love the fact that he's a member of ISAPS. He was extremely friendly and answered all of my questions. JW Beauty is known for handling difficult revision cases. Samsung and JW offer airport pick up service. Do you think it's rude to have a clinic pick you up at the airport when you intend on having consultations at other clinics too?

By the way, my mom tracked down the surgeon who did my first rhinoplasty. He's still practicing in Kangnam after almost 20 years. He's supposed to write me back, but I still haven't heard from him. His clinic is offering to do a revision at a steep discount. They don't charge that much to begin with anyway. I suppose he still wouldn't be in business if he wasn't good. Would you guys go back to the same doctor?

My mom also said to stay away from clinics that cater to foreigners because they definitely over charge. She said that any doctor in Kangnam is just as good or even better. I'm sorry that this is such a long post!
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Hey Izora,

What's AT clinic? Do you have a link? I suggest you use rib because dermal fat might absorb in time then you will want another revision so you'd rather go through the pain only once right? =]
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