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asian nose job 2

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Hey but kain, mikokinamja nose looks nice nOw, but dun forget our original nose look different frm his, it's 2 very different procedures, for example my nose has not not have enough projection, short collumella, very underdeveloped midface structure, wide alar base.
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Thank you to all who have contributed their experiences/reviews whether positive or negative. Happy healing to all who have recently undergone surgery! :biggrin:

I emailed VIP last month and was extremely impressed with the response from JoAnn and Dr. Lee. JoAnn was quick to reply and I could sense her genuine care and concern for me. My case is extremely difficult/complicated, and I have chosen Dr. Lee because I believe he is the best with autologous rib rhino. I plan to have surgery in March of next year, and will keep everyone updated on my status.

intherighthands, you look amazing! It looks so natural, like you were born that way! :biggrin: BTW, I'm also a fitness fanatic! I'll find it quite hard to stay away from the gym during healing!

migookinamja, your nose looks amazing as well! I like that a bit of the bump was maintained...I think it looks very natural but improved greatly! :biggrin:
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Hi taeyang,

My sincere apologies for the delayed response, I've been so busy and this forum moves so fast! I believe the "boomerang" shaped incision may be the best for preserving the natural curve of the alae, while still reducing the width. It may be called different names by doctors, so don't rely on just that alone. Here's a link: http://www.hossamfoda.com/files/publications/Nasal%20Base.pdf
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Thx very much, to be honest wif u, apart from kain, mikokinamja, and myself, there are alot of people who has had very successful procedure, looking vey natural and pretty/ handsome, I have seen it myself during the 14 days stay at VIP and officetel, they just didnt show their pix.:smile::smile: try to ask them, u will be even more amaze:smile:d
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@angleplane, thank you so much for letting me know about this! I was seriously considering about ID hospital till after i had read the posts on cozycots.=) I am considering SmallFace clinic because some of the forummers mentioned that they do dramatic changes too and they provide excellent after care unlike IDhospital.

Have you done any sliding genioplasty before?
Do you know of any clinic that does drastic changes to rhinoplasty?

Thank you^^
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I’d like to share some of the observations I’ve picked up – my mom was one of those people who get paid for referrals to different doctors. She did this as a side job and hobby for 15 years, in the U.S. I’d say she has a network of 40+ plastic surgeons in California; I went to one of her friends to have my silicone implant removed.

Most of her friends have had nose jobs that are more than 10 years old. Both silicone and rib. Some of their noses are really nice, and have not required a revision. (I don’t know about Goretex, I only heard about it from this forum.) Unfortunately, most of their noses don’t look nice but I believe this is due to the old school method of inserting the materials.

Recently, I heard from a direct source (friend whose mom is his nurse) that a certain doctor around here, known for his subtle, natural nose jobs, just doesn’t care for his non-referral patients anymore. It’s scary. So I want to share some non-technical advice, based on what I’ve heard over the years.

-Many surgeons are just like “line cooks”, and not exquisite celebrity chefs. Meaning they’ve all been trained in medical school, but don’t necessarily have an eye for beauty like an artist would.

-Most surgeons seem to think or express to patients that they can get the job done, they’re the best, this procedure is easy, etc. But the truth is, even if he is skilled, no one can predict what the results will be like or how well the procedure holds up for years to come. This is why I don’t believe in graphic simulations, although I suggest if you want to show the doctor what you want, then you should create your own simulation.

-I’ve had many silicone doctors tell me that my nose could never become projected, yet they didn’t bother to suggest any other materials or refer me to another doctor. Do take initiative and don’t leave it up to the surgeon to decide what’s best, unless you trust him 100% as an artist as well as other obvious considerations (safety records, board certifications, etc).

-Doctors use different ways to visualize symmetry and “perfection” in the face. Such as the 3/3rds rule, or the beauty line. Most of us know that symmetrical and balanced faces are naturally more pleasing to the eye, right? But consider that if you want to change these features and strive for perfection, you will risk losing character in your face. Becoming averagely pretty has cost many actresses and models their careers. I’m not a model or actress, but I suspect this is a reason behind some of the disapproving comments regarding plastic surgery in general.

