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asian nose job 2

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Just my opinion, but I find it suspicious posts from people who appear from nowhere (only one post), or in general posts in which the main content of the message is leaving a comment of appreciation on the other's posts, like "you have been helpful", "your posts are informative", "congrats for your nose", "I'm happy that you're satisfied" and nothing too deep about their personal experience, or just "I had silicone and it didn't work for me".
I mentioned recently that Acadrabra knew that VIP staff from Malaysia was reading the forum and suddenly new nicknames appear, VIP becomes THE clinic to talk about, whereas there are tons of other better clinics in Seoul and they are not a rip off unlike them (you only pay extra for the accommodation and pick up).
I may be wrong about the last posts, but it's just an impression. Also, how can someone who's willing to undergo a rhinoplasty can consider the fact of having such a stiff nose that it prevents them from doing some activities ? Living with rib in the nose is a nightmare, at least it is for me. But I can understand that once it's done, we may as well get used to it and look at the positive sides, at least if we are not able to spend USD5000 to remove the rib grafts and fly to Korea. Also, there's the risk of surgeons removing the pieces when it's too early.
How can a cyclist (one post by the way) even consider rib or think that it is the best material after what I explained from my experience. This forum is just spoiled by fake contributors, I'm disgusted. VIP, if you're reading this forum, you're inhumane and too focused on money, let people choose you only if they're really after a huge change of their face and if they are psychologically prepared to have a hard rock nose on the face altering the natural facial expressions. You say BK clinic have ruined people's life, you would have ruined my life if I could not afford a revision and a fly back to Korea. So, stop doing advertisements on forums, go pay a company and have advertisements on the subway like other clinics. It's much more ethical and less "sneaky", to use a word you used in your email.

I know Kain is a real patient, but it just makes their fake posts even more credible.

Sorry, for this post, but I had to say this. I may be wrong, but I strongly feel that someday or another this "Asian nose job 2 thread" is going to have a new wave of all VIP patients and rib satisfied customers, and the worst thing is because there are too many people from VIP staff, in Korea and in Malaysia on this forum, reading, preparing an answer.
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angleplane - it is not surprising if VIP (not sure Msia / Korea) is reading this forum. As you said, you and many other forummers have told them about this forum. For a clinic, I am sure that they would be curious of what are others talking about them in the forum. Moreover, they would also like to know what are the patients' feedbacks. I do not know and can't tell if there is any VIP poster here but a forummer whom you suspected previously, is definitely not a VIP poster. He is just a happy patient of VIP and originated from the sunny island.

I know it is not easy for what you are going through but you deserve to be happy and that comes first. Hopefully, you will heal fast to your desired results and the revision will soon be just a memory. Take care yea ;)
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I am one of those you mentioned who made short comments - I am not working for any clinic. In fact, I am in US right now and will be going to Seoul tonight before going back to Europe where I live. I have nothing to offer by way of experience of rib rhinoplasty so I cannot make long comments and I do not have the time to have rhino now (in fact, my next week in Seoul is devoted to MBA studies) so all I can do now is researching. I shall leave now and not even comment anymore just so that nobody has the wrong idea and be suspicious of the the wrong person.
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@angleplane i have been reading your post for the last couple of days and it has been an eye opener for me. What Clinics would you reccomend that offers a dramatic change besides VIP ?

i think i was set on VIP at one point but now after hearing all this im starting to explore other options. And as far as people posting comments as " your post has been help" or "your post is informative" < im sure alot of them are newbies who just are new to the forum and don't know what else to say but congratulation and thanks.
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There really is no proof that these "new posters" are VIP staffs or not. You're just making an assumption. I'm sure you followed this thread for a while now, and there are always new posters that just post to say "Thank you for your review" or something along those lines. Is it really just a coincidence? Possibly.

Even if they are VIP staffs, it's not like anyone of them so far has said anything negative towards other clinics and just praise themselves (VIP).