-A doctor’s bedside manner isn’t indicative of poor or excellent skills. Some of the greatest artists have the strangest personalities. My friend just got her boobs done by a famous LA surgeon and was practically tossed out of their office, but her twins look great. I went with her for her follow up, and he practically tore open her bandages with scissors and told her he "forgot" how many cc's he put in. But again, her boobs look great and feel soft. Although if you’ve heard that the clinic isn’t the type to accept responsibility for poor results, then take that into consideration when choosing one. Clinic policy is a different matter.

-After doing research on the materials, the best way to find out which surgeon has a keen eye for beauty is by seeing their results in person. I know this is difficult if you live in an area that’s not open about plastic surgery, or are traveling far to get it done. So take your time in looking for photos, asking others about their experience.

-Some talented doctors in the area don’t even use before and after photos in their clinic, they go only by personal recommendations. I heard that clinics in Japan market similarly, but not sure. Again, this is probably super sketchy for those of you who don’t have access to personal recommendations, but culturally speaking, some clinics don’t care to show a biased presentation. I found this word of mouth-only type of marketing to be intriguing, but not my cup of tea.

Choose wisely, and trust yourself first!

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intherighthands: are you back to your previous gym routine already? I asked Dr. Lee if i could go back to playing tennis NOW and he said yeah sure. But err... it still hurts when I laugh/cough/sneeze/get up from bed so I'm not sure I can really stretch and hit the ball across the court in my condition. What would you suggest someone do to get back their fitness quickly?

migookinamja: your nose looks great! I have a small question though, does it look as if the small bump on your nose is bigger now after the surgery because your nose is more upturned now or is it just the camera? My nose looks 2 sizes bigger on ichat than in the mirror.

bisousx: yay to boob jobs! but seriously, how would i know if getting rid of something would make me just averagely pretty or stunningly beautiful?
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-YES but are you not moving on? where i tried to end this issue for everyones own good. christ sake. n you wanna keep harping on it, DIY- cuz this thing is getting disgusting and totally none of my biz. all i care is NEW material new technology new clinics - better. so my sis can benefit from it.

blah blah wah wah- i just totally wasted my time even trying to defend myself. lol ahh i seriously think i should claim some benefits or comission from VIP or joan. lol joan if u r here< can u hear me?? hint hint. or just give me galbi treat me when i go over for fraxel k? LOL
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Yo, I been gym since Sunday everyday, yea, but I am very conservative in certain excercise, including chest workout, military press, lat pull down, but almost full capacity on upper back, back deltoid raise( front, mid deltoid as well) tricep bicep workout, lower back excercise, all the leg excercise, in fact I spent about 60% if the tine working out my legs, cause I wanna dunk.
Um, in terms of getting back to exercising, it really depends on the recovery, there is a lot of swinging In tennis, maybe u can try to strengthen ur core muscles or muscles around ur rib first, but I notice the rib actually recover very fast, I have less pain and less pain each day, I think I dun have much pain anymore, I guess going to gym also helps too:smile:
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Yeah, I think it looks bigger in real life too. I think it's because there is more definition on my tip now that there is a more obvious break between tip and bridge kinda like a disney animated character. Obviously where Dr Park draws inspiration:

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My bump is still there..it feels really hard like a piece of cartilage is sticking out. But I will see JoAnn sometimes this week to hopefully set up an appt. I need to get that fix and shave down my bone bump on the right.....I hope this will be a simple procedure, and I am praying the recovery time will be a lot faster than the first time since this is more "simple" compare to the 1st. You still looking to come towards the winter?
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Hey babe. I'm back from a family holiday! What is going on in here man.
So happy you are going to get that taken care of soon. Don't worry too much as it wil be a fast and simple procedure for dr lee to perform. The swell is not as bad and it took a week for mine to go down to where it was before the revision.

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