You even said so yourself. V
Just because you may not think it is the best material, doesn't mean others don't.
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to be honest i dont really care about if there staff of VIP been on the forum or not, but im sure like Kain, HHer, Destiny, and the few other that very kind send me they b4 and after and review are real patients, at first i really set my heart on VIP and already got appointment with them for my surgery in sept but then now i thinking again i really dont mind if i have silicon for my bridge, it just i feel like i go to korea because i like how those korean celebrity and VIP dont really know by the local and like other said if rib is the best material y those famous people still go with silicon or gore-tex since financial is not really a problem to them, so i think i just save rib for my reversion if i ever need it one day and another reason is i really dont want a big scare under my breast, and i still think VIP is good none of any clinics out are perfect so PS just like gamble with your own body, there alway 50/50 change, once u set ur mind and do it there alway risk no matter what kind of material u pick, and i am one of those just knw said thank bcuz really i dont knw wat else to ask ever since i following this thread all the question i have already been ask and answer
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@jane03 : No, I think you're a real forumer from your previous posts, I saw that you thanked me several times not only this time (thank you by the way), that you were from the US and that you asked lots of genuine questions. Sorry, if it could have sounded that it could be you.

@vk82: If you want a rib rhinoplasty and can live with a stiff and immobile nose that permanently alters your smile, you can go for rib.
For big changes, maybe a lot of fascia can add 4mm to the nose, it's already a huge change. If you no longer have septal and ear cartilage, I know some surgeons use rib in a way that doesn't give you an operated look, maybe you can ask a doctor to use less of the rib in the tip area, but some doctors just like to put lots of rib grafts everywhere, like they inject too much fat in fat grafts. They say there is a reabsorption, but it might takes years, if they do reabsorb (I'm not talking about the swelling).

I did not consult all the doctors that we talked about on forums while I was in Seoul, but all I can recommend to you is to have many consultations, this is the only way to know what is best for you and which surgeon is best for you. I know a lot of people do not have the time for consultations, it is tiring and we have to take the cab or subway (and find an address in Korea which can be difficult for a foreigner), but choosing one clinic because of reviews on one forum is a huge mistake. You need to see different doctors so you know what your special case needs. Also, lots of reviews might jut be fake and you don't want to risk your health, money, time and social life because you were gullible and too optimistic like I was. It costs me so much financially and emotionally to correct that mistake I've made, to base my decision on this forum. For example, for my facial contour, Smallface's recommendation was the opposite of VIP's recommendation, and both of them are talked about in different forums. I did not want to be influenced by other parameters (like how nice the doctor is or how much the clinic was equipped) but I only wanted to base my decision on the satisfaction of customers. I advice you to spend time for several consultations and to go back to the clinic several times, as you'll be able to see lots of patients there, and you can ask them questions. Returning to the clinic everyday, after you discovered the dressing time can be a good way to meet these patients. During my first stay in Korea, there were several unsatisfied patients or not totally satisfied patients, including me, at VIP clinic and none of that was reflected on this forum.

I also wanted to go to Korea knowing where I wanted to go, because I only came there for plastic surgery. I think the best thing is to narrow your consultations to 5, and maybe more as you'll see there are tons of clinics within the same building and streets where there are well known clinics right in front of each other.

It may be tiring to go from one consultation to another, but you cannot make a decision from the internet only, a consultation is so much more informative than 20 pages of this forum, because it is only about your nose that you and the doctor will talk about.
Also, by making my decision on this forum only, it has costed me much more time and effort than if I had 10 consultations prior to going to one specific clinic. For my rhinoplasty, I had only one consultation with one doctor and then, you know what happened.

I think that's also the reason why there are airport pick up and why they want to operate you two days after you land. That's also the reason why the accommodation is sort of locking you into having the surgery in their specific clinic once you've made your decision online. That's why it is interesting for VIP to be on this forum. But the accommodation price is nothing compared to how overpriced VIP clinic is, one never pays USD3000 of hotels and airport limousine for example.

Bottom line : Go have as many consultations as you can, and only then, you can make a choice. Don't be manipulated, don't lock yourself into one clinic because you have been full of hope as you read posts on the internet. I was also a dreamer and I could afford it. Now, I see I've just been trapped into my own naivety.
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Personally, if a clinic is too pushy, one should wait before making a decision.

As for guillibility, if an employee of a clinic tells a patient that he or she is using his/her own money to buy the patient some soup, would anyone believe it?LOL!!!
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@jane03 : If you're referring to the fact that Joann, in her email (that I posted on this forum), said that she used her own money to pay for my two last nights at the hotel after I did the USD5700 liposuction (USD6000 minus the bank fees). I was also thinking it was part of dramatizing her email. The receptionist paid the two nights with a credit card. I don't think Joann would have given her personal credit card to the receptionist to pay for the hotel. I think VIP clinic's credit card was used. But anyway, if I did the liposuction elsewhere, it would have been probably USD2000 cheaper (much less expensive than VIP), but I don't know, I was sort of brainwashed that VIP was the only safe clinic in Korea (which is not true because I haven't heard of other patients having UTI infections after a rhinoplasty in other clinics, but maybe I just haven't heard of it) and I didn't have much time, so I thought it was convenient to do the liposuction there.
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This forum use to be fun, when we had a bunch of friendly people who use to be able to freely say whatever and share their thoughts and experience. It has gotten to the point where people are afraid to say certain things about other clinics or VIP because random accusations are being made and so much passive aggressiveness going on. But I do want to thank those who have been so helpful along the way. If it weren't for you guys, I probably wouldn't be able to get through the rough period I was having during my recovery. Hopefully I can still keep in touch with some of you.

For those who are still deciding to get their nose done, just make sure to do your own research and consult with as many surgeons as you can. Don't just make your decision based on what people say here. If someone say rib is the best material, it may not be the best for you. If someone say getting rib was the worst experience they ever had, doesn't mean it will be the same for you neither. Sometimes you won't even find out until after your surgery. That applies to every material out there. People on this forum are here to talk about their experience to support each other & share what they know.They're not here to make your decisions for you. Please don't blame people on this forum because your decision was mistake.
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we had nose surgery, not smile surgery.
is it really unreasonable for us to expect our old smile back?

i don't think people are talking about a different impression of one's smile.
at least in my case, i was talking about an inability to smile like i used to.

so, frozen nose is quite hard to explain. it's not so much that your nose doesn't move, like angleplane wrote, it's the skin on your nose that doesn't stretch. so when you smile, you get tiny little wrinkles around your eyes and cheeks and all over your face but after my surgery, the skin around the nose wasn't stretching at all. my nose looked shiny, hard, fake and it just sat on my face, not participating at all :/ if you have it, you'll know you have it, without a doubt. if you don't have it, YAY!!! :P

so, my frozen nose look was due to post surgery trauma and/or swelling, i think... and i'm really happy to report that it's GONE baby GONE!!! :biggrin:

it seems like most of the active forum members who went to korea are not native korean speakers. unfortunately, the cab drivers (the ones i ran into) speak little to no english but they all have handy little GPS devices in their cabs. so if you print out the address of the clinic you want to visit, in korean, they should be able to take you there :smile: i'm not sure if all the clinics offer airport pickup service but there are airport buses you can take for around $15 that will drop you off in the heart of plastic surgery land. it may be frustrating navigating your way around at first but i'm sure you'll get used to it very fast :smile: pm me if you have more questions :smile:

btw, i just completed a 30 mile bike ride (haha i know that's child's play for a cyclist) with my new silicone nose and it held up really well with no additional swelling next day!! :smile:

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@Milkyway52 : I am not blaming others and I would like to thank you for your private messages, I'm not sure if I answered your last one. I received a lot of messages when I received yours and I was busy looking for a surgeon to remove my rib grafts. I wanted to answer but I probably forgot, anyway, I appreciated your last message and the previous ones, as they were helpful, even though the experience was not good for me, and I don't think it was your fault or the other's neither. And it was my mistake to rely on this forum too much because my nose and needs where probably different from those who posted their happy experience here.

As for passive aggressiveness, it will never be as aggressive as a clinic selling to persons who are not confident with their look, to change their entire face and don't warn you that your smile will be deformed after.

But you can express your opinion and thank you for doing so, as any contribution to the forum makes this forum more informative.

Anyway, I have a question :
-for those who had several rhinoplasties and do not have a septal cartilage anymore, has the nose collapsed without it ?
Because my septal cartilage is sliced and supported by two rib grafts and I want to fly back to Korea to have these two pieces removed, but one surgeon says my nose would be deformed for sure. But I also know that some people have no septal cartilage at all, so how can a sliced cartilage (supported by the walls of the skin) can deform my nose if I remove the rib grafts supports ?
